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Book online «How to Talk to Anyone (Junior Talker #4) by DeYtH Banger (top business books of all time TXT) 📖». Author DeYtH Banger

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 Note: Women love to say shit to man... they want man to feel like shit... 



When man wants woman to put him as first place... in her list she gets needy.

The moment when woman wants to put him in first place in her list... that's the moment when she controls the frame



Both paths are fucked up!









Note: Women should see you as a prize... if that frame is put correctly they are going to chase you.



 Image result for hot Women



P.S. - So


- I got rejected few times (Today)

- I got some new friends (Today... and before few days)

- I got some painful rejects (But this shouldn't be a reason to stop my daygame... there is a way to calm that shit and continue dominating my path)




 "Endless Conversations

Hey there, think you’ll like this.

It’s some of my best “conversation” tips. Watch, take notes, internalize. Rinse, repeat. I promise – you get this, and you’ll NEVER run out of things to say ever again :)

This is the foundation of it all. In fact, topical-personal-interpersonal (TPI) is the foundation of every single conversation course I create. Why? Well, this is the natural structure that all good, flirty conversations have. It’s not something that I made up or engineered or pulled out of my rear end. It’s simply how good conversations happen between people who are getting to know each other.

Once I figured this out and trained myself to drive conversations in this direction, it was INCREDIBLE. All of a sudden is was so much easier to connect with people. I wasn’t running out of things to say, I was finding it easy to ask questions and get people to open up… and that freed up my mind to become witty and charming. Needless to say, I’d love for you to have the same revelations, and I know you can with just a little effort. Let’s dive in.


A topic is anything outside of you and the person you’re talking to. For example – iPhones, camping, where you live, what everyone is drinking, a celebrity… anything that puts the focus of the conversation outside of you and the person/people you’re talking to.


Personal conversations are about YOU or about HER. They tell us about the personality of the person we’re talking to. Why did they buy an iPhone? (they like simplicity rather than customizability). What about them enjoys camping? (they like to be active and be outdoors). What made you decide to live where you do? (you want to live somewhere crazy before you raise a family). Why are they drinking girly drinks tonight? (they have dainty taste buds). What do they think about that bratty drunk musician? (they think everyone should just respect his damn privacy, thank you very much!).

Getting it? Personal conversations reveal the thoughts, opinions, motivations, beliefs and personality of the person behind the topic. They answer the question who IS this person?


Interpersonal conversations are about you AND her. They tell the other person how we feel about them, and are used to direct the course of the evolving relationship between you and her. Could you be iPhone twins because you both have the same wallpaper? Would you love to take a camping trip with her because you’ve always wanted to try that? Could you never take her to your place because she’d get it all dirty? Do you maybe have to keep your eye on the girls who are getting girly drink drunk? Do you appreciate a person who appreciates privacy because you have a pretty crazy private life of your own? And most importantly, do you think she’s a cool/fun/sexy/awesome girl because of all the things she’s revealed about herself? Compliments are merely interpersonal escalation, but interpersonal conversations aren’t just about pushing things forward. Notice that we were able to tease her, create some barriers, and even future project to doing things together with her.


Interactions don’t escalate if they stay topical. You’ll never do the no-pants dance, let alone walk down the aisle with your soulmate, if you don’t get to know who she really is. Heck, you might even discover that personality wise, you’re both truth-seekers and almost perfectly matched, but she’s a Christian Fundamentalist and you’re a Universal Taoist – talk about a disagreement on the topic of truth.

As you get more comfortable with people, you’ll notice that you can get personal much more quickly. For example, approaching two girls and quickly telling them that they look like “trouble” is Personal – now you’ve got to back up your statement! And anytime you playfully frame a person (see Unbreakable) that’s getting personal. Eventually, you will be escalating things nonverbally. For example, a knowing look at a girl that says “you’re trouble” is Personal. And what is physical escalation but a nonverbal compliment about her sexiness?"




"Hey, Angel here…

Congrats again on taking and completing the quiz.

And based on everything you told me about your situation…

Your #1 issue to solve right now is meeting more women and overcoming your social anxiety.

I want you to understand you're not alone in this. This is one of the top 3 issues guys tell me they're struggling with.

And no matter how severe the problem is for you right now... even if it feels lonely and hopeless... it IS possible to fix, and that's what I'm going to help you do.

I'll be sending you daily emails with tips, stories, special deals and practical takeaways you can use to meet more women and take control of your anxiety.

If for some reason you don't want to receive these emails from me anymore, simply unsubscribe by clicking this link here

Now, let me give you 3 practical things you can do right away to start meeting more women.

If you commit to doing these 3 things, I promise you'll see big changes in your life. Even though they don't sound fancy or special, real success is built upon getting the foundations right.

Tip #1: Get Outta Your Comfort Zone

Staying safe in your comfort zone is responsible for more wasted lives than anything else. Millions of people never follow their dreams or achieve their goals because they're afraid to take risks.

The same applies to meeting women and feeling confident in social situations.

If you're not getting the results you want, you need to change something in the actions you're taking.

Here's the key thing though:

Trying to dramatically change your actions all at once rarely works. You'll feel a lot of resistance and it's tough to keep it up long term.

Instead, start making small changes. Even if it's just saying hello to one new person each day, pretty soon your comfort zone will expand and you'll be confident taking more and more advanced actions over time.

And if it feels too scary to say hello to someone, then start by making eye contact and smiling at random people. You'll likely find that they smile back at you.

The key is to find the edge of what makes you slightly uncomfortable but doesn't completely terrify you, and go out and do that.

Tip #2: Forget About Bars And Clubs

A lot of guys think these are the only places to meet women.

There's nothing wrong with bars and clubs, but there are better places for you to meet and talk to women. Places where you won't have to deal with loud music, alcohol, and tons of guys competing for her attention.

It's actually easier to strike up conversations with women during the daytime while going about your life e.g. at the coffee shop, supermarket, public transport etc.

Another option I'd suggest for you is social events and groups focused around your hobbies and interests. A great site to find these is, and they have groups in just about every city all over the world.

Not only is it easier to meet women at these events who you'll share common interests with, but you'll make new friends and greatly improve your social life.

Tip #3: Use Social Capital To Your Advantage

Here's where a lot of men go wrong:

They view every woman they meet as either someone they want to sleep with, or nothing at all. The problem with that thinking is not every woman will be available, and you're missing opportunities to add great women to your life as friends.

Even though she already has a boyfriend or husband, you can still add her to your social circle.

And I guarantee she'll have some attractive single friends she'd love to play matchmaker for.

The same also applies to guys. When you befriend other men they'll often help set you up with single women that they know.

What you're doing is creating social capital, where other people are vouching for you to their single friends. Rather than being a complete stranger, you come with pre-approval from someone they know and trust.

Ok, those are the 3 simple tips that I want you to start applying.

When you do, it'll make a tremendous difference to your dating and social life.

And if you'd like to see the top program I recommend to get good at meeting women if you struggle with social anxiety...

I suggest you check out Say Hello by Christian Hudson. It's the top-rated program on all of Dating Skills Review and it'll give you a detailed road map of what to say and do, and how to build up your confidence and inner game.

Christian used to suffer from social anxiety in a major way and the system he developed is how he overcame it to approach and date beautiful women."

Chapter 9.1 - Women

 Note: This very playful strategy and it's very useful if you want to stand up from a crowd.

"How Sexual Is She?

It’s always a pleasant turn when you discover a woman’s sexual side. And it’s really fun when you can get it going over text messaging. You might be surprised to learn just how easy it is, and how many women want it to happen. I regularly monitor Google search terms, and discovered something fascinating.

“dirty texts to send to a girl”: 320 monthly searches

“dirty texts to send to a guy”: 720 monthly searches

Yep, more women are searching for dirty text messages than men. Pretty cool, huh? There’s something very private and intimate about text messaging that makes it the perfect conduit for sexual messages, and once you get into Phases 3 and 4, you can make some pretty cool stuff happen.

Sexual texting is almost always preceded by some degree of sexuality in person. I find that it’s much easier to start getting sexual with a girl over text after we’ve kissed each other. Getting “greedy” and trying to push sexuality too soon is risky, and in my experience, it’s more likely to mess things up than it is to move things forward.

The one caveat is that there are occasionally girls who – for whatever reason – you just don’t have the opportunity to see much. For example, I met a girl online who lived in California, and was moving to New York (where I live) about two months later. We had a great connection, and things quickly moved from online to text to phone. After a few conversations, we started talking sexual, and before I knew it, dirty pictures started showing up in my inbox. This can also happen with girls you meet when you’re traveling.

But –

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