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Book online «The Terran Rangers/The Spectrum Force/Sailor Moon - The Preliminaries Volume 5 by Heather Ray (lightweight ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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Part Six

Chapter Six

At the same time, in the Command Center in Angel Grove, Alpha 5 monitored the communications grid while Billy and Jocelyn busily tried to determine the origin of the mysterious votex that kidnapped the White and Black Power Rangers over an hour ago. While the two genuises and the robot concentrated on their tasks, the remaining members of the Power Rangers -- Kimberly, Rocky, and Adam, talked with the remaining members of the Spectrum Force -- Matthew, Tamara, and Craig.

"...but they finally decided that the work they'd do at a Peace Conference would be just as vital to Earth's future as being Power Rangers," said Kimberly. "So, with a few tears and some more encouragement, Zack, Trini, and Jason boarded that plane to Switzerland."

"And you guys haven't seen them since?" asked Matthew.

"Well," said Rocky. "They've been really busy, and we can't leave Angel Grove all at once. Not with Zedd and Rita to contend with. But, we send them letters, and they send us letters. Billy's working on some kind of gadget that allows them to reach us without using the phone lines, since they're not really safe, and the long distance charges are murder. The communicators we use now weren't meant for long conversations, just for short communique. Eventually, we'll be able to talk to them as long as we want, and about whatever we want."

"Wow," said Tamara, "that Billy is really an amazing scientist. I bet Jocelyn's met her match."

"Is Jocelyn an inventor too?" asked Aisha.

"Not really," said Craig. "She's an expert in physics, chemistry, and computer science, but she doesn't build things. I guess she lacks Billy's imagination. She can fix any machine under the sun, and she can figure out any machine, but she can't design them."

"Aye yi yi!" shrieked Alpha in surprise, "I'm getting a transmission!"

"Really?" asked Kim as all eight teenaged heroes crowd around the small robot. "Is it Tommy? Or the others?"

"No," said Alpha. "The transmission is weak, but it's on an unfamiliar frequency. Adjusting frequency modulator now. There should be an image appearing on the Viewing Globe."

The eight young heroes circled the Viewing Globe, silently praying to see a familiar face. However, they receive a real surprise when the face of a young woman with blue hair and a golden tiara appears.


shrieked the girl on the globe. ^What's going on? Who are all of you?!^

"Funny," said Craig, "we were about to ask you the same question."

"Zordon," said Kimberly, "do you know this girl?"



^Uh... I'm trying to contact two of my allies, Sailor Mars and Sailor Jupiter. They vanished a few minutes ago, and I traced the vortex they passed through. I don't understand why I called you.^

"Wait," said Billy, "are you a team of superheroes, by any chance?"

^Why, yes we are. We're the Sailor Scouts. I'm Sailor Mercury.^

"If your friends were kidnapped by the same being that kidnapped our friends, then that portal cut a hole through the Multiverse. If you piggybacked a signal on the residual energy of the vortex, the signal passed through the Multiverse. Since we had our communications array programmed to scan the Multiverse for a beacon, the two signals made contact, and you were patched into the Command Center."

^What did he say?^

asked another young girl from the background.

^Just a minute Usagi,^

said Sailor Mercury. She then turned back to the communicator. ^I supposed that's possible. I wasn't aware there was such thing as a Multiverse. So, you are all from a reality entirely separate from our own?^

"Yeah," said Jocelyn, "and it seems like we've all got similar problems. As a matter of fact, there are two teams of heroes here, from two different realities. We decided to team up and figure out what happened to four of our teammates."

^Maybe we should all team up,^

said a young woman with two long blonde pigtails. ^Hi, I'm Sailor Moon, leader of the Sailor Scouts. If we all work together, we may be able to figure out what's going on here.^


"Okay," said Alpha 5, fumbling with the teleporter controls. In a few minutes, he locked in on the Sailor Scouts. "Are there three of you?"


said Sailor Mercury.

"Prepare to teleport."

In a flash of blue, pink, and yellow light, the three remaining Sailor Scouts appeared in the Command Center. They scanned the room and the people in awe. Sailor Mercury first laid eyes on Alpha 5.

"Amazing," she said. "You're robot, correct?"


"Fully sentient? You can think, make decisions based on reason? Do you have emotional capacities?"

"Yes, yes, and yes," answered Alpha.

"Wow," said Sailor Venus, "check out the head!"

Sailor Moon gasped as she saw Zordon. "Are you alive?"


"So, which ones of you guys are Power Rangers?" asked Minako.

"That would be me," said Billy, "Kim, Rocky, and Aisha. My name's Billy."

Billy pointed out his teammates to the three scouts, and they all shook hands.

"And who are the rest of you?" asked Sailor Moon.

"We're the Spectrum Force. I'm Matt, and this is Jocelyn, Tamara, and Craig."

After all the introductions were finally done, the eleven young heroes got back to work. Amy helped Billy, Jocelyn, and Alpha 5 try to pinpoint their allies, and the other two scouts sat and waited with the other heroes.

"I can't stand this waiting!" cried Sailor Moon. "Isn't there anything we can do?"

"The best thing we can do is wait and be ready in case something happens," said Rocky. "Whoever kidnapped our friends most likely has something in store. And if not, you can bet our enemies will try to take advantage of us being short handed."

"Wait!" said Tamara. "What if Phaedra strikes again? There's no one in Langstrum Alps to stop it!"

"Spectra will contact us," said Craig, "and we'll be on the scene at a moment's notice."

"And I guess Luna and Artemis can contact us," said Minako. "Can they?"

"We'll keep the communication lines open through the Multiverse," said Billy. "They should be able to reach you if they try."

"Good," said Amy in relief, "at least we don't have to worry about our home dimension."

"True," said Kimberly. "After all, with six of our closest friends missing without a trace, we have more than enough to worry about."

Part Seven

Chapter Seven

A cold, cruel laugh pierced the vaccuum of space that was the Multiverse. In the opal palace floating in the vast nothingness, the villainous Solar looked out into the black sky, streaked with color.

"Now I have six of the most powerful heroes in existence," he said to himself, looking at a crystal ball about the size of a soccer ball, "and I have them suspended in this crystal. Now, I can do whatever I want to them. But, what do I want? I can easily make them serve me. But, a mind control spell of that caliber is very difficult to use on so many pure-hearted individuals all at once for a long period of time. No doubt the strain would weaken me. However, I can easily hold control over one of them for as long as I may desire, without straining my mental powers. But, which one do I choose?

Solar walked over to the crystal, and gently touched the surface with his hand. If one looked closely, one can see six small figures, frozen in space.

"I have here the mighty White Ranger, the daring Black Ranger, the resourceful Purple Enforcer, the fearless Red Enforcer, the powerful Sailor Jupiter, and finally the bold Sailor Mars. Each of them have special talents that will no doubt prove useful to me as I conquer the Multiverse. How do I choose? Of course!

Solar picked up the crystal, and carried it to the balcony. He then shattered it, releasing six miniature heroes, still frozen by a powerful force. In his palm, he carried all six, and with his other hand, he picked out Sailor Mars and the Purple Enforcer.

"I shall force them to do battle against each other. Of course, it will be difficult to make them fight each other, since 'heroes' always prefer to avoid a confrontation. However, I think I can hold a telepathic suggestion on them long enough for one to destroy the other. The one who comes out the winner shall be my ally, and the others shall have been taken care of. And then, the first assignment of my new ally is to destroy the other Power Rangers, Spectrum Enforcers, and Sailor Scouts!"

With that, Solar threw Sailor Mars and the Purple Enforcer into a portal in

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