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Book online «The Spectrum Force/Rachel Summers by Heather Ray (graded readers .TXT) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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the Green Enforcer asked, offering her his hand. She accepted his help, and let him lift her to her feet.

"I'll be fine," she whispered, shaking her head to focus her thoughts.

"So, did you... find the help you were looking for?" the Yellow Enforcer inquired.

Rachel glanced up at the young woman, and let a sigh escape her. "Guys... I'm afraid I can't help you with this dilemma. I don't want to sound cruel or anything, but it's not my choice. I... I can't interfere."

"Says who?" the Blue Enforcer practically demanded, folding his arms.

Rachel bit her lower lip. "Someone even the Phoenix can't disobey."

Almost as soon as those words slipped through her lips, a strong wind gathered to a focal point just outside the enclosed circle the heroes formed. The Spectrum Force watched in surprise as the focus became a flash of black energy, causing a hole in space and time to iris open.

"A Multiversal portal," the Orange Enforcer whispered in awe, "Did you create that, Rachel?"

The Phoenix shook her head. "Not this time. But, this is my ride."

She stepped pasted the teens towards the portal, and prepared to leap in. She then stopped herself, and turned to them once again.

"Believe in yourselves," Phoenix said quietly, with a smile on her face, "and you can face any foe." She then winked. "And something tells me I'll see the six of you again... some day."

With that, she waved at the rather startled teens, and leapt through the portal.
Part Four

As the sun slowly crept under the horizon, Chris' dark brown eyes opened for the first time since he was released from Acheron's crystal prison, since he was separated from the Phoenix Force that sustained him during the energy drain. The room was dark, but Chris noticed there was an eerie white light casting shadows around his apartment. What he didn't realize was that his eyes were the source of this strange illumination.

"What... what happened?" he asked himself, sitting up and rubbing his temples, "How did I get back to my room? Was it all... just another weird dream?"

Chris thought about the day's events-- going to breakfast with Rachel Castaneda, the ball of flames that crashed into a nearby alley, Phoenix asking him if he was a mutant, falling down a dark tunnel into a base inside the Earth's crust, and finally being encased in a spherical cage by an alien emperor. Everything went black after only a few minutes of the energy drain, and Chris' last memory was a fiery aura surrounding his entire body, along with Phoenix's telepathic words: *I can send you some of the energy of the Phoenix Force. Trust me, Chris. It's your only hope.*

It couldn't have been only a dream,

Chris decided as he rose to his feet and turned on his lamp, I don't have a vivid enough imagination to come up with that story. But how did I get back here? What happened to Phoenix... and Rachel?!

Chris nearly panicked when he thought about the last time he'd seen Rachel Castaneda, when they were falling through a dark tunnel into the Earth's crust. Chris immediately picked up the telephone, and dialed a number he'd been using quite often the past few days. He waited impatiently as the telephone rang.


said a recorded voice. ^You've reached the residence of Jocelyn, Rachel, and Tamara. Sorry, but we're busy women, and we can't always be by the phone when someone calls--^


interrupted another voice, ^I'll take if from here. If you'd like to leave a message, please wait for the tone.^

^You're so boring, Ray!^

"Uh, hi, this is Chris, and I'm calling to check on Rachel. Please call me, or drop by my apartment, whenever you get in. Its important."

Chris hung up the phone, and suddenly, his hands began to glow white. Chris gasped in fear as his eyes began to shine with white light, and suddenly, images began to take shape in his head.

The first image was of his roommate Kevin, who was purchasing this very telephone from an electronics store nearby. Then, he saw himself talking on the phone with his mother while sitting at his desk. Kevin had just gotten out of the shower, and his head was covered with a towel. Kevin tripped over the long cord, and fell onto the carpet. Chris quickly drew his hand away from the receiver, and the images faded.

"What... what was that?!" he asked, rubbing his eyes. But everything appeared normal. Chris walked into the bathroom, and examined his face carefully.

"Something must have happened in the tunnel!" he reasoned, "But, why can't I remember?"

Chris ran his fingers down his cheek, and he suddenly realized there was a faint bronze lipstick mark on his cheek. Chris touched it curiously, and his eyes widened in surprise as the strange white light returned, being visible through the mirror.

This time, Chris saw Rachel Castaneda and her roommate and friend Tamara Fox in a department store. He then saw Tamara select a tube of lipstick, and Rachel tried it on. Then, another image took shape. Chris saw the Purple Spectrum Enforcer flying through the sky, carrying him in her arms. She flew into his window, laid him on his bed, and gently kissed his cheek, leaving the lipstick mark. Chris blinked in surprise as the images faded.

"I don't understand," he whispered to his reflection, "Somehow, when I touch something, I see... memories of that object? But, they aren't my memories. I wasn't even present in some of the visions..."

Chris suddenly realized the implication of the last memory he saw.

"Rachel is a Spectrum Enforcer?!"

Chris walked out of the bathroom, and into his bedroom. "I've... I've got to find her. Maybe she can explain what's happening to me--"

Suddenly, Chris felt sharp pains in his back. He cried out in pain, and fell to his knees beside his bed. The feeling of dozens of knives ripping through the skin of his back was excruciating, and he felt weak and dizzy. He collapsed onto his stomach, and from his back, a pair of shimmery six foot long wings, glowing with energy, ripped through his shirt. Chris could see the wings as they stretched out before him, radiating bright white light. The shock and pain soon overwhelmed him, and passed out on the floor.

Part Five

Early that morning, and a few flights of stairs down, Tamara Fox, Rachel Castaneda, and Jocelyn Armand returned to their apartment after a truly harrowing day. After the Phoenix had left that plane of existence, the Spectrum Force had convened at Cloud Castle for a few hours, in the hopes of Spectra discerning what had happened to the energies Acheron had siphoned. All their efforts had yielded nothing, and all the teens were advised to go home and rest. Grudgingly, the heroes obeyed. Both Tamara and Jocelyn instantly collapsed onto the couch, leaving Rachel to close the front door. Rachel turned to her roommates, and grinned.

"How are you guys holding up?" she inquired.

"This has been a day from Hell," Jocelyn groaned, stretching her limbs, "The last thing we needed was a new Denebian nutzoid to deal with."

"And now Phoenix is gone," Tamara observed, "I hope she got home okay... but I do wish she had stuck around for awhile, at least until we got her energies back."

"She's the Phoenix Force," Rachel said, putting the tea kettle on the range, "She's got unlimited energy. Spectra assured us that she'd regenerate completely. Anyone want some lemon herbal tea? Caffeine free."

"Sure," Jocelyn said, pushing herself to her feet, "You need help?"

"No, I can handle it," Rachel answered, "Take a load off."

Jocelyn nodded, and prepared to sit back down. But a flash of red light caught her eye. It was coming from the answering machine.

"Hey," she said, walking to the machine, "I think we have a message."

"Who cares?" Tammy groaned, pressing her temples, "Its probably my mother again. I'll call her tomorrow."

"We might as well check it," Jocelyn argued, playing the tape, "After all, it could be important."

The three girls listened as their greeting played, which was followed by a short pause. Then, the new message played.

^Uh, hi, this is Chris, and I'm calling to check on Rachel. Please call me, or drop by my apartment, whenever you get in. It's important.^

Rachel looked up sharply, and nearly dropped the tea mugs she was laying out. "Chris?"

"What's the big emergency?" Tamara asked, sitting up, "I mean, you brought him home safe and sound, right?"

"Well, I guess so," Rachel said, "He was still unconscious when I left. But I had to get back to the rest of you guys, to figure out how to get Phoenix home. I should have checked on Chris the second I had the chance!"

"You didn't have the chance before," Jocelyn said, "so don't worry about it. But get going!"

"You want us to come with you?" Tamara asked, watching Rachel hurry out the door.

"I'll call you if I need you," she replied.

Part Six

"Where... where am I?" Chris whispered, slowly opening his eyes. This time, he easily saw the familiar ceiling of his apartment. The light of the morning sun poured into the window, brightening the entire room.

"Sheesh, Chris," said

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