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Book online «Billy And The Gang Part 1 by Whitney Shaw (recommended ebook reader txt) 📖». Author Whitney Shaw

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the warriors. One day we tried to leave but he got caught and they tried to get him to tell them where you were hiding and going with your warriors," said Rough Rider. 

"What did he say," asked Lone Wolf?

"He said, "you will never find them" so they threw him in the stockades and that's where he has been for a long time," said Rough Rider. 

"Well I’m here now," said Lone Wolf. 

"Who brought you," asked Rough Rider?

"Sheriff Jason from Montana, he's in that office over there," said Lone Wolf pointing. 

"That's the lieutenant's office," said Rough Rider. 

"Hello I’m Sheriff Jason of Montana, I brought you an Indian boy named Lone Wolf," said Sheriff Jason looking around at the men standing there. 

"Ah, bring him here," asked the lieutenant?
Sheriff Jason cocked his pistol just in case something went wrong, he had a bad feeling in his gut, and for he knew what the blue coats are capable of doing for he also was a blue coat in time. 

"Hey Lone Wolf, come here boy, I've been waiting for this day for a long time," said Chris. 

"I’m sure you have," said Lone wolf with a grin. 

"Come on lets go savage," said Chris pushing him. 

So they walked towards the office and walked inside. The lieutenant walked towards Lone Wolf and said, 

"I have been waiting for this day for a long time," said the lieutenant. 

"I’m sure you have lieutenant," said Lone Wolf. 

"Thank you Sheriff Jason for bringing him in to us, as you can see we all have been waiting for this moment for a long time," said the lieutenant. 
Sheriff Jason starred into the lieutenants eyes and then looked at the soldiers standing in there and then back at Lone Wolf and walked out and rode away real fast not looking back. 

"Throw him in the stockades with Running Fox," said the lieutenant going back to reading his paper. 

So the men quickly grabbed Lone Wolf and took him to the stockades and threw him inside with Running Fox. Henry and Red Bear were traveling great distances, when they finally came across a town in Idaho, they were dirty from head to toe, and when they arrived to the saloon they tied their horses up to a post outside of the saloon and walked inside. 

"Hello sir, I need two whiskies please," asked Henry?

"Oh, I'm older than I look," said Red Bear. 

"Alright two whiskies’ coming right up," said the bar tender. 

"Thank you," said Henry. 

As they were drinking and talking Sheriff Jason came walking inside. 

"Hey bar tender whisky," asked Sheriff Jason?

"Rough day," asked the bar tender?

"Yes," said Sheriff Jason. 

"Jason," said Henry. 

"Henry, I shouldn't have left him, I know what those blue coats are capable of doing, and what they were thinking when I left," said Sheriff Jason.

"It's alright, I know, we were both blue coats, we will get him out somehow," said Henry. 

"What if they won’t let him go," asked Sheriff Jason?

"Well were going to have to do what Lone Wolf would do, kill," said Henry. 

"Let's go then," said Sheriff Jason getting up from sitting at the bar.     Chapter 9

Meanwhile back at the Fort Lone Wolf was in the stockades looking out the barbed window.

"Well they finally caught you after all these years they caught you," said Running Fox. 

"Running Fox," said Lone Wolf. 

"Ha annsi" (how are you)," asked Running Fox?

"Inju" (good)," said Lone Wolf.

"You’re finally here with your people," said Running Fox. 

"Not for long, my friends will come and take me away from here," said Lone Wolf looking out the window. 

"You do not wish to stay with your people, your tribe," asked Running Fox getting up from sitting on his bed. 

"No the old ways are gone, to many memories happened here on this land, to many memories I try to forget and move on, but it seems to always find me, I’m a good Indian now, my blood is good," said Lone Wolf. 

"If your friends do not come, then will you stay," asked Running Fox?

"Yes, but I know Henry he will come for me," said Lone Wolf. 

"Henry I thought you killed him," said Running Fox. 

"I know, he will come for me," said Lone Wolf. 

"Are you sure he will come and save an Indian boy, he is white, you are Indian an a Apache, what makes you think will save you," asked Running Fox?

"He will I know it, I’m like a son to him, and he is like a father to me, we are even now, I spared him he spared me," said Lone Wolf. 

"Why didn't you kill him," asked Running Fox?

"I don't know," said Lone Wolf. 

So now Henry, Red Bear and Sheriff Jason were traveling together to get Lone Wolf. They did not stop until they were in Arizona. As they arrived at Fort Apache the door opened and they rode in. 

"May I help you gentlemen," asked one soldier?

"Yes the Sheriff here made a mistake on the boy he brought in here three days ago," said Henry. 

"Yes the boy told me his name was Lone Wolf, but we rode past a Navajo reservation and saw a woman cry out for her son, he has been missing for three days as well, he calls himself Lone Wolf, but his real name is Running Bear, I could have sworn it was Lone Wolf, so I brought him here," said Sheriff Jason. 

"Wait here," said Chris going to see the lieutenant. 

"I’m not sure about that one," said Henry watching Chris from behind. 

"Henry," said Rough Rider. 

"Rough Rider," said Henry walking up to Rough Rider. 

"I had to see it for myself; I couldn’t believe he left you alive. If they do not let him go the stockades are over there in that corner, what about Running Fox, are you going to let him go as well, or just Lone Wolf," said Rough Rider. 

"Both Rough Rider, I am not that same soldier I once was," said Henry. 

"Sir, the Sheriff from Montana is back, he said we have the wrong Indian and that his name is not Lone Wolf," said Chris. 

"The Sheriff," said the lieutenant. 

"Yes, he said he came across a Navajo reservation and he saw a woman cry out for her son, he claims to be Lone Wolf but his name is Running Bear," said Chris. 

"What he looks like Lone Wolf, I'll let him," said the lieutenant. 

"What, but sir, the Sheriff lied, that is Lone Wolf, I know it," said Chris. 

"They’re taking too long Jason, to long," said Henry cocking his pistol. 

"Just wait, maybe they’ll let him go," said Sheriff Jason. 

"The Sheriff lies, good Sheriffs would keep their words and keep the peace, why would he lie," asked the lieutenant?

"He is a crooked Sheriff and a liar," said Chris.

"Hold your tongue soldier," said the lieutenant. 

So the lieutenant went outside and walked towards the stockades and went inside and unlocked the door and said, 

"Young buck, you can go, but be careful on how you use the name Lone Wolf," said the lieutenant. 

"But I....," Lone Wolf pause and looked past the lieutenant and saw Henry, Red Bear and Sheriff Jason standing there.

"The Sheriff told us everything, I bet your mother is worried sickly about you," said the lieutenant. 

"Oh yes I'm sure she is very worried, I won't do it again I promise," said Lone Wolf. 

"Running Fox you can come out of there as well, you've been in there long enough waiting on the real Lone Wolf to show up," said the lieutenant. 
So they both walked out and as they got far enough away from the lieutenant Running Fox said, 

"Shils aash" (my friend) thank you, I will always remember this day. It is a good day to live," said Running Fox. 

"Yes it is, tell Rough Rider bye for me," asked Lone Wolf?

"He already knows," said Running Fox. 

So Lone Wolf turned around and their stood Chris face to face. 

"You think you have the lieutenant fooled, but not me, you will pay for this Injun, and I will catch you again myself, dead or alive, it doesn't matter to me if I bring you in dead or alive but I prefer you dead," said Chris full of anger. 

"Chris, leave him alone he is not Lone Wolf," said the lieutenant. 

"You herd the lieutenant Chris, I’m Running Bear not Lone Wolf, have fun searching for the real Lone Wolf,” Lone Wolf said smiling. 

Lone Wolf smiled and waved at the lieutenant. He turned around and walked towards Henry. 

"I knew you would come," said Lone Wolf. 

"I know, let get out of here," asked Henry?

"You took the words right out of my mouth," said Lone Wolf.  

Chapter 10

So now Sheriff Jason, Henry, Red Bear and Lone Wolf were traveling together back to Montana. They rode for days and hours and it started to get dark, so they tied their horses up to a tree and built a fire and went to sleep. Next morning came Red Bear was up already making coffee and drinking coffee. 

"So are we in Montana yet," asked Red Bear?

"Ye we are were in Montana," said Henry. 

"Great, that was a great trip, I had fun," said Red Bear. 

"Fun for you maybe, but my butt is sore, you let me ride up front and you in the back," said Lone Wolf rubbing his butt. 

"Okay, jeez," said Red Bear. 

"Now that your back, stay out of trouble," asked Sheriff Jason?

"Alright," said Lone Wolf. 

"Lone Wolf I heard what happened in town and those men," said Henry. 

"I snapped, I had my Winchester in my hands and I just lost it, I didn't have any control over it, I don't know.

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