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Book online «Billy And The Gang/Back Again Part 2 by Whitney Shaw (phonics readers txt) 📖». Author Whitney Shaw

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Chapter 1


One early morning Lone Wolf woke up to a beautiful morning, he put his blanket on his horse and he was on his way to where ever his horse took him. It was probably around nine in the morning when he came to a town in Colorado, Denver. He didn't know how long he was going to stay, so he booked into a hotel. He got off his horse and tied it up to a post and walked inside the hotel. 


"What can I do for you sir," asked the porter?


"I need a room please," asked Lone Wolf?


"Alright, you need to sign this book and I'll get you your key," said the porter.


"Alright," said Lone Wolf. 


"And here's your key Mister Lone Wolf," said the porter. 


"Iheedn" (thank you)," Lone Wolf said in the Apache language. 


He went upstairs and unlocked his room and went inside. He put his things on the bed and walked out he walked downstairs into the lobby.


"Where you off to Mister Lone Wolf," asked the porter? 


"Just going to the saloon to get a couple of drinks," said Lone Wolf.


So he walked out of the hotel lobby and went across the street to the saloon. As Lone Wolf was inside here came Billy riding up to the hotel. He got off his horse and tied it up next to Lone Wolfs horse and walked into the hotel lobby. 


"Hello sir," said the porter. 


"I need a room please," asked Billy? 


"Just sign the book and I'll get you your key," said the porter.


So Billy signed the book and closed it. 


"Here is your key," said the porter.


"Thanks," said Billy. 


Billy grabbed the keys and walked by the stairs as he was about to step up he turned and looked at the desk, he walked back over there and asked the porter if he could see that book again. He looked inside and above his name was Lone Wolfs name. He closed the book and ran upstairs and threw his things on the bed and ran back down. When he went down into the lobby he saw Bob come in. 


"Bob," said Billy.


"Billy, how are you doing," asked Bob?


"Good, I think Lone Wolf is here to," said Billy.


"What," asked Bob?


"Yeah, he signed the book, excuse me did Lone Wolf get a room here as well," asked Billy? 


"Yes he went over to the saloon," said the porter. 


"Let's go visit him, I'll put my stuff up and I will be back down," said Bob. 


So Bob ran upstairs and threw his stuff on the bed and ran back down stairs. Then they both walked out and over to the saloon. 
As Lone Wolf was drinking his whiskey, next to him were a couple of men talking. 


"Hey did you hear about the uprising, in South Dakota, and the Indian man and some other Indian men got killed," said Corey. 


"Yeah I heard about that, what was his name," asked Roy?


"I think it was Red Bear or something like that," said Corey.
When Lone Wolf was hearing all this he thought to himself. “Ah Henry what did you tell him." 


"Yeah he tried to fight the whites on the reservation and letting there people go back home," said Corey.


"That was dumb that Indian thinking he could take on all those blue coats," said Roy. 


"I did long ago, it was easy. Red Bear was a good Indian a friend, it was not dumb wouldn't you fight for your people your family," asked Lone Wolf?


"Yes we would, but that was still wrong for killing some soldiers," said Roy.


"Most whites would say that," said Lone Wolf.


"Look mister I don't know who you are but you better be careful," said Corey holding a gun towards Lone Wolfs gut. 
Then Bill and Bob walked in.


"Is there a problem,” asked Billy aiming his gun at Corey?


"Corey, that's Billy and Bob there the outlaws from Montana, and I am guessing this is Lone Wolf another outlaw," said Roy. 


"I said is there a problem," asked Billy?


"No," said Corey putting his gun away. 


"Good now get going or I'll put a bullet in your head and I don't miss," said Billy.


So they slowly walked out of the saloon. 


"Hey Lone Wolf long time no see," said Billy. 


"Hey guys what are you doing here," asked Lone Wolf?


"Nothing just came by to see yaw," said Billy smiling.


"Come on guys lets go back to the hotel and catch up," asked Bob?


So they walked out and went across the street to the hotel and went inside the lobby and wet upstairs and stood in the hallways and Billy said, 


"I think we should get the gang back together again," asked Billy?


"Yeah it would be like old times," said Bob.


"Come on let's get out of here, let’s get the gang back, we need to find Henry also," Billy.


"I don't know, I liked it at the time when we were younger then," said Lone Wolf.


"We're still young," said Billy.


"Yeah we're still young but Henry is probably in his forties or fifties by now," said Lone Wolf.


"So were getting the gang back," asked Billy?


"You didn't hear a word I said did you," asked Lone Wolf? 


"We're getting the boy back," said Billy. 


"Alright let's go find Henry," said Lone Wolf. 


So they packed there things and checked out of the hotel and left for Montana. They were off like a herd of turtles. 

















Chapter 2

On their journey to Montana they came upon a town in Wyoming. There they stopped to check in at a hotel and get something to eat and drink for their horses. As they were in Wyoming they ran into some trouble. A couple of men by the name of Eddie and Ray, they were outlaws. 


"Look who showed up,” said Eddie.


"Well its Billy,” said Ray. 


"So Billy what brings you head to Wyoming,” asked Eddie?


"What do you want,” asked Billy?


"Nothing, we just want you to come with us, just think of it as a joy ride,” asked Ray?


"I 'am not going anywhere, “said Billy.


“Oh, where are your buddies they are here also, " asked Ray?


"There inside booking us one room,” said Billy.


"Oh,” said Eddie.


"Yeah,” said Billy.


"Eddie lets go up on that roof behind us, if they come out we will shoot them,” said Ray.


"What, why they have done nothing to you, " asked Billy?


"They were running with you,” said Eddie.


"What if I tell them not to come out,” asked Billy?


"Then I'll put a bullet in your back,” said Eddie.


So they walked to the building behind them and went inside. As Billy ran into the hotel before they could get to the roof. 


"GUYS,” shouted Billy!


"What," asked Henry?


"Do not go out those lobby doors, hey Henry didn’t see you there, are you, " asked Billy.


"Wait, why,” asked Lone Wolf?


“These men's names are Eddie and Ray they know us, they'll shoot if we go out them doors, “worried Billy. 


"You worry too much,” said Henry.


"I 'am serious they don't miss, “said Billy.


"We'll shoot them from inside then,” said Lone Wolf.


So Billy, Henry and Lone Wolf were down in the lobby, Bob was in the room looking out the window.


"Lone Wolf, Billy you guys walk out there and Bob and I will shoot them,” said Henry.


So Billy and Lone Wolf stepped outside and Henry and Bob shot the two men and they fell off the building and onto the ground.


"Now we can go to the saloon, “said Lone Wolf.


So they loaded their guns up and walked towards the saloon. As they arrived there they went to the bar and ordered drinks.


"You know, I wonder what happened to Frankie, I bet he still lives in the old mansion house in Montana,” Asked Henry?

Chapter 3


So they went on and never stopped for anything until it got dark, then they stopped to rest.


When they were sleeping under the stars like Indians and the fire was still going, wolves started to howl in the distance. They were still sleeping, soon enough the wolves were real close in the camp, they were surrounding them, Lone Wolf barley opened his eye, when he did he saw the wolves and quickly got up and yelled at them, he even threw rocks, they ran away but came back with more wolves, they were growling. Then Billy, Bob and Henry woke up, as they did they saw the wolves, the wolves ran to the camp and jumped on Bob and Henry, and then some jumped on Billy and Lone Wolf. Lone Wolf got a pretty good claw mark across his chest, Billy and the rest got scratch as well. Then two wolves jumped on Lone Wolf, Lone Wolf grabbed on and wrestled with it and grabbed its head and bit it in the ear and it yelped and ran away. He pushed the other wolf off of him and quickly ran and grabbed a stick out of the fire and waved it at the wolves and yelled, so they ran off deep into the forest. 


"Is everybody alright," asked Lone Wolf?


"I think so, I still have my fingers and toes," said Billy. 


"Ha, yes were alright," said Bob dusting off dirt.


"Lone Wolf, let me clean your wound," said Henry.


"It's just a scratch," said Lone Wolf putting his shirt back on. 


"No excuses come here, I will bandage it," said Henry.


 Henry bandaged up Lone Wolf’s arm and they were also cleaning up as well and went back to sleep. When morning came the fire was already out and Billy, Henry, and Lone Wolf were up early, Bob was still sleeping so they had to wake him up. Well they started packing their horses and off they went to find Frankie in Montana. On their way a sheriff from Texas stopped them.


"Where you guys headed," asked the sheriff?
Lone Wolf and Billy quickly looked at each other and pulled their hats down low over their faces. 


"We're on our way to Montana," said Henry. 


"We'll I suggest you turn back now," asked the sheriff?


"Why, what has happened we've come so far to turn back now," asked Henry? 


"A man nearly burned the whole town down, and I am taking him back to Texas, he is wanted for murder over there in Texas," said the sheriff.
Henry and Bob looked; the man had a lot of bullet holes in him.


"So that's the guy," asked Bob?


"Yes sir, now I am on another bounty, I have been looking for these two for years now, I think I am getting close, I can't feel it

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