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epicanthus. My people don't have them, but I know from where they came. The shape of your eyes is a legacy of Midoro Kyhana, whose family originated in an Earth region called Asia.”

“I like talking with you, Nykkyo. You're as wise as Kyto.”

“Not likely. Vipsa, I have a deal for you. You and I can spend the night together, and in the morning we'll both agree that you and I ... that I ... opened you.”

“You mean you don't want to...”

“I'd rather not. When I accepted Kyto's invitation to join the village, I had no idea this was expected of me. Who'd be the wiser?”

She shook her head. “This won't work. Kwama must see.”

“Kwama must watch us? I'm sure I couldn't with ... someone watching.”

“No, but afterward she must inspect me, so she can tell the village I'm now a woman. Then, tomorrow...”

“Let me guess. Tomorrow we have a feast in honor of the new women in the village?”

“That's right.”

“Can't someone else ... do the honors?”

“No. You chose me, so I can't be chosen a second time. Nykkyo, if Kwama can't certify you opened me, you'll be a laughing stock and I'll be disgraced -- I'll never be a full member of the village.” A tear formed in her eye. “I'd rather not be chosen at all and be a spinster -- than to be a discard, an outcast -- a failure.” She began crying.

“No, Vipsa, no.” Nyk stroked her. “It's all right. If this is so important, I'll do it. I never intended to harm you. I chose you because I like you and I admire you.”

“Hurry up.” He heard a voice from outside the hut. “I'm tired and I want sleep.”

“That sounded like Kwama.”

“Yes. She's impatient.”

“She can wait.” He stroked her cheek. “For me to do this, I must get to know you a bit. I can't make love to a stranger. This can't be rushed. It shouldn't be like one of Kyto's procedures.”

Vipsa giggled. “Nykkyo, that's so funny! To think of Kyto with his herbs and oils...” She began laughing out loud.

“Kyto was a young man, once. He must've opened a maiden.”

She regained her composure. “I suppose you're right -- I never thought of him that way.” She giggled again. “It does strike me as funny, though.” She smiled and looked into his eyes. “I like you, too, Nykkyo.”

“Do you have any experience with this at all?” Nyk asked. “Have you been ... courted?”

She shook her head. “I told you, Borryk and his minions don't care for me. The older men approach with great caution, as Kwama still has the ear of the chief.”

“Discretion is the better part of valor,” he mused.

“I do know what to expect. Kwama told me what you will do. I ask only one thing of you.”

“What's that?”

“That you not hurt me too much.”

“Vipsa, I'll try my best not to hurt you at all. Are you feeling warmer?”

“I'm comfortable. She folded back the pelt. “Do you like my decorations? The patterns represent plants and animals important to us.”

“They're very pretty. The dye -- it's inkroot ... zang'rafan?”

“Yes. Kwama spent the whole afternoon drawing them. They'll fade over the next several days.”

“So much preparation. This is a special event, isn't it?”

“The most important in a woman's life -- and I am honored that you're the one, Nykkyo.”

“No, Vipsa. The honor is mine.”

Nyk ran his hand along her shoulder and arm. She took his hand and held it against her neck. “Your hands are warm. Kwama said that would be a good sign.”

“How so?”

“Warm means you're relaxed ... comfortable ... knowledgeable. Cold means you're tentative ... unsure ... nervous.”

“Are you nervous?”

“I was a little, but you've put me at ease...” She placed her hands against his neck. “Feel -- my hands aren't cold.” Nyk caressed her forearm, took one of her hands and guided it to his chest. “Were you nervous before your ordeal?”

“Yes, and more than a little.”

A girl's voice cried out from across the village. “Oh, no,” Vipsa said. “That sounded like Minta.”

“Who's she?”

“She's the maiden Borryk chose.” Vipsa held his hand against her neck again. “I trust you, Nykkyo. Kwama said I could trust a man with warm hands.”

“Come on, you two.” Nyk heard Kwama's voice again from outside the hut. “Stop talking and get on with business.”

“Pay her no mind,” Nyk said, gazed into her eyes and began to trace the designs on her body. He caressed her and watched the purple patterns flow beneath his fingers. “I'm not familiar with the customs here. Would it be all right if I kissed you?” Vipsa smiled and nodded once. He kissed her lips, and then her neck and shoulders.

She stroked the back of his head as he regarded her. “I'm so happy you chose me. You know the boys don't like me. I don't like them much, either. But - - if I wasn't chosen by the ninth moon, I'd no longer be eligible.”

“How long have you waited?”

“This was my fourth moon. I feared I'd end up a spinster...”

“You a spinster? Those boys are so short-sighted, Vipsa.”

“...or worse -- that one would choose me as a prank. I worried that might happen today, with Borryk among them.”

“What do you mean?”

“That he'd treat me unkindly -- use his strength to ... to...”

“To force himself on you?”

“ teach me a lesson ... to put me in my place. At her opening a girl must submit to whatever the man demands. You might not think yourself as wise as Kyto, but you are as kind.”

“Vipsa, I have no doubt some village man will appreciate you. When the time comes, I hope it'll be someone you love and who'll love you.”

“I have had offers. Gan would like to pair with me. He's had to wait, though -- until my opening.”

“How do you feel about him?”

“He's all right -- as village smith, he knows how to coax metals from the soil. He's a bit like Kyto that way -- but, he's not as gentle ... nor, as wise. I considered pairing with Kyto but he told me he's too old... If I could, I'd pair with you. I suppose that's not possible.”

“I'm already paired. My woman is far away. I shouldn't be talking of her at a moment like this, but I love her very much, and I miss her.”

“I understand, Nykkyo. It's the reason you were reluctant... I think I'm ready. Are you?”

“I suppose there's no sense postponing the inevitable.” Vipsa rolled onto her back. Nyk turned down the feather pelt to her knees. “I won't keep you uncovered for long. I wanted to take a look to see how much trouble we'll have ... I don't have much experience with virgins, but I think we won't have any trouble at all.”

“Kwama said there must be some blood. Some of the boys think the more the better.”

“Boys like Borryk?”

She nodded. “I've heard tales of boys boasting how much blood they draw. I know sometimes a maiden must heal for many days before she can proceed with her pairing.”

“It's inhuman,” Nyk said.

“It's another reason I'm happy you chose me. I was sure you wouldn't be like that.”

“Hmm ... must be blood,” Nyk mused. “Do we have anything sharp?” Vipsa's jaw dropped. She crossed her legs, rolled onto her side, drew up her knees and bit her lip. He stroked her shoulder. “No, Vipsa. If we need blood I was going to offer you some of mine.”

She looked up at him. “You ... you'd do that for me?”

“There's no reason lovemaking should be an ordeal. Not the first time -- not ever.”

“I have a shell knife in the pouch of my robe. I use it to trim Kyto's herbs.”

Nyk stood and retrieved the knife. He tested the blade against his thumb. “This will do.” He slipped it beneath the lower pelt. “In case we need it -- okay?”

Vipsa smiled and rolled onto her back again. Nyk knelt between her legs. He guided her hand onto his abdomen. “I want you to see ... I'm not too big or scary...” She stroked him as he caressed her body, running his palms down her sides and tracing the muscles in her abdomen with his thumbs. Then, he lay atop her, gently easing his weight onto her. He pressed his hips against hers. She winced.

He pulled back. “Are you all right?”

“Yes...” She reached down, felt herself and showed him her finger. “We won't need the knife.”

“I'm so sorry -- I didn't want to hurt you.”

“I know you didn't. Don't feel badly, Nykkyo. It only stung for an instant. I'm all right -- and this is something I want.”

“You're no longer a virgin, Vipsa.”

“Now, plant your seed.”

“So -- it has to be all the way...” Nyk lay atop her again. “Does it still hurt?”

“I like how it feels.”

“So do I... Here we go, then...” He began rocking his pelvis in a slow, gentle rhythm. Vipsa embraced him and ran her hands along his spine. He slipped an arm under the small of her back and held her. She touched his face and smiled. He pushed against her and drew in a deep breath. “Ohhh!” he groaned and let his body go limp.

“Are we done?” she asked. Nyk nodded. “It was starting to feel good...”

He rolled from her and attempted to catch his breath. “I've heard that complaint before.”

“Oh, I wasn't complaining,” Vipsa protested.

“I know. I was being a smartass.”

She put her hand over her mouth and laughed. “I've never heard that word.”

“It means...”

“I understand what it means.” She giggled. “Kwama,” she called out. “I'm now a woman.”

Kwama stepped into the room. “It's about time.” She unhooked the lamp from the cord, pulled back the cover and examined between Vipsa's legs. With a nod she pulled the covers over the two of them and, carrying the lamp, stepped from the chamber.

Orange light from the fire in the central room filtered through the woven twig wall and danced on Vipsa's face. She smiled. “Thank you, Nykkyo. I respect your loyalty to your far-away woman. You're free to go.”

“Is it all right if I stay?”

“You want to stay with me?”

Nyk coaxed Vipsa to lie against him. “I think feeling the other's warmth as you fall asleep is the best part of having a bed partner.”

“The best?”

“The very best.” He put his arm around her as she rested her face on his shoulder, then he kissed her forehead.

“Better than the moment?”

“Yes, because it lasts all night.”

She snuggled against him and he held her across her shoulder blades. “Mmm... This does feel good... Some of the older girls told me stories of their openings. Wait 'til I tell them of mine! I'll never forget this, Nykkyo.”

“Will you two stop it?” Kwama's voice came from another part of the hut. “I'll never get sleep. Are you going to talk all night AFTERWARD, too?”

13 -- Rescue

Nyk walked through the village to a group of women sitting around a wooden tub. Andra was removing the skin from some inkroot with a bone scraper. She looked up at him. “So, how went the big night?”

“I'm not the sort that kisses and tells.”

“Did everything go according to plan?”

“Not quite.”

“I didn't think so. I saw Vipsa with some other girls. She's positively glowing. I don't mind telling you, Nyk, I'm a little jealous. I wonder how Sukiko will react.”

“I did this for the well-being of all of us.”

“Keep telling yourself that,” Nayva said and tossed a root into the tub.

Andra dropped her root into the tub and looked at her hands. They were stained a deep purple. She picked up the last inkroot and began scraping. “I suppose you think this is amusing.”

“I said nothing.”

“I'm not amused,” Nayva added.

Nyk slipped the communicator out of his pocket. “I received a lock again.”

“Did you transmit the distress signal?”

“Yes. I lost the lock, but it's back.” He sat beside Nayva. “I'll send the signal again.” He pressed a control on the handheld device. “There, an acknowledgement. Let's see if anyone answers us.”

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