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Book online «The dark matter by Paulina Sakura (great book club books txt) 📖». Author Paulina Sakura

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emerges a viscous and green substance of the stomach of one of them and when this happens the beetle female already has descended from the tree and has come to the soil, where it digs a hole and there buries this green substance … which contains the eggs of the beetles pliers of tin " - it annotated Pe-Shakji …
- The cratenses maybe we are called to be wayfarers of the stars Pe-Shakji - a disciple of investigation said once to the wise old man-, since it is remembered that the time exists on Cratos, the cratenses we have fought against the dark matter and the lack of generation of matter in Cratos, against the lack of sufficient white light in order that our world continues existing, because of it I believe Pe-Shakji, that maybe the destination of the cratenses is to be simply wayfarers of the stars, some day to be able to develop ours and to leave Cratos when this one already is not inhabitable and our capacities of evolution have become exhausted …
Pe-Shakji spilt a tear before these words in that occasion and lowered the head worried by the future generations of cratenses and in turn, urged to himself to finding scientific solutions to Cratos's reality.
- We must hurry up Apollo - Star-bur-said, it is necessary to come to the place of the mountains where he lives Pe-Shakji, since more energetic particles in Cratos's magnetic atmosphere are going to appear in a few days more, when there takes place the energetic rain that happens every three periods of two moons joined in Cratos … and, I have thought that probably is the best moment to prove the worm.
Kire at the time, Star-bur, Olyn - ti, Rax and Apollo, wrapped in white cases of soft and almost silky material the device called The worm, also they put some devices more, notebooks and they were preparing to sleep, doing what they make the cratenses, which it is to take the hand to the head and with a finger to appear towards the center of his cranium and to pull towards his finger the energy of the knowledge that lives in their brain, to let them rest free of any worry …
In the distance, other buildings were spied as in that they were, with fourth equally changeable interiors of color of the yilio material, of which they were done … the empty streets were seen in this part of the city and the climate was remaining stable, for the dome that was surrounding the city that was absorbing and processing energy for those who were living in it … there were no many cities in the whole dwarf planet, since the population had centered in a part of it, only in one, making vegetation grow in the small planet, allowing that the systems of life should continue reproducing or evolving in Cratos … almost without interrupting them …
All the Cratos's cities had a transparent dome, there were about two hundred cities of approximately 3,000 inhabitants every city, the total population of Cratos was this … About 600,000 cratenses man, women and children … all, as the rest of its living beings, fighting against the dark matter and the lack of sufficient white light in its planet …
In this night, the moons that were turning around Cratos had on its bark a scanty violet light and were appreciating some spots silvered in the center of one of them, since was already habitual for the cratenses.
Many stars were not seen in Crater, because in the constellation the dark matter was abounding and really there were only two stars, the giant orange star and the white star … probably because of it, the cratenses wanted to come some day, to being able to reproduce the atmosphere of their planet in another place and after this one in other one, probably for it, their dream would be always to be wayfarers of the stars … wayfarers of these distant points of light who saw across their devices of vision and that fluttering in other distant parts of their universe.
Chapter III. The Halo
- " We cannot manage generate a star from the white light of the worm, in it they are mistaken " - he thought Pe-Shakji-the worm, which is actually an accelerator of particles of the dark matter, will manage to give us white light and we can create from it, to generate energy for our world, but generates a star like who cultivates a vegetable, it escapes to the real possibilities of the man of Cratos - he said to himself Pe-Shakji.
-The light forms the matter of which everything is done in Cratos, and gives the material the power of continuing along the time - Pe-Shakji says to his small pet Tioo, an insect that he caught in the surroundings of the mountain where he lives, the light joins our molecules and each thing that exists in the matter that Cratos forms …
In Cratos, the scientists had managed set to interact particles of the dark matter, as the neutralinos-i - it forms a of neutralinos-, with the powder of their white star that was coming to Cratos, from this mix, they were obtaining the yilio, the material of which their buildings were done and that was changing color. The powder of their star was spreading in Cratos when the brown dwarfs who were near the white star were helping to the interstellar wind to arrive in Cratos …
Kire was a beautiful cratense with golden hair that had silver and green tops, she was tall and very pale as the rest of the cratenses, with gray deep eyes and ears that were lengthened as the rest of its inhabitants, since all the inhabitants of the dwarf planet were thin and had their elongated hands of approximately 25 brestas, approximately 17 terrestrial centimeters beginning from the wrist to the top of his longest finger.
Kire and Olyn-tir were twin sisters, had studied the stars from very small age and were feeling great passion for the physics of particles, because of it when the old man Mercus named them to be going to see Pe-Shakji they were happy, for being able to speak with the wise person of the mountains. The only difference between Kire and Olyn-tir was the color of their eyes and a special symbol; since Olyn-tir had them green olive and she possessed a spot in the neck, of round form and silver.
Star-bur always had been in love with Kire and now that also was a part of the expedition was doubly happy for sharing some days with her in the trip.
Rax and Apollo were two of the best researchers to their scanty twenty-something years …
Unanimously they decided to travel for the route of the lagoon Zic-zuu that was surrounding the mountain where Pe-Shakji was living, as everything what was a water in Cratos, there was totally frozen in its surface in this epoch of the cratense year, which was very long, as the day and the winter station, all this owed to Cratos's elliptical waves around its white star.
They surrounded the lake and began to measure the thickness of the ice, introducing a small Nimpe ray, derived from the Bimpe rays, which was crossing the surface without destroying it and to be of a green intense color, it allowed them to see up to where the ray was coming under their feet, since this green light was interacting with the particles of the ice, doing that the ray was extending only across the ice. They saw that they could without difficulty put their vehicle there and did it. A triangle with three wheels each one was the individual vehicle that they would use, every researcher was taking a bracelet in the wrist and one in the waist, which they activated after putting of foot on this hoop with three wheels, then using the particles Guu - the abstraction of the particles Guu-, they moved skating, they departed from a place out of their city and came in an entertaining and rapid trip to the sacred mountain, which was to approximately 3500 brestas or 300 kms terrestrial …, the lagoon was surrounding the whole area up to coming to the mountain, once they arrived they proceeded to take out their devices of trip …
To reach Pe-Shakji's refuge in the top of the mountain they used their feet normally, they were wearing footwear with beaks that they were adapting to the area and they did exercise to come up to the wise old man.
Inside the refuge, everything was done of natural material mixed with yilio.
-Cratos is surrounded by more dark matter than other universes - Apollo said to Pe-Shakji-we have to prove this worm to extract white light from it - he concluded.
Pe-Shakji lowered the head thinking over and inhaling fresh air, he answered:
- It is the location of our constellation Crater the cause of everything through what we live. It is time for you to know that Crater is located near the halo of the galaxy of which we are a part … there are more constellations near us but they are more removed from the halo … there is something that I want to reveal you and that is important to know for our ends of investigation - he continued - the halo, in the shore that surrounds our galaxy, contains actually, immense quantities of dark matter and of interstellar gas, old and dwarf brown stars and white dwarfs, besides weakly interactive massive particles.
-The worm at the time will give us the opportunity to turn part of this halo into a great source of energy for Cratos, if we manage to develop white light from the dark matter - Olyn-tir said.
Pe-Shakji at the time extracted a former map from one from his old trunks located in the floor of his refuge where they all were sat in circle about a rug embroidered with exuberant colors.
- Of what region is it this map? - Rax asked on having seen that the old man Pe-Shakji was extending on the rug a great parchment of color coffee.
- This drawing is an inheritance of our ancestors - and saying this Pe-Shakji, he saddened up to the point of spilling a tear-, few of you know it but they before us, already had planned an enormous map of our universe, they knew before us that we were an almost part of the halo of this galaxy and what it was meaning …
- What does mean it Pe-Shakji? Say it to us now - affected Apollo said and simultaneously impressed by the news.
The young researchers always had thought that the universe that was surrounding them was entirely of dark matter and some other elements and that the stars that they saw in the distance were a part of other constellations or other distant universes – as they called them.
- It means that our constellation is located near the place where there is created the material that formed and it will form the stars that are a part of our entire spiral galaxy. Numerous constellations like ours form the galaxy Spura, of which we are a part, we are located as you can see it in this map, near the belt of dark matter that surrounds and that wraps to the whole galaxy, Crater is closely together of this belt of dark matter that is The galactic halo, and inside this constellation is Cratos our dwarf planet …- Pe-Shakji said.
- And this implies that our star is old and it will disappear? -
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