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Book online «The Kids Grow Up by Trish Hanan (novel24 .TXT) 📖». Author Trish Hanan

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but they knew.
“Harry, shame on you and you call me a rascal,” Jake teased when he found out. Harry giggled.
“You’re my honey and you scored higher on the test so your name should be bigger,” he reasoned. Then he looked around the office. “Ever do it in a Vet’s office?” he asked suggestively, his purple eyes half-closed and slanty. Jake grinned and locked the door.
“No, but I think the examination table’s the perfect height,” he whispered harshly, sweat breaking out all over him. Harry loosened Jake’s tied which he knotted perfectly that morning and pulled him into the exam room.
“I can see that, honey, and it has straps too, I love straps,” he said huskily and Jake ripped his clothes off, he loved straps too. Harry got up on the table on his hands and knees and put his hands in the straps and tried to get out.
“I’ve been a bad little puppy,” he cooed. Jake looked at that perfect ass, at the perfect height and buried his face in it and began licking. Harry groaned and began wiggling around, trying to get loose. The more he wiggled, the more Jake got aroused, but the time Harry was ready; Jake was in a frenzy. And he didn’t need any lube, Harry was more than ready. He positioned himself and drove right in, they both squealed with pleasure and Harry rocked back and forth to get them started.
“Oh, God, Jake, that feels so good,” he moaned. Jake grinned and held on to Harry’s hips and patted his ass cheeks nice and hard.
“Oh babe, you’re so tight, oh Harry, I love you, babe,” he groaned. When they both found release they shouted a bit and Dr. Jackson came to the office door to see what the noise was about. When he found it locked he knocked.
“Jake, you alright in there, Son?” he called out. Jake laughed.
“Yeah Dad, we’re fine, Harry just tripped, but he’s fine, we’ll be out in a minute,” he called out and they both laughed and rushed for their clothes.
“Your dad would shit if he knew what we were doing in here,” Harry giggled. Jake slapped his ass causing another giggle.
“Well, we just won’t tell him will we, babe?” he teased and pulled him in close for a long deep kiss. “Have I told you today how much I love you?” he asked softly and Harry wrapped his arms around Jake’s neck and sighed.
“I love you so much, Jake,” he whispered and they kissed again. They stayed like that for a while and then went home, saying goodnight to Dr. Jackson in the parking lot.
The next years passed by quickly. Jake was busy with the animals and the clinic and Harry was busy with the house and the kids and the stores.
Everyone showed up in the fields though for the planting of crops and the harvests. No one could pass those up. Fran moved out of the big house and into her own house way out in the woods. From the woman who was too scared to live by herself, she had grown up also during the years. She and Edna had a thing over the years and sometimes they living together and sometimes they lived along. Some of the married couples did the same, they never got a divorce but sometimes they separated for a few years. Joon and Kathleen shared a house for twenty years leaving their two husbands to share one and the two men had girls in and out like crazy while the two women only had each other.
Then Danny fell of a mountain when they were climbing and Harry had to rush in with the Elizabeth and heal his youngest son.
“I’m sorry, Dad, guess I forgot to buckle my harness,” Danny rasped and blood came out of his mouth. Harry smiled and drank a lot of green milk. Jake held his son’s hand.
“That’s okay, Son, Dad’s here and we’ll get you fixed right up,” he said softly. Harry rubbed his hands together and put one on Danny’s chest and the other on his belly where he thought the bleeding might be coming from. He closed his eyes and went inside and the bleeding was all over but mainly in his belly like he thought. He healed everything one by one and slowly Danny closed his eyes and smiled as the pain went away. Then Harry drank some more milk and healed the two broken legs and one broken arm and Danny was just fine. Everyone cheered and hugged and Danny insisted on climbing the stupid mountain again with his Dads at his side. When they reached the top everyone cheered and hugged. Danny turned to Harry.
“If I hadn’t gotten up here, I would have never climbed again,” he told him. Harry nodded and hugged him.
“I know, Son, I’m proud of you,” he whispered.
After than though Harry was scared to go too far from the Elizabeth and kept his cell phone with him always in case on of the kids needed him to heal them, he lived in constant fear that one of them would die and he couldn’t bring them back. He kept this fear to himself though and didn’t share it with anyone, he didn’t want to worry Jake and he certainly didn’t want to confine in Reverend Milo and Reverend Phillip was a bit of a gossip and he didn’t trust him.
Before anyone knew it fifty years had passed and they were all older and slightly bored when another spring came around and it was planting season again. The thirty-two people of Farm Four gathered in the first field to plant once again and looked at one another and laughed.
“Haven’t we done this before?” Kate remarked and Barb grinned and held her hand.
“Just once or twice, dear,” she said. Harry smiled at his mothers.
“Well, I’ll take the wheat field with Jake and everyone else pick a field and the sooner we start the sooner we get done,” he told them in his usual cheerful tone and everyone groaned.
“Do you have to be so cheerful?” Violet snapped. He rolled his eyes.
“No, we can all be as miserable as you, Miss Violet, that will make the day go a whole lot faster,” he declared and Roger laughed.
“No one can be as miserable as Violet,” he said and they all laughed. She glared at him and climbed on her tractor.
“I’ll start in the corn field,” she said and drove away. Mike rolled his eyes.
“Right next to the wheat, how did I know she’d start there?” he whispered to Davy who grinned.
“I’ll help her and count how many times she stops and stares at Jake and Harry,” he snickered and they high-fived.
After the official planting, some of them got together and planted barley and hops for the beer and Harry and Jake planted extra corn and potatoes so they could make a batch of whiskey and vodka to replace some that had been used. They also trimmed their juniper berry bushes. Then they flew over to Savannah to check on their cactus and gathered up a bunch of kids to help them pick nuts, coffee and tea and divided them up. Everyone was happy about that and everyone was used to purple peanut butter by now
The following Sunday everyone was in church, it was basically the only time the whole community got together barring the holidays before the split up again to go off exploring on their own or do their own thing. Weeding and daily stuff was done on a schedule and the kids were pretty relaxed about it. So were the adults, everyone took turns and no one complained about some one missing a turn, they just took their place and the person who missed their turn took that person’s turn. They all had it down to a fine art after seventy-eight years on the planet.
Everyone was enjoying Reverend Milo’s official ‘Welcome to Spring,’ sermon when they heard a strange humming sound outside. Harry instantly thought of the Galactican’s and rushed outside prepared to do battle. Everyone rushed outside to find a spacecraft landing in the field beyond the parking lot. Max gasped.
“Do you think its Jewel and she’s come back to visit her daughter?” he asked and Cassie’s face lit up. Harry shook his head and put his arm around his daughter.
“It’s the wrong kind of craft, darling,” he told her gently and her face fell. Jake put his arm around her and Adam came to her side and hugged her.
Everyone watched as a ramp came down and three people walked down, two men and a women, all dressed in suits and ties, the men in black and gray and the woman in dark blue. Max and Charles stepped forward to greet them and everyone listened to first contact.
“Welcome to Edenville, I’m Mayor Max Tyler and this is assistant mayor Charles Baxter Senior, what can we do for you?” Max inquired politely. The man in gray stepped forward, held out his hand and smiled.
“Good morning, Max, I’m Mayor Jim Daniels and this is Dr. James Bentley and Secretary Mona Harrison. We’re Alterians from the planet Alteria and we need your help desperately,” he said. “May we come into your Community Center and talk with all of you?” Max looked at Charles who nodded and everyone went back into the Center and took their usual seats in the meeting room. Harry didn’t like the looks of these people at all but he kept his opinion to himself. The three people sat in the front with Max, Charles and Dr. George. Mayor Daniels stood up and faced them.
“I represent about eighty-five thousand Alterians who are on a colony ship now in orbit above your fine planet and we need a home,” he informed them. Everyone looked at one another and some of them smiled. More people after all of these years was exciting news. The Mayor turned to the view-screen and showed them the ship in orbit and they all gasped when they saw it had been severely damaged.
“As you can see our ship has been severely damaged by an asteroid storm as we passed through this system and we fear we cannot continue to our regular destination which was a small moon on the planet Xeus,” he told them. “We were low on supplies which is why we were forced to take the short cut through this system. We prayed to our God Bali to deliver us safely but our prayers went unanswered and you are our only hope.” Mona stood up.
“There is another continent if you do not want us on this one and we would be happy to live on that one,” she offered. “We have a religious taboo against flying and we would stay on that continent out of your way and you would never have to see us again.” Harry nudged Jake and grinned.
“A religious taboo against flying but they flew to get here, that makes sense,” he whispered and Jake rolled his eyes.
“Behave, babe,” he whispered back. Harry put his hand to his face to hide his grin. Carl stood up.
“Don’t be silly, we’d love to have you on this continent, wouldn’t we folks?” he said and turned to the crowd who all smiled and nodded. The three
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