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Book online «The Kids Grow Up by Trish Hanan (novel24 .TXT) 📖». Author Trish Hanan

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you, he brought DJ back from the dead didn’t he?” he said and they both nodded. Dr. George left them to go call Harry and the couple hugged each other and prayed.
Harry arrived twenty minutes later carrying a pitcher of green milk and smiled at them.
“Don’t worry, Max, I’ll have you fixed up and back on the golf course before you know it,” he declared and the older man attempted a smile. Dr. George grinned.
“I’m pretty sure you can fix this, Harry,” he told him. “Max, I think you’re going to have to take off your pants for this,” he said and Max frowned.
“He can’t do it over my pants?” he asked. Harry shook his head.
“Sorry Max, I know you’re going to be uncomfortable with this but I have to touch what I heal and that means I have to touch your, you know what,” he teased and Max rolled his eyes. Linda giggled. Max stood up and pulled his pants off.
“Fine, but if you tell anyone you held my balls and I’m going to run your sorry ass over,” he swore and everyone laughed. Max laid on the table and Harry stood over him and rubbed his hands together and held his testes in one hand and placed his other over his privates. Max gasped.
“Your hands are hot,” he protested. Harry nodded and closed his eyes. He saw the cancer immediately and saw where it had spread through out the man’s body.
“It’s in the liver too,” he whispered and Dr. George looked startled and looked at the scan.
“Christ, it’s spread faster than I expected,” he muttered and both Tyler’s looked scared. Then Harry pictured the cancer disappearing and Dr. George grinned as the scan showed the red dots fading away. Linda saw his smile and smiled at her husband. After about ten minutes all the red on the scanner had disappeared and all the organs looked healthy and brand new. Harry removed his hands and smiled down at Max.
“That should do it, Max, you’re all brand new,” he declared and Dr. George clapped his hands. Linda hugged Harry who grinned and reached for his green milk. Max sat up and reached for his pants and everyone laughed.
“Are you sure you got it all?” he asked and Dr. George nodded.
“Oh, yeah, he got it all and your liver’s in great shape now, you pickled it, Max, you’re going to have to cut back on the scotch,” he told him. Max nodded. He held out his hand and he and Harry shook hands.
“Thanks, Harry, I appreciate it,” he said seriously. Harry nodded.
“No problem, Max, any time, that’s what I’m here for,” he said and he carried his milk and went home. Max and Linda hugged each other and kissed. Dr. George stayed behind to do his paperwork and giggled.
“Yeah right, you’d die before you’d let him touch you, I always knew you were full of shit, Max,” George muttered and whistled as he worked. When he told Shelley that night, they both had a big laugh. Jake laughed too when Harry told him about it.
“Oh, man, you held old Max’s balls in your hand, you need to bronze that hand, babe,” he declared and Harry giggled.
“He’ll probably go home and spray Lysol on his balls,” he said and they both laughed. “What’s really funny is that for about a week, maybe eight days he’ll be thankful but then he’ll forget how I saved his miserable life and he’ll be back to calling me a fishy freak fagola again.” Jake nodded.
“Oh, well, you couldn’t let him die, that’s not you,” he stated and Harry nodded.
“Nope, he can call me anything he wants and I’ll even bring his miserable ass back from the dead, he’s a lucky bastard,” he said and they kissed.
And of course Max and Linda didn’t tell anyone about his cancer and Dr. George and Harry couldn’t so no one knew Harry had healed him so the following week when Max was back to his old tricks and making fun of that fagola only George knew he was full of shit.
After the harvest Harry sent an email to everyone telling them that they had that nice stage at the Center, why didn’t they start a theatre company and put on a play or something, maybe a musical or a band could play and entertain them, something creative that would be fun. But no one wanted to do that so the idea fizzled and he was disappointed. All the kids wanted to do was plan wild sex parties and drink and he could understand how that would be fun but that had to get boring after a while.
He tried to interest some of the younger kids in it but all they wanted to do was get older so they could have their own cars to get to the hangout so they could get away from their parents, have sex and get away. His kids thought it might be cool but there weren’t enough to put on anything and they didn’t want to be the only ones doing it so he dropped it.
“Face it, babe, all these boring people want to do is drink and fuck,” Jake told him and Harry grinned and hopped up on his lap.
“Well, I like to drink and fuck too but in between that we could put on a play or do a musical or something,” he said and Jake nuzzled his neck. Ryan walked into the kitchen for a soda and saw them. He rolled his eyes and sat down to watch.
“You know I’m gay right?” he asked and they nodded. He grinned. “But really, Dads, you’ve got to give it a rest, you hang on each other all the time, don’t you ever get bored?” he asked. Harry shook his head.
“Nope, your dad is never boring, I could kiss him a hundred times a day and I’d still want that hundredth and one kiss,” he said and Ryan laughed.
“I’ve got a boyfriend,” he bragged and Jake high-fived him. Ryan blushed.
“Do we get to know the young man’s name or is it a secret?” Harry teased and Ryan shook his head.
“It’s Georgie Peters, Dr. George’s son, he’s hot don’t you think?” he asked and both fathers nodded. “I did like Paul Tyler but he’s hung up on Victor cuz they’re living together now and that’s cool, old Max would have a fit if he knew his son was gay huh?” Harry laughed.
“Oh, I’m sure he’d be delighted,” he teased and they all laughed. Emma came in the door.
“Hey, do you have any cake, I’m dying for some cake,” she yelled. Harry laughed.
“Nice to see you, darling, look in the cake tray, I think there’s some there,” he told her and she joined them at the table.
“What are you talking about?” she asked as she ate cake and milk. Ryan grinned.
“My boyfriend,” he confessed. She grinned.
“You still going out with Paul Tyler?” she asked and Harry grinned. Sean walked in the room and saw cake and helped himself.
“Nah, he’s living with Victor and they’re doing it,” he told her. Jake laughed.
“Doing it, so romantic,” he teased and they all laughed.
“He’s going out with Georgie Peters, I’m dating James Campbell,” Sean informed everyone. Harry nodded.
“All of our sons are gay, honey, isn’t that wonderful,” he gushed and they all laughed.
“And your daughters are straight,” Emma told him and he shook his head.
“I know, well, we did the best we could,” he said sadly and she rolled her eyes.
“Old Max is going to have a fit when he finds out his daughter Maribeth and Charles’s daughter Hilary are both lesbians,” Emma informed them and Jake and Harry were surprised.
“Really, oh, my goodness, oh, I wish I could be the one to tell them that,” Harry giggled. Jake slapped his ass.
“Come on, babe, be nice,” he admonished him. All the kids laughed.
“They’re biological daughters too,” Harry remarked and Jake lifted an eyebrow.
“Oh, yeah, so they can’t blame it on someone else’s genes, these are their own kids, oh, my, I wish I could be there when they find that out,” he said and everyone grinned.
Spring came and Jackson’s name came up on the lottery and he got a nice little white milk cow and named her Sissy after his grandmother. Sissy didn’t like it one little bit.
“Jackson, angel, how could you name that cow after me,” she protested. He grinned and kissed her hand.
“I named her after my favorite gal,” he said with much charm and she giggled. The little calf got a stall in the barn and he took good care of her and now that he had a while cow the six teenagers began to plan their houses in earnest. Harry let them pick two from the houses that still had food and they decided to build on Farm Six because Farm Five was getting crowded. They had to wait for the cow to grow up though and spent the next year learning everything they needed to know to live independently. Stevie and Stephie promised to clean up their acts and start living like adults and the others promised not to be such nags.
The following year they moved out when the last of the kids moved out. Some of them were on Farm Five which was Farm Road Five and Harry was glad to see them spacing them out. Stevie, Martin and Jackson moved into one house and the three girls Stephanie, May and Emma moved into another. All the parents and kids helped them build them and the barns and everyone contributed chickens and other animals they wanted.
The house was strangely empty without them and Harry wandered around for days staring around looking for them, much to the amusement of the other kids.
“Oh, you think that’s funny do you?” Jake snapped at Ryan and Sean who smirked at their dad who looked in the living room and then wandered out. They both looked sheepish.
“Sorry, Dad,” Ryan muttered and his brother nodded. Jake got up and found Harry staring out the kitchen window wiping tears from his eyes. He wrapped his strong arms around him and nuzzled his neck. Harry sighed and laid his head on his shoulder.
“I know they’re old enough to take care of themselves, honey, but I just miss them so much,” he whispered. Jake grinned.
“I miss them too, babe, but they’re only a few miles away and they will visit,” he told him softly. Harry giggled.
“I feel like the mother in one of those old sappy songs,” he said and they both laughed. Then Jake’s hand moved lower and Harry sighed. “Well, that will take my mind off of it for a while,” he teased. Jake grinned.
“I try to do my part,” he teased and Harry turned around in his arms and wrapped his arms around his neck.
“Oh, would this be considered a pity fuck then, Mr. Talbert?” he teased him. Jake laughed.
“Only if you took pity on me, babe, I’m so horny its going to break off if you don’t help me out,” he declared and they both laughed. Cassie made a rude noise from the hallway.
“You two have a bedroom for this sort of thing, take it in there,” she retorted and
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