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Book online «The Spectrum Force/Rachel Summers by Heather Ray (graded readers .TXT) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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to help you, but you're gonna have to help me, too.*

What do I do?

*You have telepathic powers, Christopher. That's how I sensed you from outer space. They are latent, but the Phoenix Force can activate them, if you try. You have to open your mind, and reach out to me. If I can create a psionic rapport, I can share the Phoenix Force between us. That should keep you alive. For a while, at least.*

Psionic rapport?

*Yes. Its a mental link. Through it, I can send you some of the energy of the Phoenix Force. Trust me, Chris. Its your only hope.*

I'll... try...

Chris concentrated to the best of his ability, given the circumstances. Despite the fact that his telepathic powers were latent, the presence of the Phoenix Force within him ignited his potential in a matter of seconds. Chris' eyes shot open and he took a deep breath, as he could feel the burning flames coursing through his veins. His heart began pounding painfully, and his eyes watered.

Acheron turned around, and noticed that Chris' chamber was also glowing with a faint, fiery light. He smiled triumphantly.


he thought. By sharing the Force with the boy, Rachel Summers is inadvertently speeding up the absorption process. She'll soon be feeling the energy drain. She can keep the boy alive for now, but it's only a matter of time before I absorb all the energy the Phoenix Force had left in the woman. No one can save them here. Phoenix has no allies in this dimension.

Chapter Seven

Meanwhile, about a mile above the caverns, four UCLA students jog down the Hamilton Walkway. In order, a fair ebony-haired girl dressed in yellow passed a bench, followed by a tan, blonde young man in red, a slim, orange-clad girl with caramel hair, and finally a tall, muscular, dark young man in blue. The one in blue panted uncontrollably, and dropped onto the bench, stretching his tired limbs. He pulled the white towel from around his neck, and began to wipe the beads of sweat forming on his bald head. Seeing that he had stopped, the girl in orange also stopped running, and lay down on the grass along the walkway. The young woman in the lead turned around, jogging in place.

"What's wrong, guys?" she asked.

"I... I can't... take it... anymore... Tamara," panted the dark man, "It's... been... over an hour..."

"So?" asked Tamara, "Did you think this kind of run would be easy? Its seventeen miles!"

"I agree... with Craig," said the brunette girl, "I can't... feel my legs."

"You're exaggerating," said the blonde man with a smile, "right, Jocelyn?"

"Not really, Keith," she panted, lying her head on the grass, "Go ahead without me. I'll call a cab."

"Me too," said Craig, "I won't be able to move in the morning!"

"Where's Matthew?" asked Tamara, stopping her jog and looking back into the distance, "He was right behind you, Craig."

"I... I think he stopped at Seven Eleven," said Craig, "Something about a French Vanilla Cappuccino?"

"I think we've run enough for today," said Keith, sitting down on the bench beside Craig and stretching his legs, "We're halfway around the campus. That's plenty of exercise."

"Let's go find Matt, and catch a cab," said Jocelyn.

"We could always fly home," said Craig with a smile, "We have our rings, right? Its more convenient, and cheaper, too."

"I don't think Spectra would like that," said Tamara, "We have these rings to preserve the planet, not make our lives easier."

"Well, she didn't say we couldn't

." Craig pointed out.

"Still--" started Keith, when he noticed his red Spectrum Stone began to glow purple, "Uh, oh."

"Rachel's in trouble!" said Tamara, glancing around her, "The coast is clear. We'd better get to Cloud Castle and find out what's happening!"

"What about Matt?" asked Jocelyn, "Shouldn't we find him or something?"

"No time," said Keith, "He can catch up with us."

The four young men and women raised their rings to the sky, and each was immersed in his/her signature color. Then, they all lifted off the ground, and flew up into the clouds. They stopped at one cloud, which was tangible, and walked into the large, golden castle upon it. Once they entered the castle, they were in a large hall, with a golden podium, and a throne sitting upon it, decorated with gemstones of varying colors. Sitting on that throne was a snow-white woman with curly pink hair, wearing pale robes.

"What's happening, Spectra?" asked Keith, stepping forward, "Where's Rachel?"

"I don't know," said Spectra solemnly, "She hasn't answered any of my telepathic calls. What I do know is that, a short time ago, a being of great power arrived in Langstrum Alps. The power signature was familiar, but before I could investigate, it vanished. I'm detecting magical activity beneath the city, in the caverns deep in the planet's crust. The Purple Stone is there as well."

"What would the Denebians be doing underground?" asked Tamara.

"Well, they can't survive in sunlight," stated Craig, "Maybe they're waiting until sunset?"

"It doesn't matter," said Keith, "We need to find Rachel anyway. If she's not responding to Spectra's call, then something must be wrong."

"Isn't she supposed to be with Chris?" asked Jocelyn.

"I guess. They may both be in trouble."

Just then, a streak of green light passed through the large open window in the throne room. The light took the form of a young, slender man, with short red hair.

"Matt," said Keith, "where the heck have you been?"

"For your information, I was helping a damsel in distress. Veronica needed some help carrying her shopping bags to her apartment, so I volunteered."

"You're so chivalrous, Matt," said Jocelyn sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

"Aren't I, though?" Matt said with a grin, "So, what's going on? What happened to Rachel? My ring was glowing purple..."

"We're about to find out," said Keith, "Okay gang, let's sync, and then explore those underground tunnels. Hopefully, we'll find Rachel and Chris. Spectrum Sync... RED!!"

"Spectrum Sync... ORANGE!!" called Jocelyn.

"Spectrum Sync... YELLOW!!" cried Tamara.

"Spectrum Sync... GREEN!!" yelled Matthew.

"Spectrum Sync... BLUE!!" bellowed Craig.

In seconds, each Spectrum Enforcer was wrapped in bright light, and dressed in their colored uniform, with black leggings and sleeves, white boots and gloves, a colored face mask with blue visor, and a golden belt. The Red Enforcer rose to the sky, the wind blowing through his long blonde hair.

"Let's move," he said, "We have to find Rachel, before something bad happens."

"Why do I have the feeling something bad already happened?" whispered Tamara.

Chapter Eight

After what seemed like forever, Rachel Castaneda's perilous plummet into the Earth's crust comes to an end. However, she was fortunate enough not to land on hard rock, which would've surely broken her spine. She landed in a relatively soft pool of mud.

"Eugh," she muttered, wiping the mud off her face and dress, "this dress is history. I should learn to never dress up!"

Rachel climbed out of the mud, and felt around in the darkness.

"Chris?" she called, "Phoenix? Hello?"

Rachel sighed, and gave up trying to find her missing companions.

This looks like a job for the Purple Enforcer,

she thought, raising her hand to the sky. She then noticed that the silver and purple Spectrum Stone, which allows her access to her super powers, was no longer on her hand.

"Oh no," she moaned, "I don't believe this! Where is it?!"

Rachel immediately fell to her knees, and searched the sandy dirt and mud for the missing ring. It must be here somewhere! I know I had it on when I left the apartment! Without it, I can't contact the rest of the Force!

After a few minutes, Rachel found the wall. She sighed again, and rose to her feet. She kept one hand on the wall, to orient herself.

Its no use! I'll never find it in this darkness! I can't even see where I'm--

The sound of footsteps broke Rachel's thoughts. She listened in complete silence, her entire body freezing.

"Are you sure there was a third person?" she heard a female voice say, "And it is in this direction? Who is it, Father, just someone who was in the wrong place at the wrong time? Oh, I see, a hostage. In case the human male doesn't cooperate. I'll find it."

That's Celea!

Rachel thought with dread. This isn't good. Who knows what she'll do if she finds me?

Rachel quietly lay down on the ground, in an attempt to hide from Celea. She felt around, and located a small boulder sitting before her. She hid behind it, and peeked out. From her position, Rachel could see two small red orbs glowing slightly, illuminating the surrounding area with red light. She could make out most of Celea's face easily.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are, Human," Celea called, walking around the black tunnels, "So long as your boyfriend cooperates, you'll both get out of this alive. You can't hide from me forever!"

Celea scanned the tunnel with her red vision, but she didn't see anyone. She sighed aloud, and brought her hands together They began to pulse with a soft yellow light. She threw the sphere of light into the air, and it attached to the ceiling, dimly lighting the room.

"I can't summon Shadows without shadows!" Celea said aloud, snapping her fingers. Fourteen Shadow Warriors slinked out of the shadows cast by the boulders in the chamber.

"Search the surrounding tunnels for a human female," Celea ordered, "Once you find her, bring her to me and my father in the main chamber. And hurry up!"

With that, Celea left the chamber, and continued down the hall. The Shadows split up into seven groups of two, and each group went into a different cave. Two remained in this chamber, and began searching for the missing girl.

At least I can see now!

Rachel thought as she peeked out from her hiding place. All I have

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