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How To Promote or Produce a Concert

Your Pre & Post Production Specialist


"Let's Take It To The Stage"

Author: Michael Burton Sr.
Copyright © 03/30/2011 by Michael Burton Productions -Michael Burton International - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

"Let's Take It To The Stage"

"MBP e-Book Table of Contents"

"Michael Burton Productions e-Book Introduction"

..... 16. What is an Investor?
..... 19. What is an Angel Investor?
..... 23. Addressing The Investor.
..... 26. What Is Networking?
..... 29. Related Acheivements.


..... 34. Investor Summary.
..... 36. Production Cost Projections.
..... 39. How to Produce a Concert.
..... 45. A Personal Message.
..... 46. Get on Board.
..... 47. An MBP Event.
..... 50. MBP Video Conference Website.

"Michael Burton Productions e-Book Introduction"

A Michael Burton Productions

$1,000,000.00 "one million dollars"

"Concert Production E-Book!"

Real simple and to the point:

If You Want To Call Your Own Shots… Retire Early Or Live A Life Of Total Freedom... Then This Will Be The Most Important Message You Will Ever Read.

Dear Friend;

Let's face it, none of us are getting any younger. Regardless of how we feel and what we do, we only have a limited time on this earth to work, enjoy life and spend time with people we care about.

Unfortunately, most of us quickly discover that the burdens of life… such as commuting, working, raising families and other daily obligations... take up the majority of our time, year after year.

I still remember back in my early twenties, when a year seemed like an eternity… and 90% of time spent outside of work was doing things I enjoyed.

But time flew by quickly, and as I started getting older I realized in order to live the life I wanted of freedom, a nice place to live and the cool car I wanted to drive, I needed to do a little better than 10 bucks an hour. So naturally I spent more time focusing on what I wanted my career to be -- just like the majority of you reading this are doing right now.

I studied, I learned, and I took action. Sure, there were hard times. But not long after, I had started earning an income that a brain surgeon would envy. Nothing happened overnight, but it did happen rather quickly… so quickly that the last 20 years seem to have flown by.

I was living high on the hog… traveling to some of the most exotic locations on earth.

Yeah, everything was great... except... I was still missing a piece of the puzzle. Because although I had a nice income, I still had the same stress I had when I was making 10 bucks an hour.

You see, when you start making huge amounts of money, your lifestyle changes. For example, before my income shot up I'd plan a vacation and set aside, let's say, $5,000. That would cover the airfare, hotel and leave some spending money. Nowadays, that $5,000 barely covers airfare. I can count on spending $20,000 now for a short weekend getaway!

Not that my personality has changed. I still like grabbing a plate of chicken wings and chugging a cold beer at the local Bar's. I still spend some evenings sitting out in the dark Las Vegas nights, or tearing down I-15 at 100 mph... the same things I would have done 20 years ago.

The difference is that now I've become accustomed to a new income level, and I spend a lot more money. Trust me on this -- it will happen to you too, once your income goes to the next level.

Keep in mind, I've never spent beyond my means… I could have done twice as much as I have so far and still have a huge bank account.

So What Was My Problem?

It was simple… I wasn't building wealth! I had a huge income but I also had an expensive lifestyle to keep up.

You see, regardless of how confident you are, your subconscious mind will play tricks on you. For example, even if you start making a million bucks a year, you'll start to think like this… "Well, now I owe Uncle Sam $400,000… my house payment is at $6,000 a month… the car is another $3,000 a month… a vacation will set me back about $30,000..." etc., etc. When you look at it that way, the million bucks you earned doesn't look like much anymore. Which throws your subconscious into a 'fearful' mindset.

So how do you get around that kind of destructive thinking and still live the good life? It's easy:

You Invest For The Future.

That's it! I'll tell you, when I started investing for the long-term, my life changed dramatically. Everything I did became carefree; I took jobs I wanted to do, not ones that I had to do, because I knew I had other investments making me money everyday without me having to do a thing.

Now the investing I'm talking about isn't 'buy and flip'… which can produce income fast, except you're going to pay 40% of that fast income to Uncle Sam, who will gladly take every penny of it. It's good for cash flow but won't cut it for the long term.

It's also not about putting your money in some stock or bond that barely keeps up with inflation, plus, with all the crooked CEO's out there and diminishing retirement accounts, that's one place I wouldn't want to put my money.

And last of all, it sure as hell isn't about buying single family homes and renting them out for cash flow. I guess that's fine if you have all the time in the world and 40 years until you retire... but for most of us there just isn't enough time in the day to make this pay off.

So... What Do You Do?

Well, I’m not a financial advisor so I can't give you advice... but... I can tell you what I do.

Simply put, I invest in Concert Productions.

If you're not familiar with concert production investing, it's really rather simple. You invest in a concert 30 - 45 days out and reap the benefits.

Why on earth would you want to do that? That's exactly what I thought... until I looked closely at the numbers many years ago:

a. You don't have to get a mortgage… no banks, no credit checks… no hassles. The deal closes in one day!

b. You don't have to make any monthly payments, which means more money to invest... bringing bigger returns!

c. You don't have to pay any real estate taxes… that saves you thousands of dollars.

d. You don't have to deal with tenants. If you're a landlord, you already know what I'm talking about...if you're not, well -- just be GLAD you're not!

e. You only get hit with a 10 to 15% income tax versus 40%. It's a lot easier to build wealth when the government isn't talking almost half!

f. You get built-in investment discounts! It’s a no-brainer!

g. Best of all, you can make a truckload of money fast! I'm talking $100,000… $250,000… yes, even $1,000,000.00 off a single concert! It doesn't take but a few deals like this to become very wealthy!

Before you start counting all your millions in profits, I'll tell you up front that this opportunity isn't for everyone. In fact, only about 30% of you reading this will be able to do this because it requires a special type of investor:

1. A special person who has already paid his or her dues and is looking for a passive yet safe way to add to their wealth in a short amount of time.

2. A special person who's been investing a while who wants to contribute their opinions and wisdom to other like-mined people with the same goals, while building an empire for themselves and their families.

3. A special person who knows making 4-5% a year on their money will not leave them financially free, and wants to bring back the excitement and hope that a new investment strategy will bring.

Now, if you're not at this point…don't sweat it. Keep flipping and doing other things and eventually you'll get there. You have to start somewhere.

But for those sophisticated investors who want to rise to the next level -- this is something you need to investigate if you have the available funds and want a proven path to.

REAL Wealth… Really FAST!

The project I'm talking about is Michael Burton Productions.

That's hundreds of thousands and yes, even millions of dollars in profits off of Concert Production.

It’s a perfect investment for the busy professional who wants to grab their share of the massive returns these types of projects can bring, yet doesn't have the necessary time to do all the endless research, negotiations and hours of work required... because I do it all for you.

So How Can You Get Into This Exclusive Club?

Well until now, you simply couldn't get into any group like this unless you were already a well-known concert promoter or you personally knew me, Michael Burton Sr.

First off, you will need about $80,000 of liquid capital to invest. This covers the cost of your buying in on the project.

Remember -- this is half of what it would cost you to do this on your own.

But There Is A Catch...

This is your backstage pass into the hush-hush world of concert promoting. You'll be shocked and amazed when you see how much money you can make.

There's so much more I want to tell you, but due to the confidentiality of this type of investment, I simply have to end it here.

But if you think you have what it takes to take part in this investment and have the proper funds, then I need you to contact me in the links provided -- I mean, like, right now! I'll instantly receive it in my private email account, give it the once-over and then contact you.

-- so this is about as exclusive as it gets.

Hope to see you at the end of the month!

Michael Burton Sr.

"What Is An Investor?"

Someone Who Invests!

A person, company, or other organization that has money invested in something, especially one that holds stock in publicly owned corporations.

The portfolio of an investor commonly includes a variety of assets that balance the rewards and risks of each investment. An investor is distinguished from a speculator, who seeks to make quick, large gains from price increases on risky assets. Generally, an investor has a longer time horizon for achieving a return, which may include regular cash payments from the income the asset generates, capital appreciation from the rise in the asset price, or both. A young investor tends to buy assets with price appreciation potential, because a 25-year-old investor has many years for the asset to appreciate before the funds are needed

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