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Book online «Her Love Fades... by Kerry Boo.. (books under 200 pages .TXT) 📖». Author Kerry Boo..

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I needed her.

Andi wraps her arms around my neck and doesn’t let go until her phone goes off again.
She jumps off her bed to go and get dressed.


I’m not sure exactly what happened last night… All I know was that was the best I have ever slept, even when I was a baby I didn’t sleep that good. I didn’t want to go to school; I would have been content to stay here with Lukas’s arms wrapped around me. But I was still happy that I had him last night. After I got changed I walked into my room and I seen Luke hugging my teddy bear.

“Lukas what are you doing?” I ask him even though that was the cutest thing I had ever seen.
“It smells like you” I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Would you like to take it home to cuddle?”
“Andi are you serious?” I could see his eyes light up.
“YESS!” Luke said being dramatic.
“We should probably go now.”
“Don’t you eat breakfast?”
“Umm no…”
“Well you’re going to today.”
I would have tried to fight with him about it, But for some reason I was really drained.
“Well…ok Lucas.”

After I ate a small bite of a pop tart he said we could finally leave.

We walked out the door and I grabbed his hand… He had no idea how much I had honestly missed this. Part of me expected him to pull away but instead he looked down at me and smiled. I smiled at him and I felt a tear of happiness slide down my face, He seen it and stopped walking, he bent down and he kissed the tear away and whispered

“You are my glow. <3”

I gave him a kiss; I would miss this when he finally moved on… I was going to make as many memories with him as I could… They might kill me later on… But this is what I wanted.

We were already linking fingers but I felt that we needed to be closer…. I don’t even think that was possible. I laugh to myself.

He picks me up and puts me on his back; it was awesome not having to walk to school by myself. And who better to be with then the love of your life?

About half way to school he set me down and let me walk the rest of the way, but he stood right beside me and held my hand. We walked into the school and everyone was staring at us, whispering are they together again? I look at Luke and he shakes his head yes. I wasn’t sure what he meant… But I definitely needed to find out.

“Luke do you hear what they’re saying?”
“No… ok yes maybe… yes.”
“ok what are they saying?” I decided to play dumb.
He takes a deep breath before answering me... “Everyone wants to know if we are dating again.”

Just then Lizzie walks up and looks at me. Then she turns to Luke. “So Luke… You’re dating Andi again?”
“yes.” When he said that my eyes lite up and I got happy.

Then Liz signaled for some guy to come over. Some muscle dude walked up to Luke and got in his face.

“Don’t you fucking hurt her; I don’t want to see her crying.”
I tried not to laugh when Luke walked away. He called after him for me to follow; I gave Liz a kiss on the cheek and a hug and then followed behind him. He stops at his locker and puts my teddy bear inside; I didn’t even notice he had actually grabbed it off my bed.

“I fucking love you.”
I laughed. “I fucking love you too.”

He put his arms around me and walked me to class. When we got to my room he bent down and gave me a kiss and then went the opposite direction for his class. I opened up the door and Mr. whatever mouthed your welcome… SO I just smiled.

Halfway through class Mr. Whatever calls me up to the front of the room, he said he wanted to talk. I walked up there and stood up there waiting for him to speak.

“Andi I seen you and Lucas are together again.”
“Ya that’s right.”
“I’m glad to hear that, I hope it works this time.”
“Thank you Mr. whatever.”
“No problem. Now go take your seat.

I walk back and I sit at my desk. No no… Alec is walking in my direction…

“Hey Andi’s I texted you yesterday.”
“Sorry Alec, I didn’t get it.” Which was a lie
“No problem, do you want to have lunch together?”
“Alec, as much as I would love too… I already have plans.”
“Andi, I’m not stupid… I know you’re avoiding me”
“You know was well as I do that we need to talk.”
“Well umm… I’ll need a rain check on that.”
“Please Andi. After school.”

I had planned to hang out with Luke after school and he had football at 5:30 so that’s when he would need to leave.

“Um fine Alec, meet me in front of the school around 5:30.”
“Thanks sis.”
“sure.” I say as I walk away.

The bell rang, I got a little bit happy because Luke had class with me next period…But so did Becca. I walked out of the classroom and started walking towards my next class when someone grabbed my hand, I looked up and seen Luke standing there with a smile on his face and sparkles in his eyes.

“Hey baby girl.”
“Hiya boo.”
“I figured I should walk you to class.”
“Haha how was science?”
“Really easy, how about math?”
“I wasn’t paying attention. I was thinking about you.”
“Awe Boo.” I couldn’t help but blush.

He was satisfied with that. I stood on my tippy toes to give him a kiss. Yes I was that short. He laughed and bent down so I could reach his lips. We started walking to class laughing. I decided to ask him if he wanted to come over again. He pushed me against the wall and looked me in the eyes.

“This time, you’re coming to my house.” I laughed and acted scared before I said ok and pushed him away so we weren’t late for class.

We were the last two to enter the classroom. Everybody looked at us like we had blood on our hands. There was no seats left beside each other so we had to part for the time being, he took the front and I took the seat 2 rows behind him and 3 desks apart.

Becca walked up to me when Luke wasn’t looking, she told me to go to the bathroom in 3 minutes so she could talk to me so I nodded my head and said ok. Becca walked out of the room and 3 minutes later I asked Mr. McCowin if I could go to the bathroom, He rolled his eyes and told me to go quickly. So I left the room and headed to the bathroom. I pushed the door open and Becca was standing there waiting for me.

“Hey Andi.”
“What’s up Becca?”
“Well I wanted to apologize.”
“Because?” I asked leaning against the wall.
“I lied and told you me and Luke were together again.”
“Oh… um it’s fine.”

I was acting calm but I really wanted to beat the shit out of her and make her cry.

“Just because you are too forgiving; doesn’t make me feel any better about what I did.”

I can’t believe it, was she expecting me to give her fucking pity!?

“Becca it’s not a problem… the past is the past, I guess.”

She was staling I could tell there was more to it.

“Becca what is the rest?”
“You were told Lucas cheated on you two times right?”
“Um yes.”
“Did you ask him about the second time?”

Where was she going with this!?

“No… Just the first.”
“Ok because the second one was a big ass lie.”

By now I just wanted to go back to class so I thanked her, what I thanked her for I wasn’t sure. I was moving away from the wall when she took a step towards me. I tried to get away but she pinned me against the wall and before I could stop her, she kissed me. I immediately slipped away and left. I didn’t like her like that; actually I didn’t like her at all.

I walked into class and looked for Lucas; I didn’t see him so I sat down figuring he went to the bathroom. 10 minutes later Luke walked in. I thought he had been crying, his eyes were puffy and red but I couldn’t get a good view because he wouldn’t look at me. Without thinking he raced towards him and pulled him out the classroom, I tried to get him to look at me but he kept trying to walk away.

“Lucas what’s the matter?” I wanted to know what was wrong… No I needed to know.

He turned to face me and I seen a mixture of hurt and anger in his eyes before the tears started… the sparkle that had been in them earlier… wasn’t there anymore, it had just disappeared.

“Andi…How could you cheat on me with fucking Becca??” I was so shocked I didn’t know exactly what I was supposed to say.
“Lucas what the fuck are you talking about?”
“Becca told me to go to the bathroom before class started… She said there was something we needed to talk about, So I said fine. About 5 minutes after you left I left. She said she couldn’t take the guilt anymore. She told me that you guys kissed and you weren’t just dating me… But you were dating her too.”
“Dating Becca!??”
“Luke I am not dating Becca! I only want you.”
“I know you meant Becca in the bathroom, she told me.”
“Cause she fucking walked up to me and told me to go to the bathroom in 5 minutes.”
“Fine, what happened in there then?”

I was getting pissed, was he really believing her over me??

“I walked in, she said hey I said what’s up Becca and she said she wanted to apologize to me because she lied about you guys dating again, I told her it was ok. She asked how many times I was told that you cheated on me…”

“once.” Luke whispered barely audible.
“Actually what??”
“I was told 2 times.”
“Then why did you ask me only once?”
“Cause I never believed them.”
“She told me that you only cheated once and I thanked her and tried to leave… She pinned me up against the wall and kissed me… I escaped and I came back to class looking for you.”
I remained calm. “Lucas babe calm down, I was going to tell you after class.”

All I wanted to do was kiss him, but I thought this was the wrong moment so I turn back to class and open the door. Luke closes it and bends down to kiss me.

“I love you baby girl.”
“I love you too Boo.”
“You still coming over?”
He smiles.

Then we open the door and step in.


Me and andi had our first fight since we started dating again, I should have known that she didn’t do anything wrong and Becca is a fucking liar.
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