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Book online «The Lexal Affair by DM Arnold (grave mercy TXT) 📖». Author DM Arnold

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“How can you feel no remorse?”

“Nyk, it's easy. It's lesson number one from Vebinad Academy -- the first order of business is survival. I knew I wouldn't be free of Zander until one of us died. I had a little bet with myself as to which of us would die first. I thought it would be me. I was wrong -- I lost my bet but I won the game. Think how many more would've died if he'd been able to carry out his plan.”

“Plenty of others died anyway.”


“And the commandos?”

“They had no regard for life -- none for their own, and you can imagine their regard for yours and mine.”

“Don't you think about their families?”

“They were all career criminals. They were dead the moment they joined this adventure. My only regret is I didn't kill all of them.”

“I couldn't sleep last night. I kept seeing them in my dreams. I keep hearing the screams of those in the skimmer. And the one I shot -- he begged for mercy, but I shot him. I shot him in cold blood.” A tear ran down Nyk's face. “I don't know how I'm going to live with myself. I don't know how I'll return to Earth -- to a mundane little job in a dingy little office with that man on my conscience.”

“Nyk, remember they killed many more in cold blood. They shot Nayva in the knee to induce her to tell them where you and I had gone. Then, they shot her in the head. If you hadn't killed him -- he'd have killed you, me and Senta. And I doubt it would've been quick, like a pellet in the head.”

“You're a tougher man than I am, Andra. This is a side of you I never wanted to see. It's a side of me I never knew I had. Is it Earth? Have we been corrupted by that planet? Does everyone who has contact with that world end up tainted somehow? I'm sure Earth corrupted Zander. I think it's corrupted Seymor, at least in a way. Is anyone immune?”

“It's not Earth, Nyk. It's human nature. You and I are the same species that lives on that planet, and we think and feel and love and hate the same way. If Florans weren't every bit as human, the school that formed me would've died for lack of clients generations ago.”

“I'm no better than those Altian commandos.”

“You are the better man, Nyk -- much better. That commando wouldn't have shed a tear over you.”

“What of you? You almost paid for our adventure with your life.”

“I survived, and I'll heal. This was good for me, Nyk.”

“Good for you? How can you say that?”

“Ever since Zander took me from the school, I've had doubts.”

“Doubts? You?”

“Yes. Zander did terrible things to my self-esteem. I wondered if I had what it takes to perform the assignment for which I was trained. Now I know I do. This has strengthened me, Nyk. I don't have any desire to repeat it. What I want to do is to recover from these wounds and spend my life with what I love -- with what you showed me to love -- to study the life in the sea.”

“Would you go back to Lexal?”

“I would. I know Janna's safe. I have no idea what happened to Mykko.”

“It was remarkable. After we left the palace, Wygann's bodyguards got him into a skimmer. Vellod's forces, with Altian reinforcements, were too much for the palace guard to hold off and overran the place.

“Wygann declared martial law and formed a government-in-exile. He exhorted the Lexalese people to rise up and throw off this alien infection that had afflicted his world. The people came out in droves.

“His supporters took over the communications facility. He recruited over the vidphones, and Janna gave encouragement from her exile in Floran City. The Lexalese people were driven into a fury of outrage over the actions of Vellod.

“He formed an army of citizens armed with kitchen knives, wrenches, farm tools -- even sticks and rocks. A mob of more than a half million Lexalese citizens swarmed over the palace. Many were shot and killed, and many more were injured. Wygann himself was wounded, but he's expected to recover. His supporters found and decapitated Vellod, Vadima and his henchmen. Lexal erupted into a spontaneous celebration.

“The audacity of the Altians to attack fellow citizens turned the HL against them, and the legislature voted to authorize sending an expedition to Lexal to keep the peace. Wygann said they were not welcome.”

“He turned them down?”

“Yes. Wygann said the Lexalese need no outside help to preserve their security, and any HL forces would receive the same as Vellod got. He is scheduled to make a major address tonight, and it will be broadcast across the entire hegemony.”

Nyk stepped from the tubecar platform an took the lift to the 353rd floor apartment he had shared with Senta. He scanned his wrist and the door slid open. Senta was sitting at a vidisplay. “It's handy you've kept this apartment,” he said. “I thought you planned to turn it back to Central Admin after moving the labs to Sudal.”

“I still spend time in Floran City -- meetings and all.”

“And the occasional assignation.”

“I thought we were observing a truce, Nyk.”

“Yes -- you're right, Senta. I'm sorry.”

“How's Andra tonight?”

“She's doing well.”

“I'll go over there and spend time with her.”

“You two can watch Wygann's speech.”

Nyk sat eating a cold dinner package. The vidisplay signaled a call. He answered with his wristscan and saw Janna. “Greetings from the palace, or what's left of it.”

“I'm glad to see you home. I'm planning on watching your husband's address.”

“I wanted to call to thank you personally for all you did. Is Andra around?”

“Andra's in the clinic. She sustained a rather serious wound.”

Janna looked down. “Will she be all right?”

“Yes,” Nyk replied. “She'll make a full recovery.”

“Thank goodness. If anything had happened to her... I wouldn't have been able to live with myself.”

“Janna -- Andra wanted me to tell you -- Unu Deva Feti.”

Janna closed her eyes and nodded. “So many did their duty and paid the price. We lost so many loyal staff and supporters. We had a hundred and twenty- seven members of the palace staff and guard killed in the initial assault. Daya is dead.”

“Daya? Dead?”

Janna nodded and brushed a tear aside.

“She loved you, Janna. She told me so.”

“I know she did. She was devoted to Mykko and me. So many loyal staff -- they were our friends, Nykkyo. I knew many of the casualties personally. In the liberation of the palace, we had many, many more ordinary citizens lay down their lives. The final count isn't known yet, but it's certain to be more than any of us can imagine -- or bear.”

“I'm so sorry,” Nyk said.

“No, Nykkyo. I'm the one who's sorry. I'm sorry to have embroiled you and Andra in this. You had no business getting involved. I shouldn't have agreed to Andra's plan.”

“Andra's plan?”

“To petition the HL -- it didn't work, anyway. I should've been with my people.”

“That was Andra's idea?”

“She insisted on it.”

“What would Mykko have done if you were in harm's way? What if you had fallen into Vellod's hands? What could he not have coerced your husband into doing to spare you? What of your son?”

“Of course -- you are correct, Nykkyo.”

“Having you in safekeeping freed his mind to deal with the attackers. Mykko told us how deep is his love for you. If Vellod had gotten hold of you, he'd have done anything in exchange for your safety -- anything.”

“Yes, it might have turned out very differently.”

“Might-haves don't count.”

“I do hope you'll return to Lexal, Nykkyo. We are a peace-loving people. You and I are bonded fast, friends-for-life. I will honor that bond.”

“As will I. I not only honor it -- I cherish it.”

“Thank you, Nyk. Now, I must prepare myself for the address.” The vidisplay went dark.

Nyk pressed the touch screen to access the public affairs channel. He saw the auditorium in the Lexal palace. The camera panned around the facility and he could see evidence of scorching, and holes in the roof. Mykko Wygann limped onto the stage with Janna standing beside him. She was wearing the long gown and tiara, but no belt-shield.

The camera zoomed into a tight shot of Wygann's face. “Citizens of Lexal and citizens of the Floran Hegemony,” he began. “Tonight is a moment of triumph for our people. We have eradicated a threat to the security of our land and population.

“A band of thugs, led by a deranged and disgruntled ex-chancellor, and illegally aided by forces sanctioned by the governments of two other colonies attempted to seize control of this world. They were vanquished, not by weaponry but by the will and resolve of this planet's population.” Nyk could hear the crowd in the auditorium cheering.

Jana spoke. “In our time of distress, I, representing the legal government of the Lexal colony, petitioned the Floran High Legislature for support and relief. The High Legislature, in control of an inter-colonial strike force and equipped with state-of-the-art particle beam weapons, refused us each time. Only after the depth of commitment to our defeat made by the Altians became irrefutable did they offer to intercede.”

Wygann spoke again. “I have refused their assistance. The Lexalese people -- our own, fine people -- had by then already arisen and vanquished our oppressors. The weapons we employed were sticks and stones ... Sticks and stones! ... And our numbers and our own resolve.” Nyk heard more cheering.

Wygann raised his hand to calm the crowd. “Our victory did not come without a price. Seven thousand four hundred and eighteen peace-loving Lexalese citizens who answered our call perished in the palace assault.” The camera panned across the crowd again, who now sat in silence.

“Their families will be cared for. In addition, more than ten thousand were injured, and some will suffer the rest of their lives. The blood of our dead and wounded now stains the hands of the High Legislature delegates who turned blind eyes and deaf ears to our plight.

“Never again! Never again will the Lexalese people permit such a threat to materialize. It has become clear to me that the security of Lexal can be had by one means only. We cannot rely on alliances with others. We cannot rely on the empty promises of inter-colonial security made by the High Legislature. We must rely on ourselves -- our own, independent, colonial militia.”

The crowd cheered again.

“Consequently, I am announcing tonight that all Lexalese citizens desiring them may acquire, possess and carry firearms. This is so ordered by me under the provisions of martial law, and will remain an executive order until the colonial senate can amend our constitution to include language guaranteeing the right of the people to keep and bear arms.” The audience erupted into wild cheering.

“No, no, no!” Nyk said to himself. “We need fewer weapons, not more of them.”

The camera panned to a shot of Janna. “I would like to add my thanks,” she said, “to each and everyone who came to our aid -- for you were aiding yourselves. The times ahead will be difficult, as we grieve for the casualties and as we rebuild the capital. If we all work together for the greater good, we will return to normal -- and better life for all.”

The crowd began chanting “Jan-na! Jan-na! Jan-na!” Nyk pressed the control on the vidisplay to switch it off. He went into the apartment's spare bedroom, flopped on the bed and attempted to will himself to sleep.

Nyk walked into Andra's treatment room. Senta was sitting in a chair near the therapeutic pallet. Andra spotted Nyk, smiled and waved.

Nyk embraced and kissed her. “How are you feeling today?”

“I'm starting to be bored,” she said. “I can't wait to go home.”

Senta looked up at Nyk. “Did you watch Wygann's speech last night?”

“Yes. I hope he's doing the right thing, but I fear it's the wrong one.”

“What are your plans?” Senta asked him.

“Tomorrow I make transit. Seymor's picking me up on the relay station. I'll take a few days to relax before going back to my grind. And, I have to pick up Suki. She'll be returning from the dig in Turkey.” Senta put her hand to her mouth and suppressed laughing. “What are you giggling about?”

“I was just thinking -- what are you going to tell your Earth woman about the last few days?”

Nyk rolled his eyes. “I don't want to think about it right now.”

A middle-aged man wearing an official xarpa walked into the treatment room. “Nykkyo, I'm Illya Kronta. Pleased to meet you in person.” He turned to Andra. “Andra Baxa -- it's an honor to meet you in person, too. The reports I've heard are correct -- you are indeed a beautiful woman.”

“Thank you. You're

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