Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป Grave consequence by cama seeney (best english novels to read .txt) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซGrave consequence by cama seeney (best english novels to read .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author cama seeney

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Grave encounter


I sprinted through the woods, the trees and shrubbery tried to trip me with every step i took. I fell and my knee smacked down on a rock, I could feel the blood dripping, just as I could feel them getting closer.



'Come back to us' they all seemed to scream, the needed my help but i couldn't take it anymore, there was too many of them. Their presence didn't offend me, most days it calmed me. I knew walking through the haunted forest was a bad idea, my mother had always warned me about places like these. But she wasn't here anymore, if it was possible to see your family she would have been screaming at me to run.


I had been waiting for her to contact me for two months now, waiting and pleading. I suppose that's why I did crazy things like this to myself. Maybe I was still waiting for her, maybe i blamed her for leaving me. I was stuck in foster care or more of a halfway house for troubled kids.



Or maybe I just missed her. She was the only person who knew about my 'gift', I didn't have any other family and now I had none I was completely alone.



I sighed and stood up and turned around this one was on me. 'I'm sorry but i cannot help you all please leave me alone.' I shouted and began sprinting again, I didn't stop for another half an hour. Again disobeying my mother but these so called caspers were the thing that killed my mother and nearly killed me, I was in a coma for almost a month... I'd never had to deal with this many before.


After i was passed around, no one knew what to do with me after that. That's when the ghosts started to flock on by. They all needed my help, sending messages to family or the police. I couldn't do it, every time I talked with a ghost I got a memory of there past my memory was full with all of theirs. It was like an onslaught of pictures, tastes, smells and feelings.



I couldn't take it and it wasn't getting any easier.



My mother never really let me talk to the ghosts, she'd let me watch but she didn't want this life for me. I stopped running and walked down the road in a slightly familiar place. My new 'home'.



The town was small, but my house was filled with too many happy laughing faces, I couldn't take it anymore. I was eighteen for goodness sake, I wasn't aloud to leave because they thought I'd do something stupid... Maybe they were right.



I eventually found myself strolling through the doors of my 'home' at 3.33 AM, my nightly run had run into the morning. Again.



Sarah was waiting for me like always, she was the foster mother. Her long blond hair and dimpled face smiled softly at me, she immediately handed me a cup of tea and pointed upstairs. I nodded and tried to smile in response, she grinned and turned away, I guess my faking was working then.


All I want to do is sleep


I threw off my clothes and lay down in my dark room, everything was black and red - just the way I liked it. A big black cupboard and bed took over the room's space. The knobs on the cupboard were red and the sheets of my bed were black with a crimson blanket and pillows.



It's so lonely in here...


I could hear the distant howls of wolves and suppressed sound of gun fire warning them back...


Am I dreaming?


I listened to the sound of a pained whimper and threw the covers off, I opened the window and water splashed me in the face, it was raining so heavily but I could see dark shapes out there.



Something deep in me screamed at me to help the injured animal. I sighed why did i have to get these urges? I shoved the black and red checkered shirt on, it was three times too big for me but came mid calf. I found a pair of shorts slung on the floor, I opened the window again and climbed onto the ledge, outside of my room there was the roof to the bathroom. I climbed out and knelt in the rain I searched the dark but couldn't see much.



I walked to the edge of the bathroom roof and turned around, hanging off the wet roof with my hands wasn't the best idea but i dropped to the floor soundlessly. I walked out into the long garden nothing. I sighed and began walking towards the woods but i tripped over something small...



I fell into a heap on the floor over the small body of some sort of canine? I couldn't tell what animal it was in the dark. 'Hey.' I whispered to the injured animal. 'You'll be okay, buddy.' I scooped the not so small animal into my arms, it was hefty I'll give it that.



I walked towards the back of the house slowly and used my elbow to open the back door, the kitchen was the only light I found. I nearly slipped on the slick floor, damn I'm clumsy.



I placed him? her on the table, the little german shepard whinned at the movement, or maybe the could I couldn't tell. I turned around and found the first aid box, working in a vet's you'd assume I'd have a pet first aids box but the answer to that one was no.



I needed saline solution - or in english salty water, i turned the kettle on and found the salt and a bowl. I grabbed the gause from the fist aid box and searched for the sowing kit, I didn't know what was wrong but from the amount of blood surely there would be stitches involved. I covered my hands in the slightly too big gloves and poured the almost boiling water into the bowl along with as much salt as i could find.



I began health checking the animal, I looked into the animal's eyes to see there was no discharge and placed my hand next to... his face. He didn't try to attack me good, but just incase I gently tied bandage around his face. 'Sorry buddy this next part's gonna hurt.' I checked his gums to find them pale, he needs water. He was without a collar, sighing I checked his paws his coat, his feet and when I got to his back right leg I found the problem. I found three puncture marks, 'Awh you poor guy, I see getting the wolves back isn't going so successful huh.' I told him sweetly. He made a grumbling sound and i chucked.



I began wiping away the blood and dirt but without anesthetic or a razor to hand this could get messy. I didn't want to leave him in a house full of kids incase he got scared or move him incase it hurt him anymore than he already was.



I began sewing up the not so small puncture holes and eventually bandaged him up. As soon as I was done he jumped up off the table and sat in front of my wagging his tail. I chuckled and scolded him gently, I placed him a bowl of water on the floor and began cleaning up the mud and dirt, I took off the gloves and put away the first aid things and grabbed last night beef, I made a face and watched as the german shepherd wagged his little tail. 'We can be friends.' I whispered to him and took the cling film off and placed the plate on the floor, for me I grabbed a cereal bar and ate it as i watched him devour his meal. I chuckled and placed the empty bowl in the sink finally feeling tired as hell.



'Come budd.' I called and walked back up the stairs as quietly as I could. I grabbed a towel off the floor and began to dry the excited little dog as he ran in circles around me. I chuckled gently and scolded him about his stitches. He sat down expectantly and waited for me to finish. I threw the towel back on the floor and pulled the soaked t shirt off of my cold body, my shorts were equally as wet. I grabbed another oversized t shirt and fell onto the bed over tired. The German shepard walked in a circle around my empty room and sat on the cold wet towel, 'what are you doing pup?' I asked he tilted his head at me confused. I patted the bed and seconds later he was snuggled next to me.




I woke to a little yipping sound, the dog was scratching at the door. I sighed and crawled out of bed i shoved a pair of leggings on under the baggy t shirt and walked downstairs with him. He walked excitedly beside me and sniffed the air, ahh bacon. Our stomachs rumbled in unison, I laughed and walked into the kitchen. Five little excited kids were all sat around the table eating bacon sandwiches. 'Glad for you too... oh' Sarah stopped mid sentence and looked at me mid sentence. 'What's his name?' She asked suspiciously, ' I haven't a clue he was outside last night after the hunters flushed the wolves away he got hurt.' The children weren't paying all that much attention to me but rather the dog.



She nodded 'you taking him to work?' She asked, 'suppose I'll have to, i couldn't feel a tag and he didn't have a collar on guess I'll have to scan for one and check his injuries.' I replied leaning up against the side, she handed me a travel mug full of coffee, 'you three head upstairs and get changed we're going shopping' she rolled her eyes when they all shot up excitedly 'I still don't understand how they can have so much energy on a saturday.' I shook my head and sipped my heavenly coffee, she poured all the extra food into a bowl and watched as he devoured it. When he was finished he wagged his tail and barked excitedly at her, she laughed and opened the back door for him. He walked outside and had a sniff, relieved himself and then sat on my

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