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Book online «The Edge of the Map by Daniel Lucas (e book reader online txt) 📖». Author Daniel Lucas

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effort on the part of the computer. Therefore, he was not surprised when the computer contacted him again.

“The heart has been stopped for over five minutes. Automatic systems have been shut down, due to the probability of life restarting has dropped below standard acceptable levels.”

“What? Do you mean ‘acceptable levels’.” Asked Willson

“Acceptable levels are set by the by the board of military medicine on earth.”

“Define acceptable levels.” Ordered Willson

“The survival rate must exceed fifty percent.”

“Bullshit! Override acceptable levels now!” Shouted Willson

“Unable to comply user does not have command authority to override primary system.” was the reply of the computer

“Who has the command authority?” asked Willson

“Commander Rodregiez has that authority.”

“I’ll fix you!” said Willson as he walked over to the main computer terminal. He removed a panel, pulled a handful of wires out, and crossed two together. The computer gave a loud squawk of static and the said “ Ready to comply.”

Willson said to the computer” Restart life preservation now.”

The computer replied “Complying.”

Willson stepped back and watched as the computer went into a mode unfamiliar to him. He thought that it looked a lot like a hyperactive child with all of his holloween candy in his stomach. This went on for ten minutes and then Willson stepped back into the infirmary area, felt the neck of his friend, felt no pulse, and said, “Shock him again.”
The computer said” Complying.”

Willson stepped back and the computer shocked Rodregeiz heart again and said” Still no heartbeat heart has been stopped for over twenty minutes due you wish to continue with the recovery efforts?” Moreover, Willson replied “What is the prognosis of long term recovery if heart is restarted

The computer said,” Long term prognosis is permanent brain damage totaling 70% and 40% liver damage, 62% lung damage, 10% spleen damage. Long term prognosis is death will most likely occur in less than twelve hours after heart is restarted.”

“Okay I understand the brain damage but, not the reason why will there be liver, lung, and spleen damage those are as oxygen dependent as the brain?” asked Willson

“The damage to the lungs as well as the liver and spleen damage are due to the viral inflection the is in his blood stream.”

“What viral infection?” Spoke Willson crossly to the computer.

“The viral infection that has infected his blood stream. It has now been twenty-two minutes since the heart has stopped due you wish to continue the life saving procedures?” asked the computer.

“No record the time of death please, and enter it into the log. Tell me about the virus that has infected him.”

“There is no data on this virus.” replied the computer.

“Why does that not surprise me….”

“Request not understood please rephrase.”

“Not you, you bucket of rusty nuts and bolts.”

“Well, erect a force field around the table and take a sample for analysis.”


Willson stared at the now lifeless body lying on the table as a servo arm descended toward the body he said “Stop! Take the sample from the back where that strange node appeared.”

“Complying” said the computer.

The servo arm returned to the wall it had come out of and two larger arms came out and turned the body over and returned to there places in the wall. The servo arm that was to take the sample came back out and went to the back and hesitated before taking the sample Willson did not notice it he watched as the sample was taken. When that was finished the arm retracted, the sampler just then a green mist shot out of the wound. Willson jumped back away from the force field includes table to the amusement of himself he let out a small bark of laughter and said “Hell becoming as jumpy as a log frog on a hot griddle.”

“Oh Computer?” Asked Willson

“Ready” said the computer

“Just what the hell was that!” Shouted Willson

“ Several unknown biological substances sprayed out of the wound at 45 kph with a total volume of twenty cubic centimeters, and a conical spray pattern.”

“Enough thanks, What I wanted to know was what was the stuff that sprayed out of the node, not how it sprayed out of it.” said Willson rather sarcastically.

“Two parts per million white blood cells, thirty parts per million red blood cells, forty parts per million platelets, ninety parts per thousand was of a similar nature to the alien in the biological examination station, the balance is an unknown silicon base.” Replied the computer.

Willson digested this for a few moments then said “Transfer the make up of that stuff to my console in the bridge. Begin studying this virus and tell me when you’re finished with it.”


Willson walked towards the bridge on his way he stopped in the galley and poured himself a cup of coffee even if it was discouraged for scouts to use any sort of stimulant. He thought that he would need it for he was going to so over every last shred of the reports that computer had on any thing remotely similar to what had gone on in the last thirty minutes. Maybe he had better fire off a message to HQ to let them know how bad things had gotten. He settled in to do just that and had barely begun when the computer signaled him so he got up to got to the infirmary all the while the recorder was still recording. When got to there he found the body in a state that he did not expect he stopped several feet behind from the force field. He saw
That the body had been covered with a light green fuzz of some been covered with a light green fuzz of some sort. He paused while his brain went into what seemed to be a mental over load. He blinked his eyes several times and cursed himself for being an idiot.

“Computer what is that green fuzz on the body?” Asked Willson

“The organic substance covering the body is of an unknown type and nature.” Stated the computer.

“Why did you not call me sooner?”

“My self logistic program was disabled by you when you tampered with my hard wiring circuitry. If you were to reconnect it perhaps I will be able to answer you’re question.”
Replied the computer

“Oh, I guess I was in kind of a hurry when I did the alteration to you sorry I’ll fix it right now.” Said Willson rather sheepishly.

Willson walked over to the panel that he had removed to get at the wiring of the infirmary computer. He reconnected the wiring, reset the computer to its original settings, and asked the computer to do a self-diagnostic. When it had completed the diagnostic, he asked it to re-examine the original findings of the last hours.

The computer said “Complete.”

“Well what are the new findings?” Asked Willson

“There are several new findings. In what order would you like them presented?” answered the computer.

“I don’t care. List them from unknown to known.” Answered Willson

“The new findings are: there is a highly active virus reassembling Commander Rodregeiz’s DNA, This virus has also caused catastrophic failure in his cardiovascular system, there is a ninety percent likely hood that all persons in contact with him have contracted this virus. The alien in the exo-biology lab is deceased he all life signs stopped due to an unknown cause; a microscopic animal life-form that was repelled by a small electrical charge of two volts attacked the skin of the ship. This concludes the new findings as of 20:30 hours.” Stated the computer

“What was the damage done to the hull?” asked Willson

“There was no damage done to the main atmospheric hull, there is minor damage to the engine housings. The damage is well within the acceptable limits.” Satiated the computer.

“What is the likely out come of the reassemble of Commander Rodregeiz’s DNA?” asked Willson

“Not enough data at this time.” Stated the computer

Willson sat down at the communication system and thought for a moment. He then started a new priority communication. He copied all of the medical files on Rodregiez and his corpse to the report he was compiling for headquarters. He then put all of the logs as well as the planet files in the report as a finishing touch; he encoded it for the highest level that was in the computer banks of the tiny scout ship. He then sent the message off at it’s highest speed knowing full well that it would take several hours for it to reach headquarters.

He sat and stared out the windows he watched the breeze stir the trees. He was still having trouble with the blue tint of the leaves. He was startled when the intercom beeped at him he eased out of his chair and headed back to the med.-center with a heavy heart over the loss of his friend. When he reached the center he gasped in shock at what he had saw in the quarantine field. Before him stood a creature similar to the little visitor in the other observation area except that this version was obviously built for fighting he had long claws and thicker looking skin he saw taller than the littler specimen.

Values asked, “What is in the quarantine field?”

“The creature is bipedal with an overall height of two point five meters tall with a weight of one hundred and thirty five kilograms. The creature is a silicon-based organism that is ten percent human DNA and ninety percent alien DNA. There is no explanation for the change in the cadaver.”

Values thought this over for a few moments until he was startled out of his mediation by a unfamiliar sound he looked up to see the creature trying to force it’s way through the force field. The noise was so intense that he spoke louder than he really had to.

“Computer raise the power output of the quarantine field to one hundred and ten percent now.” He said rather forcefully.

“Complying.” Said the computer

The alien Recoiled from the force field with an almost hiss of pain. It then returned to attacking the force field by pressing on it with its hands. With the new power settings its hands began to smoke as the power burned them.

Chapter Third
November 5, 2999

Admiral Syoyv came into his office at 0600 hours, as was his custom for more years than he cared to think about any more. He was less than a year from retiring with over fifty years in his beloved service even without all of the hard ships that he had gone through to get it as far as they were he still felt they had far to go. He sat down at his desk and looked over the mountain of paper work that he faced every day he almost felt that it was not worth it anymore.

As he was sitting down to begin his day just down the hall from his office was the communication center for the headquarters division of the U.S.S.E. The officer of the day who happened to be a major was just arriving to begin his day. During his normal sift change he spilled his coffee on his desk in the insuring fiasco he accidentally
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