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Book online «The dark matter by Paulina Sakura (great book club books txt) 📖». Author Paulina Sakura

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Kire asked.
- Not, the stars that are expelled and do not escape of the halo age more rapid, for the effect of the dark matter that avoids the normal interaction of these stars with other elements of the galaxy that would provide them with life along their stage of formation - Pe-Shakji-answered, our star is near the halo but not inside it, Crateris our giant orange star around which we all turn, is almost in the line of entry to the halo, but not inside the halo and …
- And? - Apollo questioned.
- And this means that we must go to other worlds of our galaxy, we do not have a lot of time of surplus - saddened Pe-Shakji said.
- Tabbi's kingdom is in a part of the halo - Pe-Shakji continued -, it is very dangerous to travel even there because there is no certainty to return, is the place where there abounds the dark matter and nothing more …
- But we have to prove the worm - commented Kire with firmness - in Tabbi's kingdom there would be major receipt of the sound ' k that everything corrodes, the sound does that the dark matter cools and the particles separate and it is easier that they enter the worm -Kire concluded.
- Yes - Star-bur said - Kire is right, we need to go to the zone where there is the dark cold matter in Tabbi's kingdom and to prove the worm.
- There, in Tabbi's kingdom is the dark cold matter - Pe-Shakji-said, but the sound ' k is not something that we, the cratenses, could control and with this vibration the dark cold matter will be able to become warm, the particles hasten and there can be formation of matter of another type, we can remain caught forever in Tabbi's kingdom, there is no guarantee of return - Pe-Shakji finished.
Pe-Shakji was right, the dark cold matter might return in dark warm matter, with intensive particles that might form Baryonic matter that would make them caught in the halo.
- Wait! - Star-bur-said- we can prove the worm in the energetic rain that will take place in the orbit of our planet.
- The energetic rain obeys a contraction and expulsion of the black hole that is near our orange star - Pe-Shakji-said- there will be dark warm matter that will be cooled but we do not know the exact moment, anyhow, we will define it with the rest of the researchers and with Mercus, nevertheless, everything what I have said to you, you had to know it, in order that you could understand more that Cratos does not still have a lot of time, we do not know how much we have, but we must focus our life in developing our energy and our atmosphere and travelling across the galaxy, in order to some day we can live in another world more removed from the halo …
-The worm, the portable accelerator of particles, will be done of the material that more abounds in the caves of Cratos's mountains - Olyn-tir-said, we know that this material is the suitable one to process the particles of the dark matter and to experience the process of creation of white light …
- What matter is this? - Rax said questioning her thoughts-, is it perhaps the golden, conductive material of heat and incorruptible?
- Yes - said Olyn-tir, the worm will be done of gold …
Chapter IV. The past of Crater.
Normally the constellations include several stars that we can see in different galaxies … but the galaxy in spiral where the constellation Crater was located was gigantic, that’s why the constellation was getting lost in a point of this one, near to the galactic halo, which was formed in the main by dark matter.
Sat in the refuge of Pe-Shakji, the young researchers were anxious preparing their trip and for it when Kire, one of the twins cratenses, suggested to be going to Cratos's orbit to prove first the worm, Pe-Shakji answered:
-Kire, you have to know that the dark matter is everywhere, even here in our atmosphere, there is dark matter, in the depth of our lakes, in Cratos's atmosphere, do not worry now for the place where we will prove the accelerator of particles, this needs of a process, first we must prove it virtually and later we will decide the course of the investigation.
And saying this, Pe-Shakji opened one of the trunks that were near them and took a few lenses that were covering perfectly his eyes, they were made of a hard and transparent material of red color in the top part of each lens.
-These lenses are an inheritance of our ancestors - Pe-Shakji-said, they are done to detect the movement of particles of dark matter in Cratos; few people in Cratos know that our ancestors were more evolved than us, more - he said sadly - almost everything has got lost with the course of the time … you will see - he said to all that they were listening attentivly-:
"Thousands of years ago, we do not know how many, the constellation Crater had six stars, besides both planets and the three moons that exists until now, our ancestors were living normally and apparently they were getting sufficient solar light so they did not manage to worry too much for the future of Cratos, but, yes, they were doing investigation with scientific ends to understand better the universe that was making a detour … They reached big advances in the physics and astronomy principally, reason for which they could travel to impressive speeds in the constellation, this you have to know it … they before than us, have been in the surroundings of Crater and in some worlds that surround us in nearby constellations …
All that was before the great explosion, which changed the whole panorama of Crater … our constellation had the form of a glass, with six stars that were doing this figure. Now only we have the giant orange star and our white star, this is because … four stars that were nearby among them, went out forming the great black hole that is between the orange star and our white star. When exploded one of these stars it formed a black hole that reached the other three and altered the orbits of our planet - continued Pe-Shakji-, as you will imagine, all this had immense repercussions for our world, which almost was on the verge of becoming extinct for the impact of a great meteorite in one of its seas and for the changes in the climate that they came as a result of the alteration of the orbits around the white star - Pe-Shakji commented with an expression full of love towards the young persons who were with him-, for this reason, probably the best education that our ancestors left us is the enjoyment of the life with the good things that it has, while it last …
They had reached big advances and they could travel across our constellation coming as before I told you, to the nearby worlds in the nearby constellations of this enormous galaxy, nevermore far … In one of their trips of exploration, they realized what was approaching and prepared a plan to evacuate Cratos, but the time did not leave them to act since they had wished and only some of them managed to escape before the explosion of four stars that it turned aside to the meteorite that hit Cratos, they were foreseeing that Cratos was going to disappear completely to the black hole be formed, but it was not like that …
Almost everything has got lost - Pe-Shakji continued -, they took their knowledge with them, which they managed to store in big units of memory in the spaceships, but not everything was successful. They managed to develop energy to travel far from the great explosion but they could not have created an atmosphere similar to that of Cratos in another world, for this reason, they had the time limited …
What you have listened about the worlds in war it is or it was true, since it was thousands of years ago, the cratenses managed to come to them and narrated among them what they saw, without daring to write it, for fear probably that the spirit of the war was coming to Cratos … They described them as worlds with excess of matter and of white light, with beings who could not use the baryonic matter and the dark matter, worlds in which many systems of life were in danger, which they counted among them is what nowadays is known as legends of the worlds in war, though few ones in Cratos know with certainty the origin of these …
Great part of their knowledge got lost forever, the secret to travel so far away in the universe, since you well know that our constellation is surrounded by a great field of dark matter, which they managed to cross, they could not return all to Cratos after the great explosion, only a spaceship returned, 180 cratenses came on board of it and had to return to begin … some devices remained, some things got lost forever, because their means got lost, because on having come to Cratos it had nothing but chaos … " - concluded Pe-Shakji-.
The young persons kept silence and shake one to one, the hand to Pe-Shakji as a sign of consolation.
- Still there is hope for Cratos? - Apollo asked.
- After of the great explosion, Cratos remained come down to a planet with few white light, with vegetation that it evolved up to becoming blue for effect of the received light, the atmosphere rarefied a bit but later it returned to be equal, I know all that for some scientific experiments that remained guarded in these trunks when they returned from the worlds in war and began to live in Cratos … - Pe-Shakji-answered, the hope always will be there in our hearts, because we have managed to survive the great explosion - he concluded.
- And are these lenses a testimony of which they already knew of the existence of the dark matter? - Rax asked.
-Yes - Pe-Shakji-answered, these lenses are a device of vision to see Cratos's landscape as it is, formed by baryonic matter and by dark matter … It is a device that is loaded by electromagnetic radiation created artificially, the external surface of the lenses is loaded with 3x-h56 + 0m with energy and when it is by night it can turn in dark places little lit by the moonlight, it can there turns the movement of the particles of the dark matter, among the baryonic matter … certainly, each of the nano-particles is not seen, they are seen as spots darker than the darkness of the night, which they go on to irregular speeds and which they are intermittent and unpredictable …
- Is the accelerator of particles an inheritance of our ancestors? -Olyn-tir asked.
- Not, a new science was born after their arrival, almost everything what they developed got lost in the time - Pe-Shakji-said- almost all their knowledge went out …
- The material to using will be the gold - Olyn-tir-said the accelerator of particles in the shape of worm might be proved in the first virtual field, with simulated movements of neutralinos-i and of other particles that form the dark matter.
- We must look for a cold field of dark matter, the sufficiently cold thing in order that its particles move to a suitable speed for the experiment - Pe-Shakji said.
- Will
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