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Book online «How to Talk to Anyone (Junior Talker #4) by DeYtH Banger (top business books of all time TXT) 📖». Author DeYtH Banger

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which one of you is the instigator?”
Something outside of you and her
Something inside of you and/or her
Beliefs, Opinions, Thoughts, “Why?”
Something about you AND her
Feelings, Vibe, Relationship, Plans"

Via Endlessconv_topicalpersonalinterpersonal (Desire System)" Chapter 9.2 - Women

 Note: If you want to learn something... first you need to start from the ground and start building... buildings... each building at first it's going to be

Level 1


Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5.... Level 10, Level 11, Level 12,... Level 13... and the numbers continues...





P.S. - So here is some field material 


If she has a boyfriend:


- Make a Fun of that shit by saying something like 


Wow... it's too fast... I have bondaries yo... Sounds great... after all there will be a person who will bring a coffe while I am in bed Oh great... I love that movie Oh shit... me too... how long have you been in relationship?



Everything should be fun... what your main goal is to create impact... once that done... ask for a way to keep in touch... then... start again having fun and then ask for the phone number... - This is how you close...





Note: Models are not such a big challange... what you need i s to be playful, fun and charasmatic.




Note: The problem in us is that we alwahe care about somebody else... Too Much from that ingredient it causes damage in our body.

It could start from ingredient too much "fuck" to give... this means we always come with a good excuse of not doing some kinda action like if we want to talk to someone:

"Now it's not the right... time."
"My opinion is not good enough..."

- It starts from not being the right time up to my opinion not being good enough which means we lower the value of our opinion and by doing that action we lower and our self-esteem.





Note: This thing goes hand in hand...


It can be talking to a girl... aka approaching a girl.

"Now isn't the right time.."
"I am pretty busy..."
"Another day..."
"She is sexy... but I have work..."
"I can't do it alone..."
"I can't do it with this guy."

And plenty of people are having that kinda a frame .... mindset which ruins the whole game.




Note: Everything is bunch of illusions which we leave to control our life and our mood.




Note: What "Doubt" creates ... is false evidence... Appearing real.




P.S.: You can also pull it off... I did it... so do you!




 How To Attract The Girl Of Your Dreams




You’re walking down a street in your city and you see her. The most beautiful woman you’ve seen all week. Those legs. That body. Her face. She’s stunning.

She is your dream girl.

She’s walking in YOUR direction.

You find yourself feeling nervous. Your mind begins to fantasize about what a life with her would be like…



What it would be like to have a girl this beautiful be your girlfriend…

What it would be like to go on adventures with her…

To have her hugging and kissing you excitedly when you come home after work…

And then she walks straight past you. You never see her again. You spend the rest of the day fantasizing about her. Then you get back to your every day life.



What if it didn’t have to be like this?


What if when you saw your dream girl, you knew EXACTLY what to say to get her attention, get her laughing, get her to come on a date with you, fall in love with YOU and become your girlfriend?

For the past 10 years, I’ve been helping men like you achieve just that. How? Using what I call, “Daygame”.


What is Daygame?

Daygame is the art of meeting and attracting amazing women without going to nightclubs. It could be while you’re walking down the street, in a clothing store, at the train station. It usually happens during the day, hence why it’s called Daygame.



The reason Daygame works so well is because it bypasses the negative response a beautiful woman would usually have if you tried to talk to her in a nightclub.

Here’s why…


Women Fantasize about Meeting a Great Guy During The Day


When women go to nightclubs, they expect to be hit on. They get approached by drunk guys all night so they’ve had to learn to put up a shield.

This shield makes it really difficult to get a great girl to like you.

Besides, no girl wants to admit to her friends and family that she met her boyfriend on a night out.

However, when you strike up a conversation with a woman during the day, you create a situation she’s been fantasizing about her entire life.

The reason women watch romantic comedies and read romantic fiction novels is because it plays into their fantasy of how they’ll meet the guy of their dreams.



In any classic romance story, the woman meets the man by some spontaneous moment and it’s almost always during the day.

Yet no one ever approaches a beautiful woman when she’s going about her day, apart from the occasional wolf whistle from a construction worker.

Once you learn how to strike up a conversation with a beautiful woman during the day, you’ll play into her fantasy of randomly meeting the guy of her dreams just like in the movies.



She’ll believe that YOU are the guy of her dreams.


This is the secret to getting the kind of women that usually wouldn’t even give you a second glance in a nightclub.

I want to show you exactly how. When you enter your email address below, I’m going to send you the exact techniques I use to attract the most beautiful women, despite not being a great looking guy.

I’ll tell you the 7 word sentence that stop models in their tracks every time and gets them intrigued by you.

I’ll also show you a simple trick for never running out of conversation when talking to a beautiful woman.





Why Direct IS NOT Always The Way Foward





I have come to detest the concepts of direct and indirect. Having taught daygame for 10 years now, I am convinced there are only 2 ways of approaching a girl, clever and socially congruent and not so clever and socially incongruent. For example it’s clever to go and directly compliment a walking girl on the street but for the myriad other situations a direct compliment is simply not socially congruent.

Imagine the amount of times a hot girl has been waiting for her friend, and a guy has gone up to her and paid her some sleazy compliment, mainly because she is a sitting duck. Over time, these girls have built up a Pavlovian reaction, reacting defensive and weary every time a guy pitches up in that sort of situation.  Whereas an average guy simply has no clue about the Yad stop and therefore that situation remains romantic and beautiful to many girls out there. Perhaps not those that walk around Oxford street in London regularly and in other Daygame hotspots, but generally speaking.


In order not to trigger these latent bad vibes within these more stationary girls, you’re better off asking an easy-going and cheeky question and then only after a couple of minutes paying her a direct compliment.


Picture the scene, a beautiful girl has just ordered coffee and takes a seat. She is looking forward to some down time checking out the many likes she has received on social media for flaunting her juicy buttocks. Suddenly there is a knock at the figurative door, a guy is looming over her and going in with a very direct compliment, making her the centre of attention. Unfortunately the first thing in her mind is a Pavlovian reaction towards your beautiful direct compliment, flashbacks to all the other times she has been accosted when she is stationary and the guy has turned out to be a sleazeball. She therefore goes into defence/freak mode about the situation and starts looking forward to being left alone again. Herein lies the problem with going direct in this particular set of circumstances.


It would have been much cleverer to go over and ask her with a cheeky smile “Hi sorry to interrupt (showing a degree of social awareness is important here in calming her nerves) but do you know the best vibe around here for laptop work?” Now she becomes engaged in an easy going manner, she will talk about the best place she has come across in answer to your question, most importantly her mode isn’t defensive and you’ve shown her self-awareness as well as a bit of your good vibes.


Then you can say anything like “by the way, I like your tan, have you been on a beach holiday?” or simply carry on with easy going chat like “so you study around here?” “what subject?” she says “chemistry” you say “interesting, cracked any major discoveries yet?” And so on until 5 minutes later you can compliment her beautiful skin. The point is you’re not triggering her defence mechanism. This situation is entirely different from the classic Yad stop scenario, where you simply must go with a direct compliment, as it’s the only congruent thing to do.


Picture another situation, a beautiful young girl is ambling around in a shop, rummaging through the latest fashion gear. You go up to her and say “Hey I know this is a little random but i just saw you over there and i thought you looked really nice” you say it with a good vibe and she smiles. The only thing is she is a millennial with a large dose of social anxiety for anything like a direct compliment in a confined situation, she would prefer you followed her on Instagram and gave her pictures a like. So she slips away with a bit of anxiety about the whole situation, unprepared for your direct vibes in a tight situation. Now you feel like a weirdo and she feels awkward, yet you did everything right. What would have been much cleverer is to go over to her and say “Hey is this the best place to buy a girl a present?” again you wouldn’t trigger any social anxiety and after a few minutes of chit chat you can slowly sneak in a direct compliment. I am now convinced that this is the way forward for stationary girls vs moving girls.


It’s important that you strike a happy and cheeky tone when you ask the question, otherwise if you have a serious tone then you’re missing the point entirely, same actually goes for being direct, but here it’s even more imperative. It’s also important that the question is on the right side of easy-going, because if it’s too serious then you’ll get a serious vibe back. So for example “Excuse me do you know where I can get the best hipster coffee?” Is great, whereas “Excuse me do you know where X train station is around here?” Is way too serious and normal sounding. Basically you’re sub-communicating attraction and social awareness so she knows you’re asking because she is attractive. Trust me, when you go in with an easy going question and a cheeky sexy smile and vibe, she can easily deduce that you don’t really mean that question especially when the question is as silly as “where is the best coffee shop”. What you really mean is I think you’re cute and I wanna come over to speak to you but I didn’t want to put you on the spot

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