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Book online «The Terran Rangers/The Spectrum Force/Sailor Moon - The Preliminaries Volume 5 by Heather Ray (lightweight ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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the Multiverse. He then threw the Red Enforcer and the Black Ranger in another portal, and the White Ranger and Sailor Jupiter into another portal. He then took a seat on his throne, and created a screen to watch the battles on.

"Let the games begin."
Chapter Eight

Rachel Castaneda opened her eyes, and found herself in a thick, gray fog. She weakly rose to her feet, and tried to wave the smoke away with her hands. She then noticed that she was wearing a pair of white gloves, part of her Purple Spectrum Enforcer uniform.

What's going on here?

she thought, trying to regain her balance. Where am I? Why am I in my Spectrum Force suit?

She fell to her knees, shaking her head in a desperate effort to clear the cobwebs.

I...I was in the Botanical Gardens with the guys,

she reflected, and we defeated Rythe. Then, there was this powerful wind, and me and Keith fell in. After that... nothing but blackness...

While Rachel pondered her situation, she didn't realize that only a few yards away, enshrouded in the thick smoke, lay another unconscious youth. Raye Hino also stirred into consciousness, and then rose to her knees, pushing her long, raven hair out of her face. She peered into the thick darkness, but couldn't see anything. She then decided to rely on her sixth sense in order to figure out her present situation.

Wherever I am, I sense a great evil,

Sailor Mars thought to herself, running some of the dry dirt of the ground through her gloved fingers. This entire land feels cursed. And... I am not alone here.

Sailor Mars rose to her feet, and then closed her eyes, allowing her sixth sense to guide her safely through the mist. She suddenly opened her eyes, and her gaze fell upon a dark silhouette, hidden in the smoke.

"Who's there?" called the silhouette, approaching the wary young sailor scout. "Hello?"

Mars remained silent, watching as the figure came closer. Suddenly, the figure became immersed in a bright purple light, lighting up her features, and cutting through the darkness. Sailor Mars stood up, and peered at her companion in the dark mist. To her surprise, the being appeared human, but for a strange black, white, and purple costume that covered most of her features, except her mouth area and dark brown hair.

"Who are you?" asked the purple figure, still moving closer. "Can you hear me?"

Sailor Mars stepped back, not taking her eyes off the purple being.

She could very easily be a spawn of the Negaverse,

thought Sailor Mars. The only way for me to make sure is use my anti-evil Mars Fireball. It will only hurt someone who poses a danger to me.

Sailor Mars closed her eyes, and a small sheet of paper appeared between her middle and index fingers. She brought the scroll to her forehead, channeling magical power through the charm.

"Mars Fireball...CHARGE

!!" she cried, throwing the now glowing scroll at the other girl. The paper sliced through the mists like a hot knife through butter, but it didn't hit its intended target. Rather, the purple woman leapt into the air, and vanished inside the dark cloud. To Sailor Mars' shock, the woman re-appeared behind her in less than a second. The usually alert Mars was taken by surprise by the unnatural speed of her opponent, and one quickly delivered side kick to the face sent the young scout face first into the dry ground.

"You separated me from the rest of the Spectrum Force," she said, standing menacingly above Sailor Mars. "But you'll never beat the Purple Enforcer without one heck of a fight!"

Sailor Mars looked up at her opponent, a flash of red hot anger in her eyes. She quickly leapt to her feet, and brought her hands together.

"Mars Fire...IGNITE

!!" she cried, pointing her index fingers at the Purple Enforcer. A stream of blazing fire poured from her fingertips, striking Rachel in the stomach. Although the mighty flames didn't penetrate her uniform, Rachel was thrown back by the sheer force of the elemental barrage.

Gotta recover fast!

Rachel thought to herself, opening her eyes. She was shocked to see the young raven-haired firechild flipping through the air in her direction. Rachel rose to her feet just in time to receive a debilitating jump kick from Mars' heeled foot on the cheek. Rachel fell back again, touching her cheek with her hand. She shuddered when she saw a streak of red staining her glove.


thought Sailor Mars in horror, staring down at Rachel. Nega-creatures don't bleed red! Could she be...human?

Suddenly, Sailor Mars was lifted off the ground by a purple force. Rachel rose to her feet, and glared at Sailor Mars, who was trapped inside a glowing purple energy field.

"My Spectrum Shield can withstand the pressure of a black hole, and the heat of the heart of the Sun," said Rachel, brushing the dust off her uniform. "Let's see if it can hold you. Now, tell me where we are, and what you've done with Keith!"

Sailor Mars looked curiously at Rachel, and then closed her eyes. Another scroll, very similar to the one that she threw at Rachel earlier, appeared between her fingers. She then opened her eyes, and looked down at Rachel, who was trying to keep the barrier up mentally.

"This is a Mars Fireball," she explained. holding up the scroll, "and it causes an energy feedback on anyone who poses a threat to me."

She then placed the scroll on the bubble's inner surface, and flashes of red energy traveled along the bubble right to its creator. The Purple Enforcer screamed in pain as her own power lashed back at her, knocking her unconscious. Sailor Mars fell to the ground once the bubble's energy dissipated, and slowly approached her downed enemy.

That really took a lot out of me,

she thought, gazing down at her enemy. To her surprise, the Purple Enforcer was no longer in her strange form-fitting costume. Rather, she was wearing blue jeans and a purple tank top. Mars looked down at her, horrified.

"She is human!" she shrieked. "But not like any human I've ever seen. She's dangerous."

Sailor Mars clenched her fist, creating a build-up of flaming energy. She held out her fist, but before she allowed her fire to course through her body, she stopped herself, and covered her face with her hands.

"What was I thinking?! What am I doing?!" she cried, holding her head in her hands, "I almost...killed her! The evil energy I felt wasn't coming from her. It was coming!"

Mars closed her eyes and meditated, searching for the evil within. She was surprised when she found it, a telepathic suggestion in her head, commanding her to kill.

"Some kind of trying to control me!" she shrieked, "I must...overcome it."

While she concentrated, a man appeared in the dark clouds behind her. He reached out and touched her head, and she instantly froze still. He then walked over to Rachel's unconscious form, and touched her as well. Then, both young women vanished from the dark, enshrouded plain, leaving the villainous armored man alone with his thoughts.

Sailor Mars managed to overcome my mental manipulation,

he thought angrily. And the Purple Enforcer also showed signs of her true personality. She only tried to capture Mars, not kill her. In order for me to determine who is the mightiest, they must all fight with a bloodlust. The next battle will prove to be far more satisfying, and it shall be more deciding. Rachel Castaneda and Raye Hino are both very controlled young women, but my next two puppets have violent tempers. I shall take away their inhibitions, and make them fight to the death! Its time for round two.

Part Eight

Chapter Nine

A young, tall brunette with a very short green skirt and pink bow was shocked to open her eyes and find herself inside a sweltering jungle. The humid air was as thick as solid mass, and the vines and trees managed to block out most sunlight. She rose to her feet and began to immediately swat away the innumerable small insects in the air around her.

Now, how did I end up in the Amazon?

she thought, walking in no direction in particular. She stopped suddenly when she saw a flock of tropical birds flying in her direction. She watched curiously as they flew, and then she heard a suspicious slashing sound in the direction the birds came from.

Well, something's here,

she thought as she approached the sound cautiously. And I intend to find out what it is!

Meanwhile, only a few yards away from the girl, a young man clad in white body armor and a black and gold shield continued to slash at a web of vines with his sabre Saba.

This jungle is so thick, I can't even find a path!

he thought, walking slowly through the path he was creating, I don't think anyone's been here in years!

He stopped for a moment to catch his breath, and he heard the sound of twigs breaking in the direction he was walking.

Something's coming. And since I don't know who or what it is, I'd better find a vantage point.

The White Ranger leapt into the air, and perched on a tall tree branch, waiting for someone to pass under him. Much to his

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