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Book online «Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie by Heather Ray (best color ereader .txt) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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people are too. She's been gone for a month


"What are we supposed to do?" asked Tanya, "Tell this guy that Kim was abducted by aliens? I doubt he'd buy it anyway."

"The only thing we can do is get Kimberly back," Adam said, tucking the napkin into his jeans pocket, "That's what Trevor really wants, anyway."

Chapter Fifty-Seven

Tommy and Katherine walked along the shore of Angel Grove Lake side by side. Katherine held her hands behind her back, and Tommy kept his hands in his jeans pockets. The warm summer sun beat down on the pair, and birdsong filled the air. Tommy stopped walking suddenly, and turned to Katherine. He had a sad smile on his face.

"Kat," he began, "I want to say I'm really sorry for how I've been acting. Since this whole mess started on Muiranthias, I've been cold and curt with everyone on the team. Especially you. You didn't do anything to deserve that, and even though I may yell at you, I don't blame you for what happened to Kimberly."

"I know you don't," said Katherine, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, "Actually, you only blame one person -- yourself

. Tommy, you keep putting me into difficult situations! You blame yourself for Kim's condition, and so you're willing to do anything to free her of whatever evil is gripping her. You even take unnecessary risks, like just standing there and letting her attack you the other day. Why?"

"I...I don't know," Tommy said with a shrug, "I just couldn't bring myself to fight her. I always protected her, and stopped anything...or anyone

...from hurting her. That's why I got so angry when you --"

"When I kicked her on Muiranthias," Kat finished, "and when I shot her at the Power Plant. But Tommy, what you don't seem to understand is that in both instances, she was ready to kill you. If I didn't act decisively, you wouldn't be standing here. It was terribly difficult for me to attack Kimberly. She is my friend, and I would never want to hurt her. But your life was in danger."

"I know," he said, taking her hand and squeezing it gently, "Thanks for watching my back, Kat. I don't think too clearly when Kimberly's in danger."

"You really must love her," Kat said quietly.

Tommy looked away from her, directing his attention to the clouds overhead. "Yeah," he admitted, "I do. I don't know how to explain it, really, and I can't understand why, but even after I got that letter, and before I found out she didn't write it, I still loved her. That letter broke my heart, but I couldn't feel any anger towards her. Even now, after she almost killed me, I can't be upset at her. Instead, I get angry at myself, for letting her down."

Tommy glanced at Kat, and saw her eyes misting over. Tommy felt a knot tie in his stomach when he saw her in pain.

"So," Kat said, forcing her voice not to crack, " never loved

me, did you."

It was a statement rather than a question. A simply matter of fact.

"That's not true!" Tommy said quickly, turning her around to face him. He gripped her hands tightly, and looked directly into her glassy eyes. "Kat, I did love you, and I still do. Our relationship is very special and important to me, and don't you ever think otherwise."

"But you love Kimberly more than you love me," Kat said quietly. He didn't answer, his silence confirming Katherine's hypothesis. She nodded.

"I understand," she said, "The only reason why you ever fell for me was because you felt Kimberly had found happiness with someone else. Now that you know that's not the case, you realize your love for her never faded. So, when we save her, you'll go back to her, as if this entire incident with the letter never happened."

"I honestly don't know what's gonna happen. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it," Tommy decided, still not letting go of her hands, "Still, no matter what happens, you know I care about you, Kat."

"I know," she uttered, "God, when will this nightmare end?!"

Katherine wrapped her arms around Tommy's neck, and cried on his chest. He hugged her back consolingly, his own hazel eyes wet with unshed tears. The entire team had been suffering tremendously for the past few weeks, and no end seemed to be in sight.

Chapter Fifty-Eight

As the pair embraced tightly, neither was aware of the ruby red eyes watching them from afar. Kimberly stood on the balcony of the palace she now lives in with her fiance Lord Zedd. She stands tall on her coal color high heeled shoes, staring down at the Earth, which was peeking over the horizon. Her delicate features were curved into a furious scowl as she let her ruby eyes unfocus. She blinked once, and her telescopic vision returned to her normal vision. She leaned her weight on her golden staff, with the Heart of Darkness attached to the top by eight golden claws, reminiscent of spider's legs. Her caramel hair is piled up atop her head in a mass of soft curls, held in place by a golden tiara with red gemstones, showing her pending queenship. In place of the leather dress she wore as Divatox's navigator, she had on a simple yet elegant black silk gown that covered her body loosely, yet flattered her fit form. She rolled her ruby eyes in anger, and turned away from outer space.

"Is something the matter, my dear?" asked Lord Zedd, who had just entered the throne room.

"Nothing at all,"

Kimberly said quickly, stepping off the balcony. "Say, where's Rito?"

she asked, changing the subject, "I haven't seen him since I first got here."

"I sent him to deliver a message to Rita and Master Vile," he answered, "He still doesn't know about our engagement, and I don't feel like trying to hide it from that simpleton any longer. I sent him with an invitation to our wedding."

"That's really rubbing salt into the wound,"

Kimberly said with a grin, "Don't you think you're provoking them?"

Zedd laughed. "I hope I do! I'd love to show them a thing or two!"

"Can you defeat them?"

Kimberly asked skeptically.

"Together we can," he answered, taking her hand and kissing it, through his metallic mouthpiece, "Would you please go find Goldar for me? I asked him to contact the Magistrate of Malevolence."

"Who is that?"

asked Kim.

"He is the one appointed in dealing with legal matters regarding villains. Most specifically, nuptials. I already sent him a notice about my divorce, but I would like him present for our wedding in two days."

"I'll find Goldar,"

Kimberly said. After smiling politely at Zedd, she gracefully walked out of the throne room. After watching her leave, Zedd went to the balcony, and focused his gaze to Angel Grove.

"Now," he said to himself, "to see what she was looking at."

As his vision focused, he saw Katherine and Tommy by the lake, walking hand in hand.

"So, Kimberly was no doubt upset by these two, her worst enemies. Well, I think they'll make a perfect wedding present."

With that, Zedd pointed his staff at Earth, and fired a single beam of white lightning at Angel Grove.

Chapter Fifty-Nine

Katherine and Tommy sit in silence under a tree by Angel Grove Lake. After discussing their mutual feelings of confusion and guilt, they had decided to walk along the lake together. They then decided to just watch the sunset pensively. Kat felt she was intruding, since Tommy quite often came to the lake to reminisce and deal with his anxiety. This time was no different. Although Tommy didn't say anything about the matter, Kat knew he was in pain. Kimberly had agreed to become the wife of the most vile, sinister villain to ever come to Earth. What was most painful for Tommy was dealing with the fact that Kimberly hated him beyond words. She hated him so much she made a deal with the devil.

"Kat," said Tommy, breaking the pensive silence, "I'm glad we had this little talk. And I'm glad we came to an understanding."

"Me too," Kat agreed, "You know I'm always here for you. All of us are. We have to draw strength from each other if we're going to get Kimberly back."

"Sure," she said, as the couple stood side by side. But before they could activate their teleporters, a beam of white lightning struck the grass, transforming into twenty of Lord Zedd's infamous footsoldiers.


said Katherine in shock.

"I'll go left, you go right," ordered Tommy, as the two split up. With an aerial somersault, Tommy launched himself directly into the fray, immediately venting his anger and frustrations on the Putties. Although they were stronger than he remembered, he managed to destroy three of them within a minute. Still, more kept approaching, and they surrounded him. In response, Tommy fell to the ground and spun his leg along the grass, knocking all of them off their feet. They fell over, but they got back up, and continued their attack.

Why did Zedd send Putties?!

Tommy thought as he continued his attack, They usually come to either set us up for a fight with a monster, to steal something, or to kidnap someone. Now, I don't have anything important to steal, so

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