Author's e-books - announcement. Page - 1

The time is coming for the Lord to announce His kingdom and to establish the New Jerusa-lem and the spring and the tree of life; he is coming to make new heavens and a new earth, the same as it is written and nothing can be abolished from the Book of the Truth and all have been fulfilling, Christian people.

„I have always told you that the day of My wedding with you is coming on the earth, and the multitudes will come together to see you with Me, Jerusalem, son of My wedding, people of My coming, as I am coming and having the wedding in you, and when I have the days of wed-ding with you, I, the Bridegroom and you, the bride, oh, the saints are coming together with Me on your day with the Lord, as I, the Lord, am Your Bridegroom.”

… Keep in mind for that man, the antichrist, will come before you and will say: “I am the antichrist and this world is going with me.” Know, Christian, even if you are no longer living, you will see him, for no one will have the end before your resurrection, so that the dead and the living may see the antichrist.

… Oh, Romania, Romania, how Satan deceived you that you were going on the way of darkness, (Of communist dictatorship, r.n.) you, holy country and loved by God! You do not even know how many little churches you have lost since you got together with Satan. I will shake off the land of Romania of the Satan’s chaff and I will make it clean and worthy.

The time is coming for the Lord to announce His kingdom and to establish the New Jerusa-lem and the spring and the tree of life; he is coming to make new heavens and a new earth, the same as it is written and nothing can be abolished from the Book of the Truth and all have been fulfilling, Christian people.

„I have always told you that the day of My wedding with you is coming on the earth, and the multitudes will come together to see you with Me, Jerusalem, son of My wedding, people of My coming, as I am coming and having the wedding in you, and when I have the days of wed-ding with you, I, the Bridegroom and you, the bride, oh, the saints are coming together with Me on your day with the Lord, as I, the Lord, am Your Bridegroom.”

… Keep in mind for that man, the antichrist, will come before you and will say: “I am the antichrist and this world is going with me.” Know, Christian, even if you are no longer living, you will see him, for no one will have the end before your resurrection, so that the dead and the living may see the antichrist.

… Oh, Romania, Romania, how Satan deceived you that you were going on the way of darkness, (Of communist dictatorship, r.n.) you, holy country and loved by God! You do not even know how many little churches you have lost since you got together with Satan. I will shake off the land of Romania of the Satan’s chaff and I will make it clean and worthy.