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Book online «Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Power Rangers Lost Galaxy by Heather Ray (free novel 24 TXT) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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down when Skull pulled out her chair for her. "So, you come here often? Petey seems to know you pretty well."

Skull's face reddened even more. "Not as well as he thinks he does, obviously," Skull grumbled. He sat down in his own seat, chuckling to himself. "Petey just can't keep his mouth shut!"

Kim joined the laughter, and soon Skull felt his new anxiety fade. With a sigh of relief, he answered Kim's earlier question. "Yeah, I love this restaurant. Great food, really nice people, and terrific music. On the weekends, local professional talent gives some really dynamite performances. And there's always someone on stage, ready to… share a little bit of themselves."

Kim nodded, resting her chin in her palm. "So, you sing?"

Skull's gaze fell to the tabletop, and he snatched up the menu sitting before him. "Yeah right… like a frog!"

Kim's smile quirked and she watched Skull's face disappear into his menu. She shook her head at his obvious discomfort, and scanned the selection herself.

"Good evening, and welcome to Midnight Soul… home of the best music, menu, and mixed drinks in Angel Grove!" the waitress sang, hovering beside the silent pair. Both Skull and Kim glanced up at the full-figured young woman.

"Eugene!" she screeched in surprise, "You're back!"

Skull smiled weakly once again. Maybe this wasn't

such a great idea…

"Yeah… I missed my flight, Tamia."

Tamia pouted, resting her hand on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Gene." A small smile then quirked her full lips. "But at least your goodbye performance wasn't so final after all!"

Skull groaned, his forehead dropping into his waiting palm. Kimberly giggled before smiling up at the waitress. "Hi, I'm Kim," she greeted.

Tamia smiled widely. "Nice to meet you." She then nudged Skull with her elbow. "So… gonna play for her?"

Skull's reply was a muffled groan.

Tamia laughed, ruffling Skull's hair affectionately. She then turned to Kim again. "Don't mind me… I'm just messin' with him!"

She kept laughing as she pulled her notebook from her pocket. "What can I get ya?"

"An Amaretto Sour to drink, and the Chicken Caesar Salad," Kim answered, holding up the menu.

Skull slowly pulled his hand off his face. "Rib platter and a mug of Sam Adams. Oh… and I'm going to get you for this."

Tamia's laughter erupted once again as she took the menus. "We're all family here," Tamia explained to Kim, "If your family won't make fun of you, who will?"

Skull sneered as the giggling waitress departed, and heaved a long sigh when his gaze finally met Kim's again.

"So you don't sing… you play an instrument," she noted, a mischievous smirk on her lips, "I didn't know you liked music!"

Skull tried to shrug casually. "Music's my… escape. My mom made me take piano lessons as a kid, and it kinda grew on me. I didn't care about anything as a kid, but after a few months of lessons, I learned to appreciate the passion in Mozart, Beethoven and Hummel. Then, I was exposed to so many artists… like Billy Joel and Stevie Wonder. Before I knew it, music became my passion, too."

Kim couldn't help it; she stared at Skull in amazement. Skull couldn't bring himself to meet her startled gaze, so he found himself rearranging his silverware.

Kim finally blinked, color rising on her cheeks as she realized what she was doing. "I'm sorry… I seem to have developed a staring problem."

Skull laughed uncomfortably.

"It's just amazing," she continued, almost introspectively, "how little

I actually know you… Gene."

Skull glanced up, and saw the soft smile she offered.

"You don't mind, do you? I mean… Ed calls you Gene, everyone here calls you Gene… you're not really Skull anymore."

He grinned widely, almost bursting with excitement at the small revelation Kimberly seemed to have experienced.

She looked at him with new eyes. She recognized that he wasn't the goofy, dumb, clumsy boy she'd remembered.

His own name never sounded so good.

A comfortable silence fell between them as Tamia approached, sitting two glasses on the table. "Your meal will be out shortly," she reported, nudging Skull again, "Plenty of time for a quick song…"

"Tamia…!" he whined.

"That sounds like a great idea!" Kim piped up. She smiled innocently when Skull set his horrified gaze on her. "I'd love to hear you play," she encouraged.

"B…but I'm not --"

"Here," Tamia ordered, shoving the mug of beer towards Skull. The distraught young man took an eager gulp, winning a giggle of surprise from Kim. "I'll bring you another; Boy, you're wound up tighter than a tennis racket!"

Tamia picked up her tray, and threw a wink at Kimberly. "After five or six more brews, he'll be dancing shirtless on the tabletops!"

Skull nearly choked. "Hey!"

he protested to Tamia's retreating back. His eyes widened when she just brushed him off, and tended to another table. He turned panicked eyes on his date. "I swear, Kim… that never, ever


Kimberly was on the verge of hysteria now, tears forming in her eyes as she no doubt envisioned the scene Skull would make performing a drunken striptease for a crowd of older jazz enthusiasts.

Skull watched Kimberly's laughing fit, his exasperation slowly fading as her hysteria grew contagious. Soon, both were laughing rather loudly, attracting the attention of dozens of patrons.

"Ladies and Gentlemen… can I have your attention!"

The laughter quickly died, and Skull turned to the stage, gazing in horror at the smug look of victory that lit Tamia's face.

"Let's give a great big shout-out to our very own Gene Skullovitch, who decided Earth was just too cool of a planet to leave behind after all!"

With that, she pointed directly at Skull. The young man cringed, ducking his head in embarrassment as the audience erupted in applause.

"So, who wants to hear our Piano Man play some more Stevie Wonder?"

The applause grew into a loud cacophony of approval. Skull buried his face in his hands.

He glanced up when he felt warm air tingle his ear. "I'd love to hear you play, Gene," Kim repeated softly.

Skull opened his eyes, and glanced up at Kim, who was leaning across the small circular table. Her face hovered just inches from his own, her warm breath still tickling his ear.

She then leaned back, rose to her feet, and grabbed Skull's arm. "You're making everyone wait!"

The audience grew even louder when Skull finally stood up. Kim released his arm, gave him one sturdy shove forward, and began cheering enthusiastically as Skull slowly made his way to the stage.

Skull climbed the steps slowly, silently praying that he didn't make a complete fool of himself. He paused at the center of the stage, grinning sheepishly and rubbing the back of his head as he leaned towards the mounted microphone.

"Well, how am I supposed to say 'no' to all of that?" he asked the crowd, who quickly quieted down when his voice rang toward them. He then offered a brief wave, and took a seat at the piano.

Chapter Eleven

Kimberly turned her seat, fully facing the stage. From her seat so near the piano, she had a very clear view of Skull in profile.

She took a moment to glance across the restaurant, and she was unable to contain her surprise as all conversation died down, and everyone paid full attention to the modest stage before them. Even the people at the bar had abandoned their seats, opting instead to stand closer to the stage. The lights dimmed, as if a great celebrity were about to perform, and the lights of the stage focused on the young man hunched before ivory keys, his eyes closed as he mentally prepared himself.

And when his fingers touched the keys, Kim felt her breath leave her.

She had always loved Stevie Wonder, and the classic "I Just Called…" was no exception.

He's amazing,

she marveled, her eyes fixated on the performer as if he were the center of her universe, He has so much talent! I've played the guitar my whole life, and I know I'm not nearly as good as he is with that piano. It's almost like… he makes the instrument an extension of himself.

She watched as Skull's fingers massaged the keys, his body jerking and head nodding in time. His hair swayed softly, and his face, unbelievably, was relaxed and distant.

He made it appear effortless.

And when he struck the final notes, and broke the spell he cast over the entire restaurant, the audience exploded with overwhelmed applause.

And Kimberly Hart, Skull's acquaintance since middle school, found herself just as overwhelmed as everyone else. And she joined her applause with theirs, her gray-rimmed fawn-colored eyes watching the performer as if he were an intriguing stranger.

And in many ways… he was.

Suddenly, she found herself walking, a grin on her face as she closed the distance between herself and the young man who just bore his soul for all to see.

Chapter Twelve

Skull opened his eyes, taking in a deep breath as the applause slowly subsided. He felt his heart ramming against his ribcage, as the adrenaline rush he always got from performing began to fade.

In truth, he loved to perform. It was so liberating to release his emotions and express himself through notes.

He just wasn't ready to do it for Kim. He wanted to; but he had been terrified of how she'd react. Part of the thrill was performing for total strangers, whom he wasn't particularly interested in impressing. Would he even be able to free himself of restraint and self-consciousness knowing full well she was out there, listening to every note?

He almost jumped out of his skin when he turned to see Kimberly standing next to him, the microphone hanging in her hand.

"That was amazing, Gene," she announced, her gentle voice amplified by the speakers. Skull found himself staring at her in

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