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Book online «Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Power Rangers Lost Galaxy by Heather Ray (free novel 24 TXT) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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a daze, almost as if he wasn't quite sure this was real.

"So," she declared, pivoting on her heel to face the audience, "who wants an encore?"

The response was unanimous… and loud.

She giggled, turning back to Skull. He found himself drowning in her sparkling eyes.

"You know 'Overjoyed'


It took a great deal of effort, but he mentally processed the question, accessed database the songs documented in his memory, and nodded.


She then stepped away from him, closer to the edge of the stage. She cleared her throat, and then brought the microphone to her face again.

She glanced back at Skull with a wink. And finally, his brain caught on.

She… she wants to sing. With me


Nervous fingers moved to the piano, and slowly began the opening notes. He felt sweat beading on his face, as if suddenly he were given the opportunity to prove himself. To match his music to her voice.

When she opened her mouth, the lyrics flowed like honey. And Skull felt his heart soar right along with them.

"Over time, I'm building my castle of love
Just for two, though you never knew you were my reason,
I've gone much too far for you now to say,
That I've got to throw my castle away…

"Over dreams, I have picked out a perfect come true,
Though you never knew it was of you I've been dreaming,
The sandman has come from too far away,
For you to say come back some other day…

"And though you don't believe that they do,
They do come true,
For did my dreams,
Come true when I looked at you;
And maybe too, if you would believe,
You too might be…
Overjoyed, over loved, over me…"

Suddenly, it seemed as if the song played itself. A smile of complete awe played on his lips as his fingers danced across the black and white keys.

He had always known she was an incredible singer. Unlike himself, Kim was never shy when it came to her talents. He may have cringed away from attentive crowds and gawking eyes, but Kim reveled in the attention and applause.

What was she thinking when she picked this song? he wondered. Was it at all possible that she knew what she was doing to him? How she was voicing his own feelings so perfectly? Or was he once again fooling himself… confusing her innocent expressions of friendship for something that resembled the all-consuming feelings he had for her?

How would he ever know? He couldn't bring himself to ask… he just couldn't

. And despite how much fun he had with her… how well they seemed to fit together now… a significant part of him kept on doubting, kept on ringing in his ears.

Don't do this to yourself again! Don't let yourself hope for the impossible! What chance do you

have with someone like Kimberly?

"Over hearts, I have painfully turned every stone
Just to find, I had found what I've searched to discover
I've come much too far for me now to find
The love that I've sought can never be mine.

"And though you don't believe that they do
They do come true
For did my dreams
Come true when I looked at you
And maybe too, if you would believe
You too might be
Overjoyed, over loved, over me…"

It might not have been logical, but he still believed in dreams. Childish and naïve as it might be, the kind of love he felt swelling his heart had

to have a chance! There were so many obstacles between himself and the Pink Goddess before… but now he was no longer an ogre, and she had come down to Earth.

Did he deserve her? Not a chance. But then again, he didn't feel anyone

deserved her. His adoration for her still bordered on idolatry, but she was far too humble to think of herself as loftily as he did.

Maybe… just maybe

… she had a different perception of him than he had of himself. Maybe, in her eyes, they were something like equals.


"And though the odds say improbable
What do they know?
For in romance
All true love needs is a chance…
And maybe with a chance you will find,
You too like I
Overjoyed, over loved, over you, over you…"

As her voice faded out on the last note, he came to a decision.

He had to know why she still wore the bracelet.

He wanted to offer her everything that was himself, and everything he ever wanted to offer her was represented in that gift.

She had kept it for six years. She didn't even know it… but she carried with her a token of his love. Perhaps it was a sign that they could connect. That they had connected…

There was a chance… miniscule as it was… that he could find a place in her life. Hopefully as "more than friends," but even close friends would be a dream come true.

And then, as his thoughts were drowned by fresh applause, he considered the risk he was about to take.

He had to face her. And he had to confess why he had given her the bracelet… what he had been thinking, what he had expected to happen between them.

By admitting to her just how strongly he'd always felt toward her, Skull knew he could very well scare her away. Or, even worse, she wouldn't take his advances seriously… just like in high school.

Gulping a breath as if it was the last one he'd ever take, he rose from the piano bench, and decided he would definitely

need another Sam Adams.

Chapter Thirteen

They had returned to the table just in time for their meal to be served. And after about half an hour, Pete himself came up to their table, offering their meal on the house if they'd only perform again. Of course, it wasn't the free meal that pushed them onto the stage. For Eugene Skullovitch, it was the excitement that shimmered in Kim's eyes.

Skull was proud to realize this had been the best date he could've offered her. And he yearned to make the most of it. So, with a showman's bow to the songstress, he took her hand, and led her back to the stage.

After three hours of ballads, dance songs, drinks, dessert, coffee, and conversations with dozens of total strangers, the pair left the restaurant.

Kimberly was completely giddy, skipping down the block like a schoolgirl. For the first few blocks of their stroll, Skull wondered whether it was the alcohol that induced this state of euphoria, or if she simply really enjoyed herself.

But then, Kim linked her arm through his, and met his inquisitive, startled gaze with perfectly lucid eyes.

"That was a fabulous idea!" she gushed, "I haven't been on a stage since high school!"

Skull smiled as he reveled in the glow of Kimberly's joy. "I guess you don't count the Pan-Globals."

Her face screwed into a small frown. "It's different," she decided, after a brief silence, "There was so much rehearsing and practicing for the competition, and of course there's always the fear of messing up and ruining every one else's chances at the medals. Just too much at stake. But this…" a dreamy smile lit her face, "this is pure freedom! Singing my heart out, not caring what others think. Just… singing. Just being myself."

Skull gazed at Kimberly in admiration. It amazed him that she could so openly express the thoughts that he left unspoken.

He felt his resolve strengthen. Besides, if he did

wind up sounding like a complete idiot, he could always blame the alcohol later on.

"," he said, "you… uh… seem to really like that charm bracelet."

He grimaced when his words reached his ears. Jeez… maybe the beer is

catching up to me. What a way to broach a subject!

Kim blinked in surprise at the rapid turn of the conversation, and slid her eyes to the silver chain that managed to peak from beneath the sleeve of her leather jacket.

"What makes you say that?" she wondered.

Skull bit his lip nervously. "Well… you keep, I don't know… playing with it. It seems to be special to you."

A distant smile touched her lips. "Yeah… I suppose it is."

"So, uh… where'd you get it?" He gulped uncomfortably, "If you don't mind telling me, that is."

She smirked. "Why would I mind telling you?"

He shrugged, trying his best to hold on to some semblance of dignity.

Kim released his arm, her fingers unclasping the dainty bracelet. She held it out in front of her for a moment, and then passed it to Skull.

"You probably think it's ridiculous for a twenty-one year old to wear a charm bracelet," she noted, a wry smile on her face.

"Not ridiculous," Skull countered, handing her back the chain, "Just… unusual."

"Well, these are unusual circumstances. See, I don't even know

where I got it from."

Skull glanced down, watching Kim's face relax as she reminisced. Zack never told her…

he realized. Well, I shouldn't be surprised. Would she have even kept the bracelet if she knew it was from me?

"Someone left it in my locker freshman year of high school," Kim continued, "It was the Monday after the Valentine's party. You probably don't remember it, but that was the year we kinda hung out outside the gym together."

Skull suppressed a shudder. How could I forget? I see the whole thing playing in my mind even now; punching that sick Donnie Fitzgerald in the face, breaking his nose, lending you my blazer… you, brushing me off like nothing had happened the next time I saw you.

Just how different were things between them now?

"I had a secret admirer, if you'd believe it," Kim said, shaking her head slowly in amazement, "Someone just left me this bracelet and a rose. It was so flattering… but it was more than that. Whoever it was, he left me something that reflected who I was. The bracelet was… and still is… so beautiful. And the charms really reflect my personality, and what I aspired to. And the weirdest thing is, there was no note. Nothing to go on… no way for me to know who it was. After I got the presents, I assumed someone would step up and admit to leaving them. But after weeks of checking my locker every morning to look for some kind of note, I realized I would never know who it was."

Skull was so startled he stopped in his tracks. She… she was actually waiting for me to come clean, and I didn't even know it! I was so depressed when I realized her feelings hadn't changed,

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