Author's e-books - Ghosts. Page - 1

It was Halloween. What more exciting way to start it than with a visit to an old cemetery? Jimmy's grandmother was buried there and he wanted to visit. His new friend, Nick, was a reluctant passenger believing they would soon be heading to a party but was soon to make the fatal discovery that this particular graveyard was a bit unusual...

Hi! I just got my own computer, so I can finally make and edit a book whenever! I'll edit as much as I can, but there's no perfect author, and I DO get writer's block. Thanks! PS dont get turned away by the number of pages. START: Jenny is visiting her aunt. Jenny has an odd profession and is good at what she does. Her aunt called her for her expertise. Read to find expertise and to find out about Jenny's adventures!

(This story is not finished)Kaylee Williams has found herself in love with Jeremy Collins and vis versa. Despite the fact that she's black and he's white. But one accident turns some people's life upside down but other's rightside up. When love is in the picture, it can make you do crazy or should I say weird things.

It was Halloween. What more exciting way to start it than with a visit to an old cemetery? Jimmy's grandmother was buried there and he wanted to visit. His new friend, Nick, was a reluctant passenger believing they would soon be heading to a party but was soon to make the fatal discovery that this particular graveyard was a bit unusual...

Hi! I just got my own computer, so I can finally make and edit a book whenever! I'll edit as much as I can, but there's no perfect author, and I DO get writer's block. Thanks! PS dont get turned away by the number of pages. START: Jenny is visiting her aunt. Jenny has an odd profession and is good at what she does. Her aunt called her for her expertise. Read to find expertise and to find out about Jenny's adventures!

(This story is not finished)Kaylee Williams has found herself in love with Jeremy Collins and vis versa. Despite the fact that she's black and he's white. But one accident turns some people's life upside down but other's rightside up. When love is in the picture, it can make you do crazy or should I say weird things.