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Book online «The Kids Grow Up by Trish Hanan (novel24 .TXT) 📖». Author Trish Hanan

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she walked in. Gloria; however, noticed right away and looked at her funny.
“What on Earth are you wearing, fake boobs?” she asked and then David looked.
“Oh, yeah, they look very real,” he told her and Violet smiled and unbutton her blouse to show them.
“They’re not fake, well, they are. I got a boob job from an Alterian doctor, take a look at these beauties,” she bragged and took her bra off to show them. They both gasped and walked in for a closer look. David’s hands came out.
“Can I touch them?” he asked and Violet nodded.
“Go ahead, they’re very soft and natural feeling,” she bragged and he felt them.
“Oh, they are, feel, honey, see how soft they are,” he gushed and of course Gloria had to feel them and the three played with Violet’s new breasts for the longest time. Violet giggled and put her top back on.
“Wait till everyone sees these, they’re not going to call me Itty Bitty anymore,” she snapped and the other two giggled. “And wait until Jake Jackson sees these, I bet he notices me then,” she said. Gloria nodded.
“How are you going to get him to notice you though, Harry’s always around,” she told her. Violet grinned.
“I’ve got a plan, don’t you worry, I’m going to steal Jake away from that little fag if it takes me fifty years,” she bragged some more and the three laughed.
The next day Violet went to see Dr. Jackson and he loved her new breasts and spent an hour playing with them before he would calm down long enough for her to tell him the reason she had come to see him in the first place. Then he laughed.
“You want a job as my receptionist, are you crazy, Violet, why would you want to do a foolish thing like that?” he asked. She sighed.
“Jackson, Sissy has always told me that Jake got together with Harry when he was too young, before his sexually was set, Harry confused him and we both know that Harry with his genius I.Q. took advantage of Jake and tied him down with those children and that Jake is really straight and he just needs the right woman to show him and Sissy has always told me that I’m that woman,” she explained. He looked surprised.
“Sissy said that?” he asked and she nodded.
“Now Jake would have never paid attention to me before because my breasts weren’t big enough, you know how men love large breasts and I think that if I play my cards right and if you and Sissy and my parents work on him nice and slow. Nothing too obvious, that we can turn Jake away from Harry and homosexuality and to me. Now don’t you think Jake and I will give you beautiful grandchildren?” she asked slyly and he grinned.
“Better than those fishy freaks Harry gave him, those poor children should never have been born. Dolphins, who ever heard of such a thing, my grandson should have been named Jackson Henry Jackson and if you and Jake have a son you can name him that and he’d been a real grandson,” he said. She grinned.
“So you’ll hire me?” she asked and he nodded.
“Give me a couple of days to get rid of this one, I’ll just yell at her a few times and she’ll cry and quit and then I’ll call you, once I get you in here, the rest is up to you,” he told her. She nodded.
“This is going to take a long time, Jackson, I have to work nice and slow, Jake isn’t going to trust me for a long, long time but I don’t care if it takes twenty years, I’m going to get my man,” she declared and he grinned. They shook hands and she left smiling.

Chapter Seven

Now that the Alterians were finally settled and their city was built the people of Edenville didn’t have anything to do but they did have stores to run and more than enough customers to go around so they opened up their stores and the Alterians flocked to them. And they flocked to Medford and started dining out, going to clubs and bars and plays and having a good time. The Alterians had football, baseball and basketball teams and played games in their new stadium and arena and everyone enjoyed another’s company. And of course all these new people meant new people to have sex with.
New sexual partners also brought something that the humans and minosians had never had to deal with and that was sexual diseases. All of the colonists had to pass a medical examination before they boarded the Roosevelt so they had been clean and Sarek and his family had been clean so for decades they had been playing with no problems. The Alterians gave them venereal diseases like VD and gonorrhea and everyone’s favorite, syphilis and they didn’t appreciate that one little bit.
Harry decided that he only wanted to keep Macys open. Jake worked at the Clinic so there was no need for him to run back and forth between two stores; that would be silly. Really he didn’t want to keep either store open, he didn’t want to sell his precious Macy’s merchandise to the Alterians but he didn’t have anything else to do and he couldn’t think of anything else to do. He might as well open a store for a little while until he figured out what he wanted to do with himself. Jake thought that was a good idea but he was hurt that Harry wasn’t keeping his store open too. Harry shrugged.
“I guess I could keep your store open instead of Macys, I really don’t want to sell my stuff to the Alterians anyway,” he said one night at dinner and Jake grinned.
“Oh, I guess your stuff is more important than mine,” he teased. Harry flushed.
“That’s not what I said, honey, and you know it,” he said. Jake laughed.
“I’m just teasing you, babe, just keep my store open, I don’t mind, you can’t work both stores; that would run you ragged, how could you do that,” he said and Harry nodded.
“If I hired a manager for each store I could do it, but it would still mean a lot of work and there’s still the house and you to take care of, honey, and you take a lot of work,” he teased and Jake grinned and kissed him.
“Oh, talking about hiring people, maybe you could help out at the clinic a couple of time a week, that man I hired for dad wants to quit, Dad keeps yelling at him and I had to give him more money again, this is the fourth time I had to give him a raise,” he told him. Harry grinned and passed the salad.
“And you think your dad won’t yell at me?” he teased and Jake laughed.
“You’d just yell back, babe,” he said, then he laughed. “You’d never believe who dad got to replace Merta,” he said and Harry grinned.
“Who?” he asked, he loved listening to Jake tell about his day. Jake laughed again.
“Our old friend Violet that’s who,” he said and Harry frowned.
“What the hell does she want to work as a receptionist at a Veterinary clinic?” he asked in disbelief. Jake shrugged.
“She says she wants to be a Veterinarian like my dad whose going to teach her everything he knows and she has the program at home to study, she seems really serious about it, Harry,” he told him. Harry frowned.
“This is just another one of her attempts to flirt and get close to you, Jake, I can’t believe you’d hire her,” he snapped. Jake shrugged.
“I didn’t hire her, babe, my dad did and it’s his clinic too so I can’t fire her, oh yes, this is funny, you’re going to love this,” he laughed. Harry sighed.
“What’s that, honey?” he asked.
“She went to one of those Alterian Plastic Surgeons and got herself a boob job, old Violet’s got herself a big old pair of boobs,” Jake said and Harry giggled.
“Oh, heavens, this I’ve got to see for myself, I’ll bring you lunch tomorrow and get a peek,” he said and Jake kissed him.
“Bring me smoked turkey, you know how much I love your smoked turkey,” he said and Harry nodded. Maybe having Violet at the clinic wouldn’t be so bad, especially if she had big boobs. Jake was definitely not a boob man.
The next day Harry walked into the clinic and almost broke out into laughter. Seated at the front desk in a low cut blouse was Violet Emery in full makeup with French nails and her hair all puffed up and styled with the tips dyed blue like all the kids were wearing lately. She looked so out of place in the clinic it was pitiful. She smiled nicely at Harry and he smiled back and informed her he was here to see Jake.
“He’s with a patient right now, Harry, but you can go in and wait in his office if you like,” she gushed and he thanked her and went in.
“Of course I can wait in his office, you bitch, he’s my husband and don’t you forget that for a moment,” he whispered to the door and sat down behind the desk to wait. Jake came in a few minutes later and grinned when he saw him sitting there. Harry got up and they kissed.
“Did you see her, aren’t they humongous?” Jake laughed. Harry giggled.
“Why’d she get them so big, if she had just gone up a size or two they would have looked so natural,” he said and Jake shrugged. They sat down to eat and had a great time. Then Harry giggled and blew him before his next patient which put Jake in a great mood for the rest of the day.
“Harry should bring you your lunch all the time, you’ve been singing all day,” Violet teased him later. Jake laughed.
“Harry knows how to put me in a good mood,” he teased back and they both laughed. Violet watched him go back into his office and then the smile came off her face. I bet he does the little slut, she thought. I bet that little pervert gave her Jake a blow job during lunch and that’s what’s been putting that grin on his face all day. It would just be like nasty Harry to do something like that. Oh, well, this was just her first week and she was a very patient lady, one day she was going to take old Jake away from Harry and she didn’t care if it took her five, ten, or fifteen years, she was bound and determined to get her revenge.
Even though Jake had said he’d been teasing Harry felt guilty selling his sporting goods and not selling his Macy stuff, so he hired two Alterian managers and opened both stores and every day had to rush over and open both and stay late to close both and of course that made him late to fix Jake’s dinner. Jake understood and started staying late at the Clinic and that gave him time to catch up on the paperwork that there never seemed to be enough time for during the day so the two men quickly got into a new routine.
Harry got up early to milk the cows and let Jake sleep in

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