Author's e-books - Psychology. Page - 1

This is the sequel of "Eyes Like Ice" published here by the same author. Evelyn Lawrence has changed her surname and appearance in order to protect herself and her sister's family from the vengeful Scott. The newly appeared Evelyn Walker seems much more outspoken and extroverted from the outside but does miss a huge part of her life consistently. She becomes absolutely depressed until one day her domineering boss sends her back to LA, to the life she decided to leave behind. The moment she steps in LA, her depression transforms into fear and anxiety. She has to face all the dark days once again, maybe this time it will be worse! She feels totally stuck in her past.

"Alpha" Elle Felicity Kingston is the "alpha" of McGull High School and Roses and Vines Clique. She has everything she needs, except for the perfect boy.
Richard McGull is the descendant of McGull Enterprises. He is rich, hot, toned, and an alpha, and captain of the football team. He thinks Elle is cute, but he's into Sarah Betchulli.
Sarah Betchulli is not the most popular, nor the prettiest, at least not in her opinion. What chance does she have with someone like Richard McGull?
Lexandra Yu is the luckiest, not to mention prettiest, girl in school, except for one thing: she's a mere beta, not an alpha. Can she really overthrow Elle?
Carrie Rickley is content with her life. But when her boyfriend breaks up with her, all hell breaks loose.
Charlotte Middleton is finally in the In Crowd and couldn't be more thrilled. But it's more work than she imagined. Is this really right for her? And there's still a couple of huge secrets she needs to keep...
Blair O'neal is not thrilled about being outed by Elle two years ago. She's lost her touch and she's going crazy with jealousy. The only person that knows she's in therapy for it is Charlotte. Both girls have to trust each other to make this work...

Stagnate as a 'creepy caterpillar' or transform into a 'beauteous butterfly'-this path-breaking book of a rare genre suggests-is the seminal choice before mankind, and every one of us. In this setting, the book raises some fundamental questions: What is man's rightful place in the cosmos and his manifest destiny on earth? Why are we so self-righteously self-destructive? Are we a doomed species? Or 'divine' beings struggling to overcome the hubris of the human intellect? Is God getting weary of mankind? How should we synergize human effort and Divine Grace?

Some do not take into account the fact that a person’s presence of what is called instincts and emotions, genetics and hormones makes his behavior partially or completely predictable. In this connection, some of these same people may not know how to correctly in the generally accepted sense of the word, respond to a particular situation, may not know the objective motivation of others in relation to them, not know what is true and what is fiction, how to understand it correctly what is happening in the world. According to the author, these some in most cases are those who grew up in an incomplete or in the so-called dysfunctional family, this book is dedicated to this target audience.

The book scrutinizes some of the blatant anomalies of our species and does so in a factual and dispassionate way.
It also covers the author’s many witnessed paranormal experiences and exposes the deep damage done to the human psyche though its detachment and substitution into bogus faith systems.
The main focus however, is on mankind’s destructiveness to the planet and its life forms. A trait recognised by Plato (427-347BC) concerning the ‘blind side’ of human beings.

It lurks in the corners veiled by shadows, unseen and unheard by those whose minds are too full, too stuffed with useless facts and memories. But sometimes, it escapes. Every so often, it frees itself from its constricting chains, consuming all who come in its way...
They say it comes around suddenly. I say different.

This is the sequel of "Eyes Like Ice" published here by the same author. Evelyn Lawrence has changed her surname and appearance in order to protect herself and her sister's family from the vengeful Scott. The newly appeared Evelyn Walker seems much more outspoken and extroverted from the outside but does miss a huge part of her life consistently. She becomes absolutely depressed until one day her domineering boss sends her back to LA, to the life she decided to leave behind. The moment she steps in LA, her depression transforms into fear and anxiety. She has to face all the dark days once again, maybe this time it will be worse! She feels totally stuck in her past.

"Alpha" Elle Felicity Kingston is the "alpha" of McGull High School and Roses and Vines Clique. She has everything she needs, except for the perfect boy.
Richard McGull is the descendant of McGull Enterprises. He is rich, hot, toned, and an alpha, and captain of the football team. He thinks Elle is cute, but he's into Sarah Betchulli.
Sarah Betchulli is not the most popular, nor the prettiest, at least not in her opinion. What chance does she have with someone like Richard McGull?
Lexandra Yu is the luckiest, not to mention prettiest, girl in school, except for one thing: she's a mere beta, not an alpha. Can she really overthrow Elle?
Carrie Rickley is content with her life. But when her boyfriend breaks up with her, all hell breaks loose.
Charlotte Middleton is finally in the In Crowd and couldn't be more thrilled. But it's more work than she imagined. Is this really right for her? And there's still a couple of huge secrets she needs to keep...
Blair O'neal is not thrilled about being outed by Elle two years ago. She's lost her touch and she's going crazy with jealousy. The only person that knows she's in therapy for it is Charlotte. Both girls have to trust each other to make this work...

Stagnate as a 'creepy caterpillar' or transform into a 'beauteous butterfly'-this path-breaking book of a rare genre suggests-is the seminal choice before mankind, and every one of us. In this setting, the book raises some fundamental questions: What is man's rightful place in the cosmos and his manifest destiny on earth? Why are we so self-righteously self-destructive? Are we a doomed species? Or 'divine' beings struggling to overcome the hubris of the human intellect? Is God getting weary of mankind? How should we synergize human effort and Divine Grace?

Some do not take into account the fact that a person’s presence of what is called instincts and emotions, genetics and hormones makes his behavior partially or completely predictable. In this connection, some of these same people may not know how to correctly in the generally accepted sense of the word, respond to a particular situation, may not know the objective motivation of others in relation to them, not know what is true and what is fiction, how to understand it correctly what is happening in the world. According to the author, these some in most cases are those who grew up in an incomplete or in the so-called dysfunctional family, this book is dedicated to this target audience.

The book scrutinizes some of the blatant anomalies of our species and does so in a factual and dispassionate way.
It also covers the author’s many witnessed paranormal experiences and exposes the deep damage done to the human psyche though its detachment and substitution into bogus faith systems.
The main focus however, is on mankind’s destructiveness to the planet and its life forms. A trait recognised by Plato (427-347BC) concerning the ‘blind side’ of human beings.

It lurks in the corners veiled by shadows, unseen and unheard by those whose minds are too full, too stuffed with useless facts and memories. But sometimes, it escapes. Every so often, it frees itself from its constricting chains, consuming all who come in its way...
They say it comes around suddenly. I say different.