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Book online «The Ecstasy of Tral-Gothica by Victor Hadnot and Amanda Travis (surface ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Victor Hadnot and Amanda Travis

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comfortable chair across from them. “Hmm. I last saw her maybe a few weeks ago. Why?”
Payne uttered. “Nothing very serious. We were just wondering where we might be able to find her.”
“What does the government want with my aunt? Is she in some kind of trouble?” Stella asked.
“Well. There are a few things that we need to clear up with her.” Frost stated.
“Like what?” Stella insisted.
“What do you know about The Take Charge Movement?” came Payne.
Stella didn’t bat an eye. “The what movement?”
Frost said, “Of course you wouldn’t know anything about it. We just thought, that since you are the only one living here. You might have heard something.”
“You think my aunt has something to do with this Take Charge Movement?” Stella voiced.
Payne spoke. “Do you know what the people who are in that movement stand for?”
“You have to forgive me. I’m just a simple country girl. Born and raised in the rural sections. All we ever do is farming and light herding, mostly try to grow and raise enough to feed the people of Tral-Gothica.” Stella acted really country.
“Of course. We know that you have just arrived in the city. Your aunt is involved in a serious insurrection ring. They mount big protest against our government. They have no respect for the colonization. They side with the natives. The Native Tral-Gothicians.” said Frost.
“Really! I just can’t believe it.” Stella exasperated.
Frost rubbed his moustache. “You seem like a bright young woman. You wouldn’t even think about getting involved with something like that, would you?”
Stella looked at Frost and Payne. “I wouldn’t even know how.”
“Right then. You see, these people, they hate the government. We try to provide a good way of life for the entire people of Tral-Gothica. You know, food and medicine and work. Land, as in your case, living in the rural sections. All the government asked for in return, is loyalty.” Stated Payne.
“I totally understand. Like, I’m a Tral-Gothician, born here, after the colony had settled in. I love this planet. It is my home. I’d do anything to protect it.” Stella expounded.
Frost smiled. “Now that is the kind of talk that we like to hear. Specially from young people. You’d be surprised as to how many of the young like yourself, take for granted, the wonderful things that Tral-Gothica has to offer. I mean, we actually have closed the entering of new people. Immigration to Tral-Gothica has been closed for a long time now, because a lot of people wanted to come here, for our way of life.”
“Well. We have to protect what is ours, don’t you think?” said Payne.
Stella looked at the woman. “Well. Yes. And I do understand. Letting in too many people can cause all sorts of problems. People from other worlds, with their strange ways and ideas. They are not like us.”
Frost smiled. “Exactly. You know, I was telling Agent Payne, that I just knew that you were a good egg! There was no reason to suspect that you’d had anything to do with these terrorist!”
“Terrorist? Oh my goodness, no! I didn’t know that there were any kind of terrorist on Tral-Gothica.” Stella saw the seriousness of the charge.
“Yes. Protesting against the government is considered an act of terrorism. The only legal gatherings are those for edification of the government’s plans.” said Payne.
Stella cocked her head. “How might one get involved in serving Tral-Gothica?”
At that, both Agents smiled. “You can become a member of the Pro-Tolerate Movement. It is a movement created by the government for the young people. Patriots! Those who understand that the super-corps are our friends. They allowed us all to come to this wonderful planet and to build a new and better life. Farming. Cattle. Mining. Drilling. All the rich and wonderful jobs that lead to a good strong Middle Class.”
Stella said, “Yeah. Fuck the poor!”
Frost clapped. “Exactly! The poor are lazy. They don’t want to work. They don’t want to contribute to society! They are like weeds that must be plucked out of the field. They are like disease that must be cut out of the body, in order to save the person! Here are the forms, just sign right there and you will be considered for the Pro-Tolerate Movement.”
“There are all sorts of young people involved.” said Payne.
“I’d like to meet new people, specially people my age. Who are involved in protecting our way of life.” Stella sounded off.
“Yes. Of course you would! And we have sections that are dedicated to controlling the natives. To make sure that they stay in their place. After all, Tral-Gothica is our planet. We colonized here. We have the advanced technology, in order to exploit the planet’s natural resources. The stupid natives were sitting on trillions of gems worth of money, in the form of natural resources. They are a stupid folk. They don’t understand.” voiced Frost.
“Yes. They don’t understand.” And with that. Stella joined the Pro-Tolerate Movement.
The membership was immediate as the uplink took place. Payne explained. “You’ll be contacted in a few days. You’ll be given a uniform and instructions as to where to go so that you can be indoctrinated.”
Stella nodded. “Yes. I’ll be glad to get trained.”
“You see, it is all for the good of the planet.” Frost told.
“I can see it now. We need to protect our way of life.” Stella echoed.
“Now. These filthy Take Charge Movement fellows. If you ever suspect that someone is part of that movement. Your first duty is to report them.” Payne explained.
“I will hunt them down and kill them!” Stella’s eyes flared.
Frost shook his head. “No! You are to report them only. We have special squads that hunt them down. Often, they have information that we can make use of. And if nothing else, from time to time, we make an example of one or two of them, with a televised hanging or drowning.”
“I see. Drown them. Hanging isn’t as horrible as drowning!” Stella agreed with the two agents.
Payne uttered. “I can see that you are going to make an excellent new recruit.”
“Yes. I sure hope so.” Stella said.
“Once you put on that uniform You’ll be joining the proud ranks of our military and police auxiliary.” said Frost.
“Yes. You’ll be an official member. And if ever you decide to join the police or the ranks of Tral-Gothica’s military, you’ll have a leg up on someone who just joined off the streets.” told Payne.
“I will?” Stella expressed.
Frost nodded. “You’ll be given junior rank over the ones off the streets.”
Stella smiled. “Oh. Then I’ll do an extra fine job serving the super-corps.”
“Yes. That is good. Because the super-corps are the government. The government are the super-corps. They funded the exploration and paid for all the things that made it possible for us all to live and work on Tral-Gothica. And let us face it, our planet comes closest to providing with everything needed to sustain human life.” Payne uttered.
Stella stood. “Thank you.”
Frost spoke. “Do you know where the hand shake came from?”
Stella shook her head. “No, sir, I do not!”
Frost was seriously impressed with Stella. “Oh, I just love your snap, young lady! You are going to go far in the Pro-Tolerate Movement. I can see you joining the military and quickly gaining rank. Anyway, the hand shake symbolized, that you have no weapon. Do you?”
After the agents had gone and Stella reviewed what had just happened, she realized that the government had Aunt Jenny. It was probably more likely that her aunt wasn’t talking and that was why they sent agents to her apartment. Obviously they didn’t have enough on Stella to arrest her and what had just happened was all part of some charade, to try and see where she stood. Lucky for Stella, she was considered country and backwards, having lived on the farm all her life. They didn’t get much serious resistance from the rural communities. Most folks in those sectors were too busy trying to make a living from the natural ways of Tral-Gothica. Stella made a few encrypted calls on her call-all, and then decided to take a bath. She went into the bedroom and got undressed. Her voluptuous body revealed in from of the mirror. She noticed a few bruises, nothing that was a big deal. They would heal. She turned and examined her lovely and juicy buttocks. Then she went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. She got in and began to wet herself down good and soap herself. She cleaned her pussy and her asshole. Then she soaped her boobs.
After doing all of that, she looked around and saw a figure standing outside of her shower. She was shocked as she opened it and found Agent Payne, standing there, all butt naked. The thing that really shocked Stella was that Payne was a shemale, with a rather hefty cock, sticking straight up at Stella. Payne had nice boobs and a pretty face.
“What are you doing here?” asked Stella.
Payne grinned. “There is a lesson you need to learn. Before you can become a member of the Pro-Tolerate Movement, Stella. And I’m here to teach it to you!”
Stella wondered if they were onto the secret transmission that she had made earlier, after they had left. Stella looked about. “Where is Agent Frost?”
“Oh, he’s not here. It’s just you and me.” Payne slowly got into the shower with Stella.
The two began to kiss. Their lips locking as the water flowed gently over their hot naked bodies. Stella could feel Payne’s blistering hard cock rub up against her wet body. Stella was a little hesitant at first, because she had never been with a shemale. She had heard about the strange creatures, but had never actually seen one up close, let alone share a show with one. Payne’s tongue rolled around inside of Stella’s mouth and their lips sealed as Stella’s tongue danced with Payne’s. She felt Payne’s hands as they slowly and skillfully moved across Stella’s wanton body. Then she felt Payne’s fingers as they found Stella’s pussy. Payne’s fingers went up inside of Stella’s hole and began to roll about. Fingering Stella ever so slowly and then there was a deep thrust. Stella moaned as Payne’s fingers found the right points of her pussy and started to give Stella pleasure. Stella moved her hand to the unusual feature of the seemingly woman who was now making love to her, as Stella’s hand found the rock hard cock, that protruded from Payne’s crotch. Payne obviously was moved as Stella’s hands wrapped around her dick. The shemale moved a bit as to allow Stella greater access to the pleasure that Stella was now providing. Then, Payne slowly kissed her way to Stella’s voluptuous breasts. The shemale licked Stella’s nipples paying extra attention to the crown of her nipples. Oh, yes! Stella thought. As Payne paid homage to Stella’s ample breasts. Then Payne went down, to Stella’s, always hungry pussy, and the shemale began to lick Stella’s pussy, licking and slurping and even sticking her fingers deep inside of her cunt. Stella shifted and slid down to the base of the shower and then opened her legs so that Payne could do her, right. Payne cocked open Stella’s legs so that she could have full access to Stella’s pussy. And then Payne began to mouth the pussy real good. Payne’s tongue was educated in this thing as the shemale licked every inch of Stella’s pussy hole. Oh, that is it, just lick me!” Stella thought. As Payne went to town on Stella’s cunt, showing it how it must be. Stella let out several moans as Payne found those secret spots inside of her pussy and made sure
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