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and asymmetry. It is only natural that such powerful energy field like Liberty has to have enough scale magnitude of operative space so that it does not interfere with the energy field of another individual. Also, it was essential that overall milieus remained sufficiently compassionate and resource-distribution among individuals had much-required equitability to minimize conflicts and competitiveness. These remained dream for humanity, as societies grew to become more complex with rising population and resource availability.

Politics in its contemporary structures and functions came into being in human world with this specific requirement. Politics by definition of its nature means humanly designed and devised structures and functions to accommodate, assimilate and systematize different competing and conflicting shades of Realities. Politics by its very origin means a ‘Compassionate Meeting Point’ of all competing energies in society and cultures to Optimize Liberty by arraying and aligning conflicting ideas and demands into a System of Sanity. And, democracy was accepted globally as the single working tool of political maneuvering for Sanity.

It is altogether different matter that politics itself had such inherent and innate ‘Causalities’, which engendered the Frankenstein of Insanity and Conflicts. The ‘media’ of politics, which the core reality of liberty created, may have been designed to communicate and express the compassionate element of assimilation, accommodation and integration in social-cultural life-living but this ‘medium’ of politics had its own ‘message’. The massive power structures, causalities of authoritative control and legitimacy for violence etc ensured that politics itself turned out to be the single largest killer of compassion, assimilation and accommodation.

This however is only one aspect of trouble of politics. Second crucial aspect is that contemporary nature of politics globally has come to stay as ‘Dispenser of Solutions’, which it is not designed for. Politics has no solutions to offer, as solutions for human life-living originate only in societal and cultural domains. It is so because troubles of life-living have origin in society and culture itself. Individual liberty has its play ground in society. Naturally, problems emanate in this playground. Societies and cultures themselves have answers and solutions. Politics simply has the role of compassionate and amicable assimilation and accommodation of competing solutions of a problem or trouble. Politics has the role of administrating (executing) an already arrived at solution of societal approval, through its authoritative structures and functions and never the creation of solution.

Tragically, instead, politics in contemporary world is the single largest trouble of humanity! It is primarily because politics in contemporary human world has illegitimately donned the mantle of ‘solution provider’, sidelining individual liberty and society-culture, and this, the politics does to install such ‘solutions’, which only serves its own petty interest. Politics in contemporary human world is the best example of the calamitous reality of ‘Medium Is Message’. Interestingly, modern politics is behaving almost similar to the ‘mechanism of evolution’, which is accepted by most as ‘stupid engineering’.

Liberty, by very definition is itself contextual and relational as Liberty is a Reality only in societal context and social relationships. There is no meaning of the reality of Liberty in a vast jungle where a single human being lives. Liberty is a socially-contextual Reality and as a natural corollary, stands as a competing idea just because of the fact that its operative domain is a physically defined space of society where people with different perceptions and perspectives live side by side; often in uncomfortably intrusive limits. The colossal stupidity and hypocrisy of politics and governance is that they work on this unrealistic hypothesis that as Liberty itself creates most stresses and conflicts in societal space, it is best to kill liberties to maintain peace and order. This they do by the might and brutal power of police, para-military, military, law-enforcement agencies and judicial system. This renders state, governments and politics as alien and unreal elements of Reality. Their very actions stands in denial and annihilation of Reality as Liberty itself is creation of Reality and therefore cannot be suppressed and restricted. Liberty can always be conditioned to be more compassionate and this is also the role of person itself and family-society plexus; not state, government and politics. Yes, they can be part of the compassion culture and its accentuation enterprise in utmost sensitivity and sincerity.

No doubt, the state and governments have the pressured role and duty of maintaining peace and order in society. The contemporary human world has created such stupid and hypocritical structures that it is becoming tough for states to maintain order. Human population is now many many times more than what could be the idea of ‘enough space’ for every individual to practice his or her personal diversities peacefully. The population is also not equitably dispersed. Also, in modern times, all human lives with their stakes on available resources on Earth are so intricately linked to each other that it is truly tough for an individual Liberty to express itself and not interfere with that of others. But, the state and governments must see and accept that maintenance of order and peace cannot be attained by restricting or killing Liberty with mundane use of violence, as it is like killing the Reality – The universal human reality. If Liberty is killed, there is no basis for existence of anything – neither society nor the state!

The very idea of liberty stands as a competitive entity as its innate nature, which makes it highly entropic. It is simply because Liberty has meaning only in human world and humans live in finite domains of space, time, resource, etc. Naturally, liberty of different individuals shall always compete with each other to optimize the energy field of Liberty. As human population is much beyond sustainable limits of the Earth, every passing day, the operational space available for each energy field of individuals liberty is shrinking, making the competition harsher and exceed the probabilities of compassion, accommodation and inclusiveness. So, liberty itself engenders such causalities that play out their realities in a way that erodes compassion. Erosion of compassion in personal/social life-living and human milieus is such powerful causality that it unleashes elements that murders sanity. Naturally, politics gets the license to restrict and kill liberties, on the pretext of ‘order and peace’ and ‘welfare of people’. This stupidity of state must stop. Not only state and political layers but every individual has to understand Liberty, in the wider context of Reality. This can be attained not by killing Liberty but by integration and assimilation of collective human knowledge through a universal objective and scientific education mechanism about Reality and need for Compassionate Human Consciousness.

In contemporary human world, it is this hugely entropic energy of Liberty, which is incessantly hiking the quantum of insanity and disorder in societies. Take the example of how modern world has come to stay as a major theatre of liberty of women, across the globe. Since thousands of years, women liberties were suppressed and now they have come to the forefront of all major societal, political and economic discourses. However, as majority of men world have not taken this women enterprise for liberty with sufficient quantum of compassion, accommodation and inclusiveness, the entropic structures between men and women have only strengthened, causing more chaos, conflict and confusion between them. Similar is the case with all other hitherto ‘marginalized’ sections, who are attempting to take their liberties to the mainstream of societal-political-economic discourse. Every new expression of liberty is shrinking compassion and enhancing stress of conflict.

For politics, entropies are great news as they extend it the much required legitimacy to use brute force of power and authority to kill liberties. Politics essentially plays smart and is scrupulously selective in taking sides with those identities and liberties, which populist energies provide sufficient mass and volume. Politicians are rather hugely skilled to even influence public opinion, create a virtual reality and authoritatively install it as ultimate Reality!

It is however debatable, whether there could be a possibility of sanity and non-conflict if there were only five humans in the entire cosmos, living in far away galaxies. It seems, even then there probably could not be peace because some day, the five would get connected and even while there would be enough space, the causalities of Liberty would creep in and at least one of the five humans might feel that he or she should ideally own 95 percent of the cosmos, instead of the current 20 percent! Liberty as the expression of reality that human consciousness perceives is a ‘causality’, which automatically finds a ‘media’ for entropic probabilities.

Essentially, Liberty is also dualistic, like all realism of life and living. As the famous saying goes, ‘My right to swing my arm ends where the nose of other begins’; this very dualism makes liberty a recipe of chaos and conflict. Liberty cannot stand divested of Duties as every individual is entitled to liberty of his or her personal perspective and viewpoint of a Reality but then, so are others. And in a collective space, where energy fields of personal liberties are uncomfortably close, because of huge population pressure and limiting resources, it is only very natural that even a ‘small swing’ of arm by an individual gets restricted by the intrusive ‘nose’ of other individual. Naturally, liberty in modern world is getting ‘restricted’ by loads of burden of ‘duties’, usually very harshly imposed and administered by state power and even societies. It is only very natural that compassion in contemporary times is tested hard and probably cannot stand the heat of conflicting competitiveness. The ‘space-resource-crunch’ is however only one aspect of the trouble for Liberty.

Liberty by its very nature is entropic and therefore, for Liberty to thrive and spread, it requires less controlled socio-political-economic milieus. By its innate positioning, liberty is best expressed in milieus where duties are less and authoritative restrictions are fewer. This very positioning is recipe of disaster for political systems and governments, which by their own nature and positioning, thrive on disciplinary restrictions and larger duty compliances of individuals. Interestingly, this modern ‘welfare state’ is so colossal in structure and function that it swallows most of the available ‘spaces’ for its own ‘Liberty-Expression’, which in turn uploads such huge loads of duties on individuals that personal liberties are always gasping for a few breaths. The conflict between liberal individual and authoritative state is a classical battle in human world and it keeps going out of hand as human world is evolving as it is. There is a history of how the so-called democratic ‘welfare states’ have wreaked stringent authoritative controls on individuals and their liberties. The welfare and democratic states too have not only killed liberties but also people, let alone the autocratic and oligarchic states.

Globally, in so many countries, which have had a good record of Liberal traditions and cultures, there has been a rise and emboldening of right wing nationalist political ideology. This rising right wing nationalist voice is against ‘unfettered’ liberty and wants to install selective restrictions on the name of nationalistic sense of duties. In USA, in many countries of Europe, even very liberal nations like Sweden, India, etc, the right wing nationalistic surge has taken over the erstwhile ‘Liberal’ traditions. It is essentially societal issue, which politics has cashed in with great ingenuity to reap personal political benefits.

The idea behind this global development is primarily about the dualism of Liberty itself. The idea of optimization of liberty is a vast-resource enterprise. Liberty is a happy-times manifestation of human individuality. The very rise of right wing nationalistic sense of duty-restrictions over liberal rights is the manifestation of bad and crippling times for humanity globally. The issue of ‘Ethnicity’ and ‘Localization’, as against the post-second world war era of liberalism, open trade and globalization is the reiteration of shrinking space for energy-fields of liberty. The right wing insurgence of the restrictive nationalistic ideology of ethnicity and localization is aimed at ‘elimination’ or ‘taming’ of those ‘noses’, which the majority ethnic group, having some sort of commonality, symmetry and uniformity sees and accepts as ‘alien’ or ‘misfit’ into their own worldview

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