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Book online «Billy And The Gang Part 1 by Whitney Shaw (recommended ebook reader txt) 📖». Author Whitney Shaw

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Chapter 4

"Henry how is Lone Wolf doing," asked Sheriff Jason? 

"He's doing well," said Henry. 

"That's good, well Steve is still in jail until he says he is going to serve every Indian that comes through this town," said Sheriff Jason.

"Thanks Jason thanks a lot," said Henry with a smile.

"Your welcome," said Sheriff Jason walking back to the jail house. 

So Henry and Billy got all they needed from the store and rode back to Frankie's house. When they arrived they saw Lone Wolf out in the yard pulling back on his bow, he was no showing any pain no even breaking a sweat. Henry and Billy walked inside and put the supplies on the table. 

"So Henry, Billy how was town," asked Frankie? 

"Busy, we talked to Sheriff Jason he said Steve is going to be in jail for a while," said Henry. 

"Good, maybe he will learn a thing or two about people," said Frankie.

"I hope so," said Billy. 
Lone Wolf started to walk in towards the door and was inside.

"We'll Frankie what's for dinner," asked Billy?

"Whatever you guys want to eat," said Frankie.

"How about some meat, biscuits, and gravy, and some beans as well," said Bob. 

"Alright coming right up," said Frankie. 
So he cooked it and served it, they ate all of it, it was very good. It even sounded good.

"That's some good eaten, I'm going into to town now to see my cousin for a while," said Lone Wolf.

"Alright go ahead but be back before the sun goes down, and stay away from the jail house, don't even think about going in there," asked Henry?

"What, me, you don't trust me, anyways I am going to see my cousin," said Lone Wolf.

"I mean it Lone Wolf," said Henry.

Lone Wolf went outside to the barn and rode his horse into town. When he arrived he saw his cousin with her friends. 

"Little Woman," said Lone Wolf. 

"Hey cousin it's good to see you again," said Little Woman.

"How are you," asked Lone Wolf?

"Inju" (good) and you," asked Little Woman? 

"Inju" (good)," said Lone Wolf. 

"Oh I am sorry girls, this is my cousin Lone Wolf, Lone Wolf these are my friends," Little Woman introducing her friends and cousin. 

"Hi ladies," said Lone Wolf.

"Hello, wow Little Woman, you didn't tell me your cousin was so cute," asked Little Woman's friend?

"He's my cousin," said Little Woman. 

"So how's things here in town," asked Lone Wolf looking at the jail house and back at Little Woman?

"Inju" (good) everything is going well I've just bought this new dress yesterday," said Little Woman.

"It looks very nice on you cousin," said Lone Wolf.

"Iheedn" (thank you)," said Little Woman.

"Your welcome, well come on cousin I'll take you for a ride," asked Lone Wolf?

"Cousin you know it's been too long, the last time I rode with you we were kids," said Little Woman. 

"Come on, it'll be like old times yeah," Lone Wolf jumping on the horse and holding his arm out for Little Woman to grab. 

"Ladies if you will excuse me," said Little Woman grabbing Lone Wolfs arm and pulling herself up onto his horse. 

So they rode out of town. The sun started to turn reddish color with a little bit of orange and yellow tint. It was very beautiful. Little Woman and Lone Wolf were just sitting on the horse looking at the sunset.
"To think we had it all, we had the land, the mountains, and our way of life. Now we don't have any of it, it was stolen from us, it is gone along with our ancestors," said Lone Wolf. 

"I try not to think about it, I try to forgive them for what they have done, turn the other cheek as their God says in their King James Bible," said," Little Woman. 

"It's hard cousin, to forgive the white eyes for what they have done and what they are still doing, my hatred towards the white eyes still run deep into my veins, in my blood. It seems my past keeps following me, sometimes Henry teaches me to move forward and not backwards, but its hard," said Lone Wolf.

"I know it is, Henry, I thought you killed him and his men," said Little Woman.

"I did kill his men, but I left Henry alive, till this day I still haven't figured out why I let him live," Lone Wolf riding back into town.

"I hope you figure it out, thank you for the ride, it brought back a lot of memories," said Little Woman.

"Your welcome," said Lone Wolf.

"Come and stop by sometime, don't be a stranger," asked Little Woman? 

"I won't, good bye," said Lone Wolf.

"Good bye," said Little Woman going inside the hotel.  

Chapter 5

So Lone Wolf turned his horse around and rode back to Frankie's house. 

"See I'm back," said Lone Wolf. 

"Good, tomorrow we have a big day ahead of us, we have lots to do around here," said Henry. 

"Yes so get some sleep," said Frankie. 

So they all went upstairs and went to bed. Lone Wolf closed his eyes and was dreaming about what happened in the past with his people and Henry's men. The next morning came, Billy, Lone Wolf, Red Bear and Bob went outside and each of them had a chore to do. Billy cleaned the carrel, Lone Wolf cleaned the barn, Red Bear plowed the fields, and Bob fixed the fences around the house. When all the chores were finished Henry went to go get the wagon to get ready to go into town for supplies. 

So they jumped in and went towards town. When they arrived they went inside the store and Henry gave Billy a list of things they needed, Lone Wolf, Bob and Red Bear would load it into the wagon. As Bob, Red Bear and Lone Wolf were waiting on stuff to be handed to them shots were fired. Everybody was ducking and running as shots were still being fired. Lone Wolf, Bob, and Red Bear quickly got behind buildings and started shooting at the men. Finally the guns stopped firing; all the townsfolk came out from hiding in stores and underneath steps and sidewalks. Lone Wolf’s cousin came running out from hiding crying and walked over towards a family of Native American Indians lying dead in the street.
Red Bear, Lone Wolf, and Bob were just standing there looking at Little Woman holding a little Indian girl in her arms. 

"Guys you alright," asked Billy? 

"Yeah we're fine, I can't say about those men," said Lone Wolf angry. 

"Well let’s go get them," Billy said getting into the wagon.
Lone Wolf quickly went to go get his Winchester out of the back of the wagon. 

“Stop, it is not your place, let the sheriff handle it, this is his town," said Henry.

So Henry turned around and looked at the family of Indians so did the townsfolk, then Henry heard a baby cry from the Indian family's wagon. So he walked up to the wagon and saw a baby inside. His heart was broken to see that baby in there without family now. So he picked it up and held it tight so it felt safe, then the baby stopped crying. He looked around and saw a young beautiful woman, well dressed and proper, blonde curly hair with a sun hat on and her very best clothes. So he walked up towards her and said, 

"Ma'am would you like to take him as your own, and raise him," asked Henry?

"Yes, I would take him as my own," said the woman stretching her arms out.

"Thank you ma'am, thank you so much," said Henry. 

So he walked away and walked towards Little Woman and bent down beside her.

"Let her go and come inside and get some rest, Lone Wolf take your cousin inside and make sure she gets some rest," asked Henry? 
Lone Wolf grabbed Little Woman by the arm and walked her inside. 

"Ihdeen" (thank you)," said Little Woman. 

"Your welcome," said Lone Wolf. 

As Lone Wolf came in he walked towards the window and looked out.

"Do you think they will come back," asked Little Woman changing into her gown behind a dressing screen.

"Maybe, if they do I will be ready for them," said Lone Wolf looking out the window. 

"Why did they kill that family, what did they do wrong," asked Little Woman?

"They were being who they are, that's what got them killed," said Lone Wolf.

"When will it stop, when will they realize we're just like them," asked Little Woman?

"It will never stop cousin until we are all wiped out. They hate how we lived and how we use to do things, we did things just like they did, they hate what is different, it will never stop until I stop it, if I have to kill a few white eyes to make it stop I will," Lone Wolf holding his Winchester and looking out the window.

"So they will keep on coming and killing whatever is Indian," asked Little Woman?

"Yes," Lone Wolf closing the curtain. 

Chatper 6

Henry, Bob, Billy and Red Bear picked up the family and buried them in the cemetery and went back to Frankie's house. Back at the hotel Little Woman was sitting up in her bed.

"Go to sleep, get some rest

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