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Book online «The flight of a hero by Cleo Thomas (ebook reader for pc .txt) 📖». Author Cleo Thomas

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lights up the sky. A low grumbling filled the darkness that surrounded me, and eyes of yellow and clear that burned their way through the darkness. Their claws were protruding from their claws gripping the ground and made their way to my body. Scratching and clawing at my body their faces were not friendly; fangs inched their way into my arms and legs my screams were not heard by anyone. I would live and die alone at least I would see my family again. Tears filled my eyes and love in my heart at that moment a light a bright clean white light lit the forest and gave me hope again but there was nothing that I could do about it the wolves there WAS no hope. The light was fading in my eyes but some how I knew I was saved. The light stood there chest out and brave and strong a deafening sound filled the night air too high for me to hear but the other wolves ran in fear of the good of the forest. The light slowly approached me half dead and brutally beaten it placed its clean white paw on my cold bloody body and healed me from the inside out. It didn’t heal me all the way the other wolves didn’t run far the could still catch us if we stayed here so we set back. I was too far along to realize what was going on, with mind a blur and body numb I tried my hardest to follow the wolves decisions and stay conscious as long as I could before dying in it’s hands. It dragged me over branches and through bushes with as much ease and comfort as it could but it wasn’t enough to I swore I was done for no hope of surviving just didn’t have it in me. Meanwhile back at the village the sun raised on another beautiful morning my room maids were up at the crack of dawn in there in fifteen minutes and done cleaning before there was time to even wake up. The maids were cleaning and running their mouths as if I was never absent. Picked up the clothes, and the papers on the floor swept then left. “We’d better give her some time before we wake her and dress her she must ready herself she has a long day ahead of her. Half an hour passed before the came to find my limp pillow of a fake or decoy. Their shocked faces would have been priceless wanting nothing more than to find their missing bride. The alerted the masses in a state of panic they ran for the bright half forest and the fields that contained the beautiful purple and orange flowers. Unfortunately I was in the other direction their efforts were futile. Before I could close my eyes to finish the deed I was safe confined in the part of the village barn where the hay was stored. Laid up against a large barrel of hay the wolf stood over me first scouting out the area then putting its paws on my stomach healing me my wombs were healing its soft feel comforted my broken spirit fragile the good in the wolf flowed through it into me and then cycled again. After all my wombs were mostly healed the good of the forest went back to protect other travelers on their journeys. But a tiny microscopic bit if the good stayed with the wolf filling it with compassion and no longer wanted me dead, but befriended me and loved me. The wolf sat next to me focused yet excited although it wasn’t visible. I sat up and turned to the wolf and laid my hand upon its head and slowly stroked its back. The young and strong male wolf looked up, and nudged my leg I hugged the chest of the wolf showing my apparition for what he did.
Then a low growl fell upon his lips and he crouched down I hushed him and watched. Luke swiftly walked into the barn sad and drooped his head frustrated with news. “She’s gone!” He shouted into the ceiling. “She’s gone, and without knowing my feelings. I am so stupid I don’t care if she is marring my brother she could still change her mind. If she only knew! That girl a wife of my terrible brother not a chance.” He yelled, his anger swelling inside him bursting with rage he fell back on the floor staring up at the ceiling again. “Do you really feel that way?” I whispered from up high. “What?” “Do you really feel that way about, you know?” “Show yourself.” He said standing up looking trough rubble that filled the barn up high and all around him. “Show yourself you sweet voice compels me, come I have no intention of hurting you.” He calmly said sitting once again. I looked over the balcony that held me up in the barn. “Me, I am the one you seek.” I climbed down the ladder onto the barn floor. His cheeks blushed turned read as an apple or cherry beads of sweat covered his face and he looked down in shame. As I reached the floor a mob of people searching for me ran past the closed barn doors looked into the windows and left no knowing that I was in there. “Do you really feel that way?” I asked again grabbing his chin and pulling it up his head to meet my eyes. I kissed his cheek. “That’s sweet.” I said looking at his surprised face turning even more read. “I didn’t know a face could get that red.” I joked he turned and ran toward the mirror hanging from a rusted nail on the wall. He rubbed his face and cleared his throat “How much did you hear.” He whispered in anticipation. “All of it.” I answered regrettably. “Can I ask you something?” “Yeah anything.” His eyes widened I paused for dramatic effect. “Can you help me sneak back to my room? I can’t do it alone and I need someone to distract everyone while I sneak in and sneak back out. We also need and alibi a solid alibi.”
WOOF, yelled the large wolf sitting on a haystack in front of a window looking out completely alarmed. We climbed up him first and then me I couldn’t risk him peeking at me. He was already by the window by the time I got up there. “Look.” He pointed to the mob of people walking to the barn intrigued faces laced the crowd. “Where can we go?” “Over there.” He pointed to a large rope hanging from a large open window across the barn. I looked at him and shook my head thinking that he would drop me or we would be found then we both looked at the wolf. He looked at us the next thing he new he was being pushed him down the ladder but the sound that he made could be heard across the village. He grabbed me by the waist. I dropped my coat clutching him around the neck. As he and I practiced walking with the same foot then he counted to three and he started to run we started out in unison and he grabbed the rope. We jumped; I dug my scared face into his shoulder as we impacted with the ground we rolled for a bit. His tense body arched upright on top of me staring at me our eyes met and our hearts were in sync. The barn doors opened and to the angry and anticipation filled villagers were disappointed to find that the only thing that was in the barn was a wolf. A noise interrupted our moment and he stood up a hand reached out to help me up and we were off again. We hid behind one of the walls of the temple closest to my room we dove into the garden and behind a large bush lots of maids and officials were scurrying in and out of my room. I turned toward him “We need a distraction!” “I know but what?” I whispered in his ear the plan for the distraction. He looked at me surprised and shook his head “I can’t lie I don’t like I never lie.” “But you have right?” “But I don’t think I am good at it I just can’t do it I am sorry.” I looked down disappointed. “I thought you wanted to help me I am very disappointed in you.” He looked away worried that he had upset me and agreed to my plan my face perked up and I pushed him in to action. “HEY EVERYONE.” He shouted. The distraction was working all he needed was to seal the deal. “I saw Sam running through the field five minutes ago you better hurry I don’t know where she could have run off too.” It worked the guards and maids were fooled the dropped their things and ran toward the field. Luke waited until they were out of sight and out far enough for me to jump into the action. I looked left and right the ghost was clear. I ran through the sweat tranquil garden that separated me and my room and dove into the door way I looked inside making sure no one was in there. Thanking him I kissed his cheek a face as read as a cherry again showed he turned as I closed the door behind me. He slid down the door in a dizzy and strutted into a wonderful trance but was still alert and kept a watch full eye out for me. I searched, looking one last time for anyone spying on me in my room. As soon as I knew I was good reached for my chest of clothes grabbing a pair for regular day wear. I placed the comforting clothes on behind my changing stall I turned toward the mirror and grabbed the lace string to tie up my hair so that my hair would stay out of my face. I leaned in and filled the sink with water I dipped the soap in the water and turned off the sink I reached for the towel and heard a voice outside my room. “We didn’t see any girl out there are you sure you saw Sam out there?” “Yes sir, I did why don’t I check for you.” Luke that sly guy took the fall for me and walked out beyond the field and called my name mean while I reached for the soapy rag washed my face and grabbed another towel just in case. I looked around for an escape but there were none to be found I hurried up drained the sink and stood behind the changing stall my sleep clothes were folded in the chest. I hid scared I looked around for another means of escape but there were none to be found. I grabbed hold of the wall and waited for something anything to happen they were closing in fast. And something did happen a hole was in the paper-thin wall behind the stall a paw reached for me through the hole. I ripped the hole a little bigger just enough for me to slide out and quietly I slipped away clothed and washed I looked for another way I couldn’t keep running like this. Then I got an idea, I looked to the wolf and told him to follow me I had a plan. We ran behind the temple and around the to the forest we bordered the Dark part of the forest no one would think to find us or look for us here. As we slid toward the field I could see Luke pathetically calling my name in front of everyone. He stood on top of a large hill looking around calling my name. I rolled under that hill
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