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Book online «The Edge of the Map by Daniel Lucas (e book reader online txt) 📖». Author Daniel Lucas

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hit the play back button on the current message that was waiting to be accesed, he didn’t notice it until he got back from getting himself a fresh cup. As he walked back to his desk he saw the video play back of Wilson being killed then the video stopped as Wilson’s heart ceased to beat and the video was sent back to head quarters as the computer was programmed to do.
He waited for three heartbeats then played back the video. He watched in horror as first Rodriguez then Willson were killed by an apparently intelligent life form he sat numb for almost five seconds and would have stayed that way if it weren’t for the NCO who came in to begin his shift. When the officer of the day did not respond the NCO came over and touched him. The officer of the day jumped and said “ Holy Crap! We, We have to, do something …” and just sat there. The NCO gently pulled him away from the terminal and played back the video for a third time. He said “Dame” then ran over to the copier and printed three copies of the video and sent one to the archives for storage under the highest classification possible. He then ran over to Admiral Syoyv’s Office barging right past his secretary and interrupting a high level meeting saying “Sorry Admiral, But you really have to see this Immediately it is that k! ind of important.”

“It had better be private.” Said a Major half way down the table.

“Now Dave, don’t scare him it probably is, I hope” Said The Admiral as he handed the cube to one of his aides to play on the large screen on the end of the room. They all watched in horror as the Scouts were killed for a fifth time. At the end they were silence of a good fifteen seconds. Then Admiral Syoyv said “ Well, you were right to bring this to me with out all the red tape. Where is your section officer?”

“Sir, I left him sitting in communications. He was having a difficult time assimilating the video.” Said the sergeant.

“Roberts call the medics to check out the Major in communications, Bell you take this Warrant Officer down to the O-club and get him a drink and on your way tell personnel that I personally promoted him. Redmen find the profiles on these two scouts and right now if you please. Oh and Warrant Officer Edwards is it?” Warrant officer Edwards nodded still more than a little stunned. “Good, you did exactly the right thing you will also be receiving the Rodgers medal for grace under fire now go get that drink.” Said Admiral Syoyv.

“First impressions gentlemen …”said the Admiral as they left the room.

“Sir, did he really mean all that?” asked the new warrant officer.

“You bet he did. He is the boss after all what good is all that power if you don’t use it?” Asked Redmen

“Welcome to the officer corps on man, now you’re the guy there going to bitch about.” Said Bell

“Man, I’ll give them something to bitch about if I catch them.” Said Edwards.

“That’s the spirit man” Said Bell

“When you get done come over to the club we will still be there.” Said Bell to Redmen

“Yup, see you there.” Said Redmen

They proceeded to the Officers club where the party was in full swing when Redmen arrived at the club.

“Did you find their jackets?” asked Bell

“Yes, They are really Impressive well, they were impressive” said Redmen
“Listen to this Evens Chair of cybernetics, ditto physics and other really big brain things. These guys were the cream of the crop.” Said Redmen

“What did the Admiral say?” Asked Bell

“He wants a officers meeting at 0630 tomorrow morning,” Said Redmen.

“You have got to be kidding, please tell me you’re kidding!” Pleaded Bell.

“You wish, but live it up we may be in real trouble here I was in comm. When three more distress videos came in one was a meter strike the others were just like the first, only on planets with no less then twenty light years between them.” Said Redmen.

“Okay, lets get out of here we have work to do.” Said Bell

Just then the party hit a high note with a lieutenant standing on a table singing the anthem of the service in a wavering bass that was really bad. Bell and Redmen watched with huge smiles on their faces when he got to the halfway point of the song he fell off the table in a heap. Everybody in the club roared with laughter including the vice-admiral in the corner booth. Then he got up and walked over to the bar and called over the barkeeper and leaned over and said, “This party is out of alcohol no more. Got it?”

The barkeeper nodded and began to put away the bottles from the shelf. He then looked over at Redmen And Bell and asked “Did you want something before it is put away?”

“No. Just put it away.” Said Bell

“Speck for yourself I haven’t gotten any!” complained Redmen.

“Okay, Just one for him. A small one.” Said Bell

“Thank you so much for you kindness, Sir.” Said Redmen
Bell refused to rise to the bait that Redmen had dangled in front of him. As Redmen got his drink Bell looked around the bar and saw a man that really didn’t belong here since he was not in uniform and this was a service party. Bell touched Reedmen’s hand very subtly and into his drink said, “Check out the gomer in the corner, where do we know him from?”

Redmen looked into the mirror and said “Well I’ll be dammed it’s that puke from internal affairs what’s his name, Dumass, Dubras, something like that.”

“That’s what I thought, wonder what he is doing here?” asked Bell to nobody in particular. Then he watched him getup and walk to the head. “Come on” Said Bell

They followed him to the head and, went in after him. Bell went to the washbasin and washed his hands, while Redmen leaned against the counter and watched the door. One of the stalls opened up Redmen pointed the drunken lieutenant to the door. Then the stall that they were waiting on opened up. The man came out of the stall and walked over to the washbasin a couple away from Bell. When he was finished he walked over to the towel rack and dried his hands. As he attempted to walk out of the head Redmen grabbed his jacket shoulder and pulled him back into the bathroom.

Bell spun around and said, “If it isn’t our favorite IA officer. What was your name?”

“Dubois. Now tell your pet ape to let go of me would you?” said Dubois.

“That’s not nice, how could you insult nice apes like that? Redmen here is much meaner.” Said Bell. On queue Redmen squeezed his shoulder very hard not his hardest but close to it then let go.
Dubois grimaced slightly with the pain, but said nothing. Redmen stepped back with a smile, as Bell stepped even closer to Dubois. “You know, I could have sworn that the admiral ordered you to report to me personally when you were working here. Yet here you are and, I haven’t seen you. Are you trying to avoid me?” Said Bell

“You weren’t in your office. How was I supposed to find you?” Said Dubois.

“Well I wasn’t in my office, did you talk to my secretary?” Asked Bell

“Yes, she said that she did not know were you were. Can I go now? You know I’m here that is all I have to do.” Said Dubois.

“Well, since my secretary isn’t female you lied to me.” Said Bell. Redmen shook his head And Said “Dumass, told you.”

“Okay, I didn’t stop by your office how am I supposed to do my job if I have to tell you where I am all the dam time?” demanded Dubois.

“Ask me if I care. That isn’t my problem, what is the security of this star base and, you running around accusing innocent people of treason and other loads of crap with out a shred of proof causes me more problems than I need. My office 0930 tomorrow or I’ll send Redmen here and some of his “apes” to find you and bring you to the brig and we’ll discuss this there. How does that sound to you?” asked Bell.

“You can’t arrest me, I haven’t done anything wrong.” Said Dubois.

“Really? Have you forgotten about those pictures of you and that Captain?” asked Bell,

“What was his name?” asked Bell turning to Redmen.

“Davis was his name. They are really gross by the way if I haven’t said so before.” Said Redmen.

“You said the last time you would destroy those things.” Quietly said Dubois.

“You’re right I did say so, but he didn’t.” Said Bell indicating Redmen.

“Yup I hid them away so that incase you did something like this we could remind you to be on your best behavior.” Said Redmen

“Alright I’ll be there. Now can I go?” He asked.

“Yes, Dubois you may go but if you are two minutes late those pictures go into the computer as evidence then there will be nothing I can do for you.” Said Bell

“Okay I’ll be on time I promises” Said Dubois with a faint note of hope in his voice.
As he left Redmen turned to Bell and waited a few seconds and looked out the door and said “Dam I can’t believe that guy still believes that we have those picts. I told you we should have kept them.”

“No, I gave him my word besides you couldn’t see his face in them can’t convict on a butt shot.” Said Bell

“We should head back to our quarters 0630 will come all to soon.” Said Redmen.

They left the officers club to head to their quarters. When Bell returned to his quarters he found that his phone had recorded several messages for him. He played back the messages they were mostly from co-workers who wanted to find out what was going on. He stripped off his uniform to get ready for his shower. He was in the shower when he heard his door slide open he got out of the shower and, toweled off. He got into his boxers and opened the bathroom door he walked to his kitchen and set the coffee maker for 0530. He headed for his sleeping quarters as he passed the hall closet he noticed it was a jar witch it wasn’t before his shower. Just he got to it he grabbed his side arm from it holster on the belt he had throne on the chair and noticed it was empty he smiled and put it back. He then walked to his bookshelf and grabbed his copy of crime and punishment. He opened it and removed his spare pistol and noticed it was full. He then opened the door to his closet and! there was nothing in there. He closed the door and that is when he was attacked from behind. The attacker knocked him to the floor as he fell he lost his pistol it went sliding under the couch he tried to roll over but, the attacker had him pinned to the floor. He then felt the attacker go stiff and
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