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Book online «The Spectrum Force/Rachel Summers by Heather Ray (graded readers .TXT) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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Phoenix is fighting to stay conscious. Presently, the energies of the Phoenix Force are being drained from her body by some strange machine the Denebians created specifically for this vile purpose. At the same time, she is sharing the Phoenix energies with Christopher Greyson, a young man who just learned of his gift of mutant powers. Also, she is straining herself beyond limits by emitting a psionic beacon, to lead the Spectrum Force to her, in the hopes that they will be able to stop Acheron from stealing the Force from within her. Usually, Phoenix is excellent at hiding her telepathic exploits, masking them from others. But today she is barely able to stay conscious, much less prevent the telepathic Denebian emperor from listening in on the little conversation. But Acheron didn't reveal the fact that he had heard the telepathic passage between Phoenix and the Green Enforcer. He discreetly moved away from the energy-draining spheres, towards his daughter, who was blocking the doorway.

"Celea," he whispered, "I believe the Spectrum Force has decided to rain on our little parade. Tell me, did you ever find the third human, who was with Phoenix and Christopher at the time of their abduction?"

"No, Father," she replied, "I sent a group of Shadow Warriors to search for her, but they have found no trace of her. It is indeed peculiar."

"It matters not. Phoenix is asking their aid. They must not be allowed to reach this chamber! If a fight is carried on in here, damage may be done to the delicate machinery!"

"Do not worry, Father," said Celea, "I'll deal with them within the tunnels. There will be no sunlight to replenish them! Shadows! To me!"

The twenty Shadow Warriors who stood guard around the chamber obeyed Celea's command, and followed her as she moved through the darkness as swiftly and purposefully as a shark who has sensed the presence of blood in the water. Acheron remained inside the chamber, waiting patiently as the last nuances of energy were passed through the wires and into the batteries. Acheron smiled, and approached Phoenix, who was trembling with exertion.

"Why do you fight me so?" he asked her, touching the glass of her prison with his gray hand, "You will survive the experience. The Phoenix Force within you will replenish itself given enough time. You shall be a slave of the Denebian Empire, our very own rechargeable battery."

"You've... got to... be NUTS!" Phoenix muttered between clenched teeth, "If you... think that... I'll help you... without... one heck... of a fight!"

"You're brave, Eternal Flame, but you are powerless against me."
Chapter Thirteen

The Orange, Green, Blue, Yellow, and Red Enforcers were moving through the tunnels. At this point, there was more room in the tunnels, easing their flight. Keith led the group, following the telepathic call of Rachel Summers.

"We must be close!" said Keith, flying through the dark tunnel, "I can sense Phoenix's beacon getting stronger!"

Without realizing it, Keith pulled away from the rest of the Spectrum Force, leaving a gap between them.

"Keith!" called Tamara, the one right behind him, "Wait up!"

Keith rounded a corner, and suddenly he was struck by an arrow of energy. He was momentarily stunned, and he reverted back to human form. Keith landed on the ground with a thud.

"What?" he said aloud. He could hear a cold laugh.

"Keith!" called Tamara, flying over to him, "what happened?"

Before Keith could answer, three Shadow Warriors appeared from nowhere, and tackled the unprepared Yellow Enforcer to the ground. Before she could react, another arrow sailed through the blackness, and struck its target accurately. Tamara also was disconnected from her powers, and therefore an easier target. Another crawled out of Keith's shadow, and grabbed him, stopping him from once again syncing with his powers.

"I happened," said a female voice, stepping out of the shadows. She was wearing a black leotard with golden belt, boots, and arm bands. She was holding a long bow.

"Celea!" snarled Keith, struggling agains the Shadow that held him tight.

"In the flesh. Quickly, Shadows, lets get out of this large passage. The others will be arriving shortly."

Celea and the four Shadow Warriors stepped into an ajoining tunnel, that was far narrower, and more difficult to maneuver in. She listened closely as the other three Enforcers rounded the corner, and looked around curiously.

"That's funny," said Craig, landing on the ground, "I could've sworn Keith and Tammy were right in front of us!"

A pulse of light from Craig's hand surprised him. He looked down, and took off his white glove. His blue Spectrum Stone was flashing with yellow and red light.

"Uh oh," he muttered, "Guys, Keith and Tamara have wandered into trouble!"

Celea smiled to herself, and pointed down the tunnel. The Shadow Warriors carried the two Spectrum Enforcers through the darkness, covering their mouths to prevent any screaming. Celea remained behind, and kept an eye on the other three.

So far, so good. The longer I delay them, the less energy they will have. Soon, they will be weak, and I will have the advantage!

Chapter Fourteen

Inside the darkness of a tunnel not too far from Acheron, a dim purple light guides the path of a young woman, who flies through the maze with determination. She is more frightened now than she has ever been before. Although she has yet to admit it to anyone, or even herself, she cares deeply for the young man who's life now hangs in the balance. She won't let anyone, or anything, stand between her and Christopher Greyson. As she flies, she sometimes passes Shadow Warriors, who were charged with the duty of searching for her. But Rachel has no time to waste on the mindless drones. She has bigger fish to fry.

Bands of yellow, green, red, blue, and orange light pulse from beneath her white glove. Rachel stops for a moment, and takes off her glove. Sure enough, her Purple Spectrum Stone is glowing in all the colors of her teammates. This can only mean one thing.



she called telepathically. *What's going on?*

Rachel stopped her flight, and hovered just above the stony ground. She frowned when she got no response.

*Craig? Can you hear me?*


came the answer. Rachel sighed in relief.

*What's going on? My stone's glowing in all five of your colors!*

*Keith and Tamara have vanished. And I think we're being watched.*

*Do you need my help?*

*No, I have a better idea. We'll distract whatever monster Phaedra sent against us. You find Phoenix and Christopher. Good luck.*

*You too.*

Rachel continued her flight, and soon, she detected a faint red light.

*Phoenix? Can you hear me?*


responded Phoenix. *Barely.*

*I've found your energy signature. I'll be at your location in a flash. How many Shadows are in there?*

*None. There is only Acheron.*


*The Emperor of the Denebian Empire. Trust me, you'll know him when you see him.*

Rachel flew through the tunnel, and landed just outside a large iron gate. She stood right in front of it, and examined it carefully.

I don't think a blast of my purple energy will penetrate this iron, she thought, but, maybe if I tighten my blast into a laser beam, I can dislodge it...

Rachel brought her open palms together, and folded her fingers, with the exception of her index fingers. She pointed them at the top of the iron door, right where it connects to the rock above. A tight beam of bright light streamed from her fingers to the spot, and smoke and sand poured forth. She moved her hands around the door, destroying the hinges that kept it in place. The door fell inwards, and Rachel flew into the large chamber. She saw two clear spheres of glass, each one with a silhouette of a person within. Between the two spheres were numerous large metallic cylinders, that were connected to the spheres by piping. Lastly, she saw a person through the corner of her eye. She turned around quickly, and saw a tall, dark man wrapped in a long black cape. His eyes glowed red, and they stared at Rachel intently.

"So," he said, "You are one of those Spectrum Enforcers my wife is constantly complaining about?"

"And you are Acheron, I presume?" Rachel answered, not taking her eyes off her opponent. He smiled.

"I see my reputation precedes me. Yes, I am the Emperor. And you, Human, have dared interfere with my plans. For that, you must be punished."

Twin beams of light shot forth from Acheron's eyes towards Rachel. Rachel set up a shield to protect herself, but she could feel the energy beams cutting through her force field. Sweat began to form underneath her mask as she focussed her power, trying to reinforce the shield. But, it didn't work, and the beams cut through, striking Rachel on her knee. Rachel cried out in pain, and fell to the dirt. She looked up at Acheron, who remained where he was standing.

"I can't believe Phaedra cannot destoy you," he said, "You aren't even fully protected against my dark magicks."

I don't believe his blast penetrated my shield! Rachel thought in panic, Oh no! My stone must be running short on power!

Rachel lifted herself off the ground with her powers, and floated in the sky. She frowned at Acheron, and raised her hand high.

"I summon the Elemental Armory!" she cried, "Lightning Sabre!"

A silver blade with electricity sparking throughout the metal appeared in her hand, and she pointed it at Acheron. Acheron moved quickly before the lightning energy could reach him. To Rachel's surprise, Acheron moved so quickly that he vanished from her view. She looked around in surprise, wondering where the Emperor went. Her answer came in the form of a powerful blast of black energy, which crashed into her unsuspecting form. Rachel was thrown clear across the chamber, and crashed into the stone wall, creating a dent in the rock. She fell limp to the ground below, and moaned in pain. Her Lightning Sabre landed beside her.

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