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enough, this oligarchy has now ensured to install a perfect contempt of masses towards intellectuals, thinkers and scientists. The academic-educational institutions and their financial-academic independence and autonomy has successfully been annihilated and made slave to the ‘Nexus’. Globally, politics and governments are brutally destructing the intellectuals, civil society voices and that of the activists. As global Reality stands today, politicians of all shades have successfully installed in the minds of the masses that they alone are the voice of sanity and the only legitimate expression of Reality.

Contemporary world’s biggest trouble is that despite the fact that modern collective human knowledge has come to understand and successfully explain Reality and also human consciousness; it is still confined only to a small and detached Ivory Tower scientific community. The modern knowledge does not reflect in any field of knowledge, which affects common people, barring the technology field. Contemporary scientific knowledge still has little reflection in important fields of education, psychology, philosophy, politics and economics. These fields still remain in the classical age of knowledge and still not interested in integration of their knowledge-fields to allow an update of their knowledge pool and reforms.

Politics is the most stubborn entity resisting any attempt to scientific temper and updating their obsolete ‘genetic’ structures. The state structures and governmental institutions have systematically resisted any reasonable attempts to integrate their work culture with modern scientific knowledge. They need the ‘Reforms’ in most urgent and deepest ways and yet, they are the most reluctant to reforms. Modern technologies and instrumentalities have very clearly necessitated the need for massive transparency and openness in state functioning and governmental administrations. However, politics and governments thwart all attempts to modernize and reform their functioning.

The politics and governments rather, annihilate the legitimacy and utility of all other fields of human knowledge by superimposing their own ‘Populist Reality’, which the masses love, as a foolish woman loves her lover’s abstract expression of ‘plucking moon’ for her as ultimate guarantee of the veracity and sincerity of his love for her.

The worst scenario of this situation is that in contemporary human world, there is a vacuum of knowledge and intellect having their dominant stake in ‘General Will’. This, as we discussed earlier, humanity had attained and begun with as early as 5000 years back. The pack of humanity traditionally had intellect and knowledge as its leadership. This has been intentionally killed by politics and governments in contemporary world. Science in contemporary world has reached a stage of brilliance and singular trust, yet it has zero stakes in ‘General Will’ of the masses. As true and real knowledge of contemporary humanity does not have any connect with ‘populist perceptions’ of the masses, which politics so successfully nurtures in its favor, the billions of average men and women do not look up to science and its collective wisdom and intellect for acceptance and installation of Reality in their life-living. Other fields of knowledge are not even in reckoning as the only two other fields, which have connect with masses – psychology and spirituality, are themselves the worst culprit of supplying pseudo-science and populism to the contemporary Reality.

It is this huge vacuum, which has resulted in calamitous causality for human world as crafty and hypocritical politics has filled in this vacuum and has successfully staked its authoritative claim on the freehold of stakes of General Will of the billions of average men and women. The crafty politics and opportunist politicians successfully install a Reality for masses, which is abstract, vague and populist, as against the objective, measurable and verifiable Reality, which contemporary science has deciphered. The politics and governments have completely monopolized their authority over ‘media’ and ‘communication’ plexus of human societies and they use the power and penetration of mass media to install their Personal Will of populist perceptions as the General Will of the masses. This is doom situation for humanity.

Look at the big nations of the contemporary world. They have extra-ordinary and brilliant human brains enriching science and all other fields of human knowledge and excellence. But, they are nowhere in the mainstream or populist memory. They are not the ‘celebrities’ the masses rave about and die to admire. They and their objective Reality do not even count in the General Will and National Interest projection of their countries, as if they do not exist. However, these big, powerful and brilliant countries have ‘charismatic’, dominant, celebrity and hugely resourceful politicians, who probably intentionally shun any semblance of intellectualized positioning and are almost surely among the most ‘reactionary’ geniuses. Why? Primarily because, politics all over the globe has shaped up in a way, which weeds out intellectuals with receptive and holistic perspectives, buoying up those few, who have the genius of ingenuity to work up a ‘nexus’, to ride over the reactionary populist mindsets of the teeming millions. Politics over the years have shaped up as the highest academy for learning the ‘art’ of legitimizing hypocrisies as ‘Ultimate Reality’ for masses.

In plain and simple terms, the politicians, who rule the masses, probably have the only eligibility of being the giants of populism, which in modern world has the basis in abstract and precarious elements of success. These handful of hypocritical and otherwise precariously-eligible politicians have the unfettered authority to decide what they stupidly feel is ‘The Reality’ and then lead the billions of men and women towards them. And, this stark stupidity is the mainstream culture of modern humanity even in 21st century, which definitively unfurls before us as the age of reason, logic and scientific precision. This dualism is getting starker every passing day.

What we are talking about is essentially this single theme that when we are not sure of the very cause and nature of a trouble or problem, we cannot have a genuine solution of it. In such a situation, it gives occasion to a hell lot of opportunistic elements to put up their fancy shops of populist solutions, full of shiny and luscious abstractions and virtuality. The ‘solution-hawkers’ of politics and governance do have charismatic appeal to what they sell but what we buy, shall never be what we ‘need’ as it shall always be what we ‘want’. And, we all know, what we want is not always what we need.

This prolific human business of ‘solution-hawking’ has continued since ages and has been the root element of most troubles of humanity till date. Alongside politics, the psychology and spiritualism are also vying to become the sizeable stakeholder in ‘solution-hawking’ territory. There was probably no way out of this tragedy because, there never was an occasion before humanity to scientifically understand what the singular, objective and measurable basis of Reality was. The collective human knowledge is still divided over the issue of Reality but science in 21st century definitely has a firm and decisive grip on the singular mechanism and process of how Reality is engendered. Contemporary human wisdom has so successfully understood the final utility of Holism of Reality. Therefore, now humanity has no choice but to discontinue with all abstractions and vagueness, which uploads huge amount of stupidities and hypocrisies and allows ‘populism’ to rule us.

The modern age and collective human knowledge of ‘Reality’ leaves no role for the stupidities and hypocrisies of contemporary politics and governments. They now have to log out and give way to scientists and experts, who have to first complete the much wanted agenda of integration and holism of all fields of human knowledge and then install a novel singular, objective, measurable and verifiable model of mind training and academic learning for all, so that the core and critical trouble of human consciousness design is corrected. It shall also design the new constitution for politics and governance of the people.

There are countless examples of how contemporary politicians and governments are ruining the lives of billions of people by their hypocrisies, stupidities and unscientific-subjective perceptions about Reality. In this eBook, we certainly do not want to list them in details as it shall create its own bulk and deviate us from the core and more focused agenda of deliberating about the alternative model for humanity, which shall lead to we the people ‘Getting Our Crown Back’. Still, just for the sake of clarity about how political and governmental hypocrisies as well as abstractions are annihilating sanity and system of human world, we shall list a few important ones.

The most glaring example of stupid hypocrisy of politics and governments as well as a shining instance of how ‘Populist Reality’, mired in abstraction and mysticism is being dished out to billions of unsuspecting people is the contemporary brouhaha over Terrorism. Globally, most politicians and governments are making people buy this ‘Populist Reality’ that terrorism, especially the ‘identity-based’ terrorism of a specific community is the enemy number one of humanity. This ‘Populist Reality’ needs to have an objective Reality-Check!

First, let us check out the actual data of the menace of terror. In contemporary human world, the very much manageable trouble called diarrhea kills half a million people annually. The mosquito bite deaths kill a million people annually. Over six million children below 15 die every year from causes very easily preventable, like right nutrition and simple intervention. Every year, around the world, around one lakh people die of snakebites. Now consider how many people are killed in terror attacks. We all know that in 2016, around only 28,000 people were killed in terrorist strikes, which dropped to over 22,000 in 2017. In 2017, terror related deaths accounted for merely 0.05% of global deaths. And, as over 95% of terror killings are confined to a handful of 6-7 countries, on an average, for most countries, terrorism deaths account for merely 0.01% of all deaths.

So, it is very evident that there are so many ‘Realities’ of actual nature, content and intent, which are lined up to vie for this much-hyped crown of being the ‘Enemy Number One’ for humanity. However, only Terrorism wins the crown primarily because it is the politics and governments, which wish it to be crowned for their petty personal gains. This ‘Populist Reality’ they successfully install in the minds of common people through fanciful media overdrive over terrorism. There is perceptible reason why they intentionally lend wild-media to terrorism threat perception at populist levels. We need to know that.

Every year around 12 lakh people die in road mishaps. This is 40 times more than what terrorist could kill. Every year, around eight lakh people commit suicide. So, more than 28 times more people kill themselves than terrorist could. But, they do not ever figure in media talks and political discourse. The politicians and governments shall make war-cries only over terrorism because it suits their personal agenda. It is very clear, nothing else but humanity’s very own ‘intelligence’, which makes it accept million shades of stupidities is the worst enemy of humanity. We have become too intelligent and this ‘intelligence’ is killing us like stupids.

Globally, the experts in warfare and especially those who are geniuses of terrorist psychologies and strategies have been warning media and politicians not to talk about terrorism in such emotionally charged ways. They say, accept terrorists as slightly more than average criminals and let the state deal with them with iron hands like all criminals. They warn that when we speak of terrorism as something like the worst scourge of humanity, after every terrorist strike, we are actually praising what terrorists aim at. We actually boost their confidence. Terrorists wish us to feel threatened and when we say, terrorism is the worst enemy, we only in fact validate their mission.

Researches admit that in most of the countries, on an average half the population believe that terrorism is a major threat to humanity, which is clearly a well-intended media planted ‘Populist Reality’, which has nothing to do with actual ‘Reality’. That is why, it is known to every rational person that nothing else but humanity’s very own ‘intelligence’, which makes it accept million shades of stupidities is the ‘Number One Enemy’ of humanity. Very naturally, the contemporary

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