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Book online «Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie by Heather Ray (best color ereader .txt) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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Blue Turbo Ranger."

With that, he vanished in a flash of bright green light.
Chapter Sixty-Two

Tommy weakly opens his eyes, and finds himself inside a cold, dark, damp stone chamber. His arms and legs were wrapped in slimey black tentacles, stretching from the wall. He struggled with all his might, but the black tentacles didn't budge at all. He sighed deeply as he realized he was completely helpless.

Tommy's head perked up as he heard approaching footsteps. He could tell two beings were coming in his direction. No sooner did he make this realization that he saw Lord Zedd march into the chamber, with his Z staff in one hand. His other hand was holding the hand of his fiance, and Tommy's ex-girlfriend Kimberly. A silken black scarf was wrapped over Kim's eyes, and Zedd guided her into the chamber. Zedd glanced at Tommy, and lifted his finger to his grated mouth, in the universal gesture of silence. Tommy frowned angrily, but didn't make a sound.

"Can I take this thing off now, Zeddie?"

Kim asked, touching the blindfold with both hands.

"Allow me, my dear," he said, untying the knot in the back. Once the blindfold fell from her face, her eyelids opened, revealing piercing ruby red eyes. Those eyes widened with surprise, and a sly grin crossed her face when she saw her present.

"Ah, Zeddie,"

she cooed, "you really shouldn't have."

"But I wanted to, my dear. I wanted to get you what you've always wanted."

Tommy could barely stand the way they spoke to each other. He knew that neither of them truly cared for the other, but they carried on as if they were truly in love. Just the thought made him sick.

"So, Tommy,"

said Kimberly, "what do you think of my new home?"

"Sorry, but I don't think Zedd gave me the grand tour," he said sarcastically. She grinned.

"Always have a witty comment?"

she asked him. His facial expression remained grim as he gazed at her.

"Kimberly," he started to say, "you've gotta listen to me."

"No I don't


Kim yelled, her calm face instantly turning to anger, "I thought I'd let you know exactly what you did to me. Tommy, you crushed me. You alienated me from everything that ever mattered to me, and your thoughtless, selfish tendencies ruined my life. Its all your fault, you know. I haven't been truly happy in months!"

To cap off her statement, she slapped Tommy across the face. Although the slap stung his face, the words hurt far worse. He always was one to blame himself for the misfortunes of his friends, and having her affirm his beliefs was torture to him. "Kim --" Tommy tried again.

"Don't even think of begging me for mercy,"

Kim cut him off, clutching her own scepter, "As it is, I'm debating whether I should kill you now, or wait until the wedding ceremony. And stop trying to appeal to my emotions. Give me some credit, Tommy! I'm not the weak emotional marshmallow I used to be! And I am not capable of mercy."

Chapter Sixty-Three

Trevor Monroe is lying on the bed in his hotel room, gazing at the ceiling blankly. He's only been in Angel Grove for two days, and he's hit a dead end. At first, he visited Kimberly's uncle Steve, who lives in the area. He hadn't heard from her. Trevor then did a little research, and found out where the teenagers usually hang out -- the Youth Center. With a little luck, he managed to find all of Kim's friends, congregated in the Juice Bar. But none of them knew where she was. Or so they claimed.

"I hope they find something out," he sighed, closing his aqua eyes tightly, "They really do care about her. I can tell that much. They're probably as worried about Kim as I am. But, I still can't shake the feeling that they're hiding something from me. Could she have been kidnapped, and the kidnapper is holding them to secrecy? I just can't believe she's gone."

Trevor jumped up into an upright position as his telephone rang. He glanced at the phone curiously for a moment, and picked it up after the third ring. "Hello?"

^Trevor Monroe? This is Adam. We met at the Juice Bar earlier.^

Trevor's eyes widened, and a small grin crossed his face. "Did you find anything out?"

^Yes, but we need to talk in person. I'm downstairs in the lobby. See you in a few minutes.^

"Thanks," Trevor said, and hung up the phone. He quickly put his sneakers on, and grabbed his wallet and room key. He straightened out his sandy-blonde hair, and hurried out the door. In less than a minute he stepped out of the elevator, and walked out into the lobby. He immediately caught sight of Adam, who was standing beside the pay phone across the room. He made his way over to Adam as quickly as he could.

"Wow," Adam said, glancing at his watch, "you're fast."

"Tell me you have some good news," Trevor panted. Adam's amused smile fell.

"Come on," he said, grabbing Trevor's arm and guiding him out of the lobby. Once they were outside, Adam checked to make sure no one was in sight. He then heaved a small sigh of relief, and glanced at Trevor. As suspected, Trevor was staring at him in confusion.

"Okay, Trevor," Adam began, "I'm going to tell you what's happened to Kim, mainly for two reasons -- one, you're her friend, and she obviously trusts you, so I feel we can trust you too. Two, we need your help if we're going to save her, and put an end to this whole nightmare."

"Maybe you should start from the beginning," Trevor said.

"Good idea," said Adam, rolling up his sleeve. He then twisted his wrist, and a black box suddenly appeared on his forearm. Trevor gaped in surprise.

"What is that?" he asked, "And how did you do that?"

"It's my Turbo Morpher," Adam explained, "and it allows me to connect to the Morphin Grid, becoming the Green Turbo Power Ranger."

"You're a Power Ranger?" Trevor said in shock.

"Yes," he said, "Me, Tommy, Tanya, and Katherine are the Turbo Rangers. But we're not the first team of Power Rangers. Before us there were the Zeo Rangers, and the very first team was the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. They were some other people you may have heard of: Zack Taylor, Trini Kwan, Jason Lee, Billy Mitchell, and Kimberly Hart."

Trevor's wide eyes widened even more, and his mouth opened slightly. "You're kidding," he said finally.

"No, I'm not. Kimberly was the first Pink Ranger, and she fought against the villains Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd along with her teammates. She left the team to compete in the Pan-Globals, and Katherine took her place. But even though she left rangering behind, the villains didn't forget about her. About the same time that Kim and Jason came back to Angel Grove about a month ago, a new villain called Divatox showed up, and she needed two humans of purity and strength. She chose them, because they were former Power Rangers."

Trevor had taken a seat on the grass, and held his head in his hand. "So what did this 'Divatox'

need two humans for?"

"A sacrifice to her fiance."

At the second word in that sentence, Trevor's head shot up, his eyes wide in alarm. "She's dead?!"

"No," Adam said, "she's not. The sacrifice wasn't the lives of them. Rather, it was their purity. Both Kim and Jason were placed under a powerful spell, completely eliminating all human feeling except one -- hatred

. Fortunately, the wizard Lerigot could break the spell placed on Jason, but the spell on Kim was more potent. We figure it was because there was genuine, deep-seated hatred for us in her heart. Most specifically, towards Tommy and Kat."

"That's not surprising," Trevor commented, "I know what Tommy did to her."

"He didn't," Adam said, resting his hand on Trevor's shoulder, "Tommy didn't cheat on Kim, Trevor. He received a letter from her, saying that she'd met someone else..."

"That's a lie!" Trevor said quickly, "She was heartbroken on Valentine's Day, just because Tommy didn't call. She was 100% faithful to him."

"I know that. Someone tricked the both of them."

Trevor remained silent, letting this information in. "But, I did see Tommy with that blonde woman."

"He didn't start dating Katherine until over a month after he got that letter."

"I...I don't believe

it," Trevor said quietly, "So is Kimberly still evil?"

"I'm afraid so," Adam replied, "Right now, she's up on the Moon, preparing to be wed to Lord Zedd himself."

"You've got to be kidding me on that one!" Trevor said.

"Nope, I'm serious. And about half an hour ago, Zedd kidnapped Tommy too."

"So," Trevor said, standing up, "what are you Power Rangers gonna do?"

"That's hopefully where you come in," Adam said, "Our mentor Zordon is allowing us to attack the Moon Palace full force to save Kim and Tommy. However, there are only three of us left. Our Blue Ranger, Justin Stewart, was critically injured in battle about a week ago, and he hasn't healed yet. We also can't get in contact with any of the former rangers to take over. Right now, its just me, Kat, and Tanya, and frankly, we need all the help we can get."

"I'd be glad to help," Trevor offered, "If you'll let me."

"That's just what I was hoping to hear," Adam said, touching his communicator, "Hold on, Trevor."

With that, the two young men vanished in streaks of green and white light. Moments later, they arrived in the Power Chamber. Trevor staggered slightly, and balanced himself on the nearest console. He shook his head and blinked, trying to clear the cobwebs. He then looked up to meet the greeting faces of Tanya, Adam, and Katherine.

"Don't worry about it," Katherine said, "The dizziness will fade soon. You'll get used to teleporting soon enough."

"Teleporting?" Trevor asked, looking around the chamber, "Where am I?"


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