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and perspective of ‘Reality’.

For those, who see, belief and accept Reality in its holism, have the reason to feel warned. This is sure sign of what we know as the most lethal and incurable malaise of humanity. This is called the Auto-Immune-Syndrome. It is a situation where body’s own immune system begins to eat and feed into one’s own body. It is suicide stage for humanity. It is what the scientists have been warning that ‘Intelligent Races Make Themselves Extinct’. When individual liberty gets restricted, pruned and killed by the very structures and layers of human world, which have the primary duty and responsibility to feed, nurture and empower liberty, it is the primary symptom of beginning of the end of Possibility Of Sanity in human world and life-living. We already seem to have entered the stage and it is dangerously maturing globally, with ever increasing advocacies of insanities in the name of better world. The sole agent of this ‘suicide’ is politics.

We can surely put this phenomenon into a perspective. As we proceed into a life-living situation, where milieus around us have become growingly and unimaginably complex and expansive, the modern average consciousness of common men and women develops the propensity for ‘entropy suppression’ to avoid abstractions and confusion of thinking and action. This is natural. When reality or perception of it becomes complex and confusing, there is a natural urge to make things simple and easy to avoid complexities. Thinking and rationalizing is surely not easy and simple!

So, this rising trend has its own set of troubles and allied repercussions on cultures and society. The entropy expansion; the reverse of entropy suppression, usually leads to independence and liberal expressions of consciousness as the accommodation space expands. Historically, liberty and its optimum expression has been directly associated with entropy expansion mode of consciousness. This however leads to larger randomization and diversities of thoughtfulness, perspectives and behavior-actions in society and cultural landscape. This liberal consciousness and independent cognition is a definite recipe of trouble for society, culture and especially the political set up and government.

Political structures always have trouble with liberal and expansive perspectives as it weakens the legitimacy of authoritative patterns of governments. Liberal governments historically have been associated with less nationalistic and ethnicity fervor and less authoritative administration. This has changed as governments are under pressure to perform batter, look after the growing consumption demands of people and compete better in their global economic adventures of moneys and investments. This has made the modern governments to seek and administer more authority, more discipline and more uniformity of actions. The liberal population with larger independence to thought-action expression is now in direct clash with political authority. This may be called the China-Model of Growth, which is threatening all other erstwhile big and powerful economic powers of post-second world war era. Somehow, many countries are now happily following the Chinese model of growth-governance, even while braving up to counter surging Chinese power.

Naturally, average individual facing political and societal repression for ‘uniform’ and ‘unified’ behavioral regime, willfully starts doing entropy suppression. This compresses accommodation and assimilation urges of consciousness and therefore, many liberal elements and their asymmetrical expressions are either mitigated, subdued or squeezed. This itself in long run creates another set of trouble for societies, cultures and politics. This entropy suppression and adherence to uniformity of consciousnesses creates deep crisis of Monolithic Cognition. Monolithic cognition means majority of people have singular, partial and uniform viewpoint and perspective on core belief and utility that political masters offer. This kills holism.

Initially, the monolithic cognition suits the political structures as it enables and ensures discipline and uniformity but in long run, this becomes the license to autocratic tendencies and kills democracy. This is already happening in many parts of the globe. Experts warn that in USA, India and many European countries, the monolithic cognition of collective consciousness has dawned upon and consolidated itself. It has begun to influence the political structures and popular psyche there, especially in USA and India, where majoritarianism has started to supply license of autocratic behavior to the political system and violence to societal layers. It has already percolated down to demographic levels where majority identity behaves autocratically and violently towards minority expressions. Naturally, the minority cognition and perspectives are in dire threat. The societies and cultures are under huge threat of uncontrolled entropy that is set to unleash catastrophic energies of conflict and chaos. They already are!

The discerning minds and receptive people with rational and holistic perspectives can see and visualize that at macrocosmic levels, things have moved to such extremes that a correction and restitution to normal is now almost impossible. The trouble for humanity and its growing propensity towards insanity seems to have become systemic. The milieus have become so charged and filled with reactionary energies and belligerent competitiveness that it is gradually but decisively shaping and coloring average consciousness of even normal men and women to self-centered and self-obsessed cognitions. The end result of this prolonged self-obsession, which majority of people believes is a must for survival in contemporary socio-cultural and political-economic milieus, has considerably eroded and dwindled the collective altruism, especially personal as well as collective quantum of compassion, which is core to the sanity of system. The solution is not with politics and governments. It is with us – you, me and they. Can we rise up and do the needful? We have to! We need to Get Our Crown Back, to re-install compassion and accommodation in societies and personal lives so that Liberty flourishes and Reality expresses itself the way it has been designed to be…



We all know, two factors always remained hugely critical in human lives since even before civilized life-living. First was external aggression from neighboring and competing tribes or groups of humans and second were intra-society conflicts over ownership and cognate issues. These two issues were common in all groupings of humans, who were united at a geographical space bonded by kinship and common identities of life-living. It is only natural that state and polity as protector and arbitrator of collective life-living troubles had common genesis in all human groupings spread in different parts of Earth.

Though there are various theories of origin and evolution of state and polity, there were essentially two broad themes, which presented the basis for state and polity. These two themes actually correspond to two critical issues of Defense and Arbitration, which we have talked about in previous paragraph. The state and polity may have various theories about origin and evolution but all of them correspond to these two broad themes – State as Defender from External Aggression and State as Lawful Arbitrator of societal disputes. Therefore, all the theories of state and polity broadly hover around two elements of ‘Powerful Organization’ and ‘Legitimate-Lawful Authority’.

Apart from the philosophical debates about the nature and scope of state as powerful and legitimate entity, which abound in the long history since 1000 BC to 20th Century, the singular, core and critical common element in all philosophies was the indisputable and irrevocable ‘Sanction Of Exclusive Violence’ to state and polity. The very idea of state and polity is permanently wedded to the notion of violence and its exclusive possession by state and its agencies. From the small and homogenous Polis of ancient Greece to modern welfare state of 21st century, the single common thread that links every notion and perspective of state and polity is its exclusive and unchallengeable legitimacy for violence – on ‘Aggressors’, be it external or internal. The 21st century reality, very commonly manifest in all types of states and polity, is about state becoming an unbridled entity, which has played monster with this ‘legitimacy’ of exclusive use of ‘Violence’, sans any reasonable and logical context of legitimacy. The state and polity has itself become the ‘adjudicator’ of ‘legitimacy-test’ and therefore, violence has become synonymous with anything that is associated with state and polity.

Here, it has to be understood that there is one thing, which is omnipresent, inevitable and common in all forms and shades of state and polity. It is the critical element of ‘Legitimacy Of Authority’. Barring a few philosophers, most philosophies have in one way or other not only endorsed the ‘Authoritative’ nature of state and polity, rather also advocated for more strength to state power and authority for a peaceful and orderly society. From this critical element of legitimate authority of state for violence emanates the fringe philosophy of ‘Mandate of People’. Not only democracy and modern welfare state, even ancient kingdoms and autocracies always ensured that their unbridled ‘Legitimacy of Authority’ was invariably presented to have ‘Mandate of People’. This is the tragedy of humanity that all evils of humanity are orchestrated in the name of welfare and benefit of humanity itself. It is huge travesty of humanity that most crimes against human dignity and human lives always had and still has the ‘Mandate of People’. One set of humanity is massacred and annihilated as another set of humanity is ‘made to’ extend its ‘Mandate’ for Legitimate and Authoritative violence.

The singular trouble of humanity since thousands of years, even after civilized life-living has been this abstraction and mysticism about Mandate and Legitimacy. Even in contemporary modern nation-states, with democracies deeply entrenched and welfare state tag stylishly flaunted, there are no singular, scientifically objective, foolproof and definitively justiciable framework, edifice and process to weed out the abstraction and mysticism out of mandate and legitimacy. This primeval and perpetual trouble about mandate and legitimacy is what contemporary human knowledge in 21st century can do away with. The twin issues of mandate and legitimacy can now be scientifically encoded and humanity now has the technological wherewithal to create foolproof execution of the new methodology of mandate and legitimacy. This is what the very idea of people Having The Crown Back is all about.

What we are trying to arrive at in this eBook is that we are in 21st century. The collective human knowledge of objective and irrefutable science has empowered humanity with critical technologies and other cognate abilities to weed out abstractions and mysticisms not only in the practical domain of Mandate and Legitimacy but all other issues of life-living. We all sure can do it. Humanity has enough critical and scientifically objective knowledge about Reality and in the light of Reality and holistic knowledge of all sub-realities of life-living, we all must shed our continuation with archaic and obsolete abstractions and mysticisms.

No doubt, Politics and Religion are two domains where abstract and mystical elements of Reality are still most prolific and with worst manifestations but all thinking men and women have to make a promise to himself and herself that they shall grow out of abstract and mystical thinking in all walks of life-living. This we all must do, then only We The People can rightfully claim to Get Our Crown Back…

This issue of having scientific, objective and logical clarity over core aspects of state, governments and politics has to be understood in detail so that all abstractions and mysticisms, especially about legitimacy and mandate are done away with. This shall not only help in evolving a novel model of state, governance and politics but shall also empower common men and women to understand how crucial it is to have knowledge of Reality for human dignity and liberty. We detail all this in the coming paragraphs.

It has become a global trend that the state, its institutions and governments almost always question the credentials of an individual and are out to verify the culpability of its own people. It is now time to reverse the role and stand the state, its institutions and governments to test for their credentials and culpabilities. It is beyond any reasonable doubts that in the last 100 years, since sovereign states and popular government-led democracies have ruled majority of humanity and handled most of international relations, the biggest and deadliest culprits are not people or group of people but the state and governments; even the

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