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Book online «Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Power Rangers Lost Galaxy by Heather Ray (free novel 24 TXT) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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I steered clear from her the first few weeks, until I came to grips with the fact that our relationship would continue as it always had. But, even if I did confess, would it have made any difference?

"Gene? You okay?"

Skull blinked, and hastily caught up to Kimberly, who was waiting for him a few paces forward. "Sorry, I tripped on a crack in the sidewalk. Go on."

They continued along the sidewalk, and Kimberly resumed her tale.

"Then in March, I started dating this soccer player Paul."

Skull nodded, a small smile quirking his lip. He remembered Paul Raymond quite well… a nice guy, good athlete, pretty smart. He was infinitely better than Donnie had been, so Skull found he didn't mind so much when Paul and his dream girl became an item.

"On our second date, I directly asked Paul if he had given me the bracelet," Kim admitted, her lips curving in a silent laugh, "but he didn't. Then, I realized it was a bit weird to wear a token from some mystery guy when I was dating someone else, so I put the bracelet away."

Skull found himself digging through his memories of years passed. He'd never actually noticed Kim wearing his bracelet, since he never quite managed to slip back into the routine of meeting her every morning before school. Some days he did, but things were never really the same. And once she had gone steady with Paul, he was more careful to lurk near her locker. Paul wasn't violent or anything, but the last thing Skull wanted to do was cause trouble. At least, when Kim was concerned.

"I wound up breaking up with Paul around June, but it was mutual. We were never really serious anyway, so we both decided to see other people. He was going to attend soccer camp over the summer anyway, so I wouldn't be able to see him for months. We both agreed it'd be better to go our separate ways. That was actually the cleanest breakup I ever experienced… no heartbreak on either end."

Then, to Skull's amazement, she began toying with the bracelet again. It seemed unconscious, as if Kim didn't even realize she was doing it.

"I didn't wear it again until I broke up with Tommy."

In truth, Skull had wondered for months what was going on between Kim and Tommy. The mutual attraction was painfully obvious from the day Tommy Oliver moved to Angel Grove, and once they began dating, they were as good as married. Then, Kimberly had moved to Florida junior year, and somewhere along the line, Tommy began dating Katherine Hillard. It was subtle at first, but Skull could definitely tell there was more than platonic friendship between the pair.

"It was the first time I had really been in love," Kim said, her voice uncharacteristically dull, "So almost as soon as I moved to Florida, I found I was really hurting. As luck would have it, I was unpacking my stuff, and I found the bracelet." A small smile brightened the somber darkness of her expression. "I remembered how special it was to me when I got it, and I remembered how I got through the… disappointment of my date with Donnie. I started wearing it again. And I kept associating the bracelet with the dreams of ideal love… the ones I had back at school. The bracelet became my comfort… my assurance that I would have a great love."

She shrugged helplessly. "I had lots of emotional turmoil back then, trying to figure out which path my heart should take. I broke up with Tommy because I really thought we had hit a dead end, but even though I'm the one who did it, it still hurt knowing that chapter of my life was over. I started dating Trevor Monroe, a friend of mine at the gym, and we started a relationship that pretty much held up until… well… yesterday."

She chuckled humorlessly. "We were together three years, and every once in a while, I got uncomfortable with our relationship. And every time I did, I started wearing the bracelet. And then I'd remember all those feelings the bracelet inspired in me. The excitement and mystery of a secret admirer, who knew me so well despite the fact I didn't know him at all. The excitement of fresh romance, of storybook fantasies and schoolgirl dreams. It always helped me cope whenever I had romantic troubles."

She took a deep breath, and slowly released it. She then draped the chain over her wrist and began fumbling with the clasp.

Without thinking, Skull reached out to grasp her fingers. The pair paused, and he clasped the bracelet for her.

Kim glanced up at him, her eyes widening when she noticed his eyes were oddly glassy. "Gene? What's wrong?"

He kept his gaze from hers, hastily dropping her hand and stuffing his hands in his jacket pockets. "I'm fine," he assured her, forcing a smile, "Allergies."

Kim was about to protest, pointing out the fact that there wasn't any pollen in the winter air, but she decided not to press the matter. And since Skull didn't seem eager to start a new conversation, the pair walked in silence until they reached the entrance to the hotel.

Kim bit her lip, worry in her eyes when she tried to meet Skull's gaze again. He had managed to overcome whatever it was that was choking him, though even in the low light she could see the moisture near his eyes.

"I really had a great time tonight," she said honestly, "Are you sure you're alright?"

He waved the question aside. "I'm terrific," he responded, a genuine smile lighting up his face, "This was lots of fun."

She grinned. "We have to do it again."

"You know I'm going to hold you to that," Skull remarked. "Oh, and the next time we cross paths, it's my bill."

She giggled, her hand slipping into her purse. She pulled out a faintly pink piece of paper and a pen. She quickly scribbled something on the back of it.

"Well, next time you're in the Miami area, give me a call," she said, handing him the business card, "My cell number's on the back."

He grinned widely, slipping the card in his pocket. And then, before he could convince himself to stop, he leaned down, and gently touched his lips to her cheek.

At first, she was so surprised she simply stared at him. Slowly, she smiled.

Chapter Fourteen

Kimberly wrestled with her carry-on, shoving it roughly into the overhead compartment. She sighed with relief when her mission proved successful, and collapsed heavily into the narrow window seat.

She heaved another sigh, leaning her head against the uncomfortable seat. The past few days had been an incredible emotional roller coaster, filled with coincidences, surprises, revelations, and oddly enough… possibilities.

She found it odd that the painful emptiness she had expected to feel was absent. She was very relaxed and confident, her eyes set firmly toward the future, instead of mourning the past.

She grinned slightly, her gaze sliding toward her bare wrist. She didn't feel she needed the security the bracelet offered her. She was in quite a good mood, all things considered.

Then, she glanced toward the small window, staring into the airport terminal just beside the large airbus.

She found herself a bit disappointed that Gene hadn't showed up to bid her farewell. Although, in a strange way, she found she didn't really want to say goodbye to him.

I wonder when I'll see him again…

Not if. When.


"Hey Gene… you okay?"

Skull turned away from the large window, a crooked grin on his lips.

I wonder if that was her flight…

He turned to his brother. "I'm fine. Better than I've ever been."

Eddie gazed at him for a long time. "And you're sure you want to do this?"

The younger man nodded emphatically. "It's time I thought for myself. And it's time I chased a dream or two."

With that, he hefted his duffel bag onto his shoulder and grabbed the handle of the cart holding several suitcases. Then, he followed his brother onto the long line.

He had been so overwhelmed last night, when he heard the truth about the bracelet, he couldn't even think straight. His heart had swelled at the very notion that Kimberly had actually cherished

the bracelet… that it symbolized love itself to her.

He was too astonished to even speak. He couldn't even maintain his composure, and tears slid down his cheeks.

That night, when he returned to the emptiness of his apartment, he realized that it was better for him not to admit the truth about the bracelet. Yet.

Edmund's advice, stemming from long ago, resurfaced in his mind. "…she may never look at you the same way. But that doesn't mean she's ready to start going out with you or something. You've got to take this slowly. Don't expect her to fall all over you."

He didn't accept it then, but he saw the wisdom in it now.

Why rush things? There was no reason to bring everything to a head over a period of twenty-four hours. He had accomplished so much… had realized so much about both himself and Kimberly that it would be foolish to risk it all.

He had begun to consider the opportunities Florida offered him even before their date last night. He had made the decision then… she was worth redirecting his life.

Besides, his life didn't have much direction anyway.

"Good morning, welcome to Delta Airlines. Can I help you?"

"Yes. My name's Eugene Skullovitch, and I booked a one-way flight to Orlando this morning."

"I have it in the computer," the attendant confirmed, punching in a few keys, "I'll print your boarding pass now."

Skull nodded, leaning against the counter. He watched his brother and niece move to the next available attendant, receiving their boarding passes for the same flight.

"Here you go, Mr. Skullovitch," she said, offering him

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