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because of this.”
“It would matter to you?” David asked, feeling his heart
rising into his throat.
“Of course it would, “ I met his questioning eyes; felt the
hope in his mind, the yearning. I wished I could give him more; I
cried inwardly as I looked down. “You are my friend, and are very
dear to me.”
“Your - friend,” David looked as if I had wounded him. He
recovered quickly enough and raised my eyes to his. “It’s enough,”
he smiled at me. He looked up suddenly as he caught a flash of
metal. “No one is supposed to be flying this close to the residence
He was on his feet and headed out to get the guards. They
came in to inform him that a Romulan vessel had just docked. I
nodded as David excused himself. I heard him telling the men to
stay close to me and make certain I was not disturbed. They
assured him they would and I sat back to wait. I knew it was
Sa’vek. He was coming to claim me. I found Aitli’s mind and told
him about this. He assured me that he was aware of the matter and
I was not to worry. So I let myself leave it alone and went to bed.
“It is very accommodating of you to be waiting for me in
bed, Princess,” Sa’vek’s cold voice brought me out of an uneasy
slumber. I tried to pull free of him and he held me firmly. “I will
teach you who is in command here, my dear.” I continued to
struggle and he laughed. “You are a stubborn girl; but I shall soon
break you of that tendency.”
“I have accepted sanctuary, prince Sa’vek,” I said as I
glared up at him. “Even your Romulan traditions accept such.” He
looked at me in shock. “You have no say in what happens to me
“You dare quote tradition to me,” Sa’vek hissed.
“I will do whatever it takes to keep my children and myself
safe,” I told him bluntly and shoved him away. I got up and
watched as he moved away from me. “Even your Emperor does
not have the authority to force me to go with you.” I saw his frown
and knew this had struck home. He came towards me and I backed
away from him. “I know you will not do anything against your
own traditions, Your Highness.”
“You are a cheeky girl,” Sa’vek laughed. He bowed his
head to me. “Very well, Princess. I shall have an expert in
Romulan laws and customs join us on Jarusian.”
“They will join us here,” I told him bluntly. He looked very
annoyed with me. “The Federation is neutral,” I told him. “Until
this matter is resolved, I remain here under their protection.” My
eyes were cold as he looked at me in anger. “Push me, Your
Highness, and I will appeal directly to your Emperor.” I went to
the door and pointed out into the corridor. “Get out of my sight!”
Sa’vek was forced to watch as I went about my business.
He could feel the rage mounting as he saw me smiling up at the
young lieutenant. I was supposed to have been his hostage! I had
no business being with another man. I knew I was flirting with
disaster by tormenting the Romulan, but there was no way I would
let him near me. He disappeared a week later and I was relieved;
until reports began to come to me of the deteriorating situation on
Hazri. They were my people now and it hurt to think of them in
trouble. I knew Sa’vek was behind it.
“He’s trying to draw you there, Melaura,” David said as he
and I sat together in the Observation Lounge a week later. “You
cannot let him get his hands on you.”
“I know, David,” I said to him. “There is nothing I can do.”
I looked up at him, trying not to cry. “I hate being so helpless!”
“Your Highness?”
“Yes, Major Wilton?”
“The Vulcan Ambassador T’pek is here to speak to you,
ma’am,” the man said. “She and her party are waiting in her
quarters.” He looked at David. “You’re going to be late for your
duty shift, aren’t you?”
“If I could stay, Princess…”
“I would never ask you to ignore your duties for me,
David,” I broke in. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He smiled and kissed
me on the cheek. “Good night, David.”
“Good night, Your Highness,” David nodded. He turned to
the man. “I am trusting her to you, Wilt…”
“I…” My eyes went wild as the pains slashed through me
and I knew what was happening. “David, please…” I screamed as I
doubled over in pain. “My babies!”
“Get out of the way, David,” Maya cried as she came
running; her father close behind her. She helped me sit and then
looked at my ashen face. “Go get the Doctor! Now!”
“I can’t lose them, too; Maya,” I sobbed as the pains
continued. I looked at her in panic and she gripped my hand and
just held me. Aitli’s mind slipped in and he helped me handle the
pain. “Please, I whimpered as she calmed me enough so I could
function. “They are all I have left of him.”
“Someone has given her an inducing agent, Martha,” Aitli
said as the woman came running. “To deliberately cause a
“I can’t lose them, Martha,” I cried as she ran the tricorder
and saw the drug in my system. “Please don’t let them die.”
Martha nodded and gave me something for the pain and
had David carry me to the Infirmary. I spent the next several days
heavily sedated as I struggled to deal with the fact that I had nearly
lost my children. When I was finally allowed to wake up, I was
numb. I went where I was told and only ate if someone insisted on
it. The sight of Maya glowing with health while she awaited the
birth of her son only made it worse. I asked for different quarters;
hoping that I would be left alone and found myself in the charge of
a very stubborn Ferengi. He hired me female bodyguards; sisters
he had rescued from Wesh’s breeding pens. They refused to allow
me to hide. Durn had the sisters take me on walks along the
Promenade. He arranged little excursions for me to nearby planets.
Gradually, I began to feel again and the hurt turned to anger.
“I want to know who tried to murder my children, Durn,” I
said to him one night after dinner. “I don’t care what it takes or
how much it costs. I will have their head…”
“Be careful, Princess,” Durn broke in gently. “Going from
numb to outright rage is very dangerous. If you are not careful you
will lose yourself in this need for vengeance.”
“They nearly murdered my children, Durn!”
“And they will pay for it, Princess,” Durn replied. I looked
at him then and saw his own rage barely controlled by his seeming
calm. I relaxed. He understood and he was on my side in the
matter. “The Vulcan Ambassador is coming to visit the station
tomorrow. She has asked for a private performance of your
wielding talent.” He saw me hesitate. “It would be a great honor to
you, Princess; and it might help you to focus on something other
than your near loss for an hour or two.”
“You are a very wise man, Durn,” I smiled at him briefly.
He looked as if I had just given him the greatest gift in the galaxy.
“Have I really been so horrible?”
“You were within your rights, Princess,” Durn assured me.
He held out his hand. “There is a fabric in the shop that would
make an excellent garment for you. Let us go see it.” He got me on
my feet and we started towards the door. The chimes rang and I
froze and backed away. “See her to her rooms,” he told the
women. Once I was gone, he went to open the door and he smiled.
“David! You are just the person we need.”
“She’s not any better?” the young lieutenant asked as he
looked towards the stairs.
“She wants blood now,” Durn told him. “Don’t let her draw
you into any conversations on vengeance. It is too soon for her to
go from one extreme to the other.”
David nodded and went up the stairs. He found me with my
bodyguard and they moved out into the corridor but no further. No
one had gotten within ten feet of me since Durn had hired them. I
threw my arms around David and he held me a moment. It wasn’t
enough. I wanted to feel something again besides rage and so I
kissed him. He stiffened a moment in shock and then he very
deliberately held me away from him. I could see he wanted me, but
not for the same reasons that I needed him. I let go and went to
stand at the windows, tears streaming down my face.
“I’m sorry, David,” I said softly as I heard him get up. “I
had no right to demand anything from you.”
“What you’re asking for is not going to help, Melaura,” he
said gently as he came up behind me. He turned me around and
raised my eyes to his. “I would lose my heart to you in a minute if
I thought you truly wanted me; but all you’re looking for is
someone to help you feel again.” I nodded and he kissed me on the
forehead. “I value our friendship too highly to allow you to do this.
Besides,” he added as he drew me towards the bed; “you love your
“Has there been any word at all, David?” I asked him as his
mention of Aden brought me back to reality. Aden had disappeared
after Sa’vek had arrived on Hazri Prime.
“I am certain he is well,” David assured me. “He and Tal
are probably doing all they can to make the Romulans as
uncomfortable as possible.” He cupped my cheek in his hand.
“Don’t worry about him, Melaura; he knows what he is doing, and
he is not alone.” I nodded and he got me something to drink. “I
have to go back to duty now. Try to relax.”
I took a short nap and woke up, knowing that something
was wrong. There was a strangeness in the room; a mind that did
not belong there. I started to rise and a shadow moved and clamped
a hand over my mouth. Strong arms held my arms down as I was
dragged from the bed. I screamed and light banished the shadows.
I opened my eyes to find myself sitting in bed, shaking and
sobbing in fear. It had been so real! I took the sedative one of my
women brought to me and they came to take up positions in my
room as I slept. This happened for a whole week before I could
stand it no longer. I had to do something with my life that took my
mind off of myself. I needed to go back to work. When I informed
Durn of my decision, he looked at me in shock.
“You have enemies out there, Princess,” he reminded me.
“They will not rest until you are nothing more than a tool for their
“I know.”
“You will end up as Sa’vek’s prisoner, Princess,” Durn
continued as he watched me pack. “Are you ready for that?”
“No,” I shook my head. “I am not accepting that.” I
finished what I was doing and closed the case. “I have already
contacted my grandfather. He is sending Captain Noris for me. He
arrived an hour ago.” I saw his worry and I smiled at him briefly.
“If you do not want
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