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The Word of God about the carved image and the sign of the cross

                        About the carved image and the sign of the cross


                                    Text selection from the Word of God[1] on this topic

                                                                        (Translated by I.A.)



«Then God said, „Let Us make humanity in Our image to resemble Us so that they may take charge of the fish of the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the earth, and all the crawling things on earth.”

God created humanity in God’s own image, in the divine image God created them, male and female God created them». (Gen: 1/26-27.)


«You must have no other gods before Me.

Do not make an idol for yourself - no form whatsoever - of anything in the sky above or on the earth below or in the waters under the earth.

Do not bow down to them or worship them, because I, the Lord your God, am a passionate God. I punish children for their parents’ sins even to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me.

But I am loyal and gracious to the thousandth generation of those who love Me and keep My commandments.» (Exodus: 20/3-6.)


«As I was watching, thrones were raised up. The ancient One took His seat. His clothes were white like snow; His hair was like a lamb’s wool. His throne was made of flame; its wheels were blazing fire».


«You must not cut off the hair on your forehead or clip the ends of your beard.

Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put marks on yourselves; I am the Lord». (Lev: 19/27-28.)


«For the term of the nazirite promise, no razor may be used on the head until the period of dedication to the Lord is fulfilled. The person is to be holy, letting his or her hair grow untrimmed. (Num: 6/5.)


«Now be careful not to drink wine or brandy or to eat anything that is ritually unclean,

Because you are pregnant and will give birth to a son. Don’t allow a razor to shave his head, because the boy is going to be a nazirite for God from birth. He’ll be the one who begins Israel’s rescue from the power of the Philistines.» (Jud. 13/4-5.)


«So Hanun took David’s servants, shaved them, cut off half their garments from their buttocks down, and sent them off.

When this was reported to David, he sent messengers to the men because they were completely ashamed. The king said, „Stay in Jericho until your beards have grown. Then you can come back.”» (1 Chron: 19/4-5.)



                                                1 – About the carved image


God speaks from the heavenly ones and God’s voice is heard, but let they who hear God’s word sit and make another book to the one who is Romania’s anointed on behalf of the Lord Sabaoth.

Peace from the Father, from the Son and from the Holy Spirit, peace to the king of Romania! Peace from the Mother of the Son of the heavenly Trinity, and peace for a heavenly feast from the rulers of the heavenly hosts, Michael and Gabriel! Peace and celebration in heaven and on earth, as it will come that the celebration of feasts from the ancestors will take their places, and it will come for the sons of the church to turn their faces back to their parents, and afterwards, the parents will turn their faces back to their sons. Romania, the first called among the nations, will be the first among the nations of the earth, as it was born at the same time with the Lord, Jesus Christ, and if it was born then, it was christened by the first called from the apostles, as the apostle Andrew came and baptized Romania even since it was in its swaddles, and Romania became Christian and Orthodox; from its birth it was Christian, and the Lord cannot forget its infancy and its first dress, and God cannot forget the ornaments which Romania was invested with, because under its holy land, all Romanian heaven cries out to the Lord and says: „Lord, how long until You redeem those that stay at the foundation of his holy nation?”


And here is what tell the great of Romania, the good, the great and the saint, who keep Romania on their sacrifice and faith, which was the rock of the church of old. The first and the last kings and all the holy waivodes call out, they who are named together the holy heaven of Romania; they lift up prayers for Romania and look to see the small king coming and sitting, the anointed of this time, the one who will fulfill the victory and the glory of Romania. And here is what the forefather and the grandfather says: „The king of Romania shall have his appearance after Jesus Christ’s, as his good ancestors had the appearance of the fulfilled man, as written into the Scriptures. The king is God’s holy one, and his appearance and his face shall be after the one from of old, before which all the son of his kindred may bow down”. Amen.


The Word of God sits in counsel with you, king of Romania, for the holy heaven is looking and waiting to see the glory which will come from you in the name of the Lord. The word of God is making a heavenly book and is speaking with you, Michael of Romania. Your father and forefather wait to see your glory and power that were given to you, but the power of the Lord’s saint works by the image worn by the holy ancestors. Let your holy ornament (The hair and beard, r.n.) to clothe your face, for this holy law has great power. The great time is coming, for I work at it; I work according to My plane, and woe, the plans of the men are away from the plans of the Lord! I work by the word in Romania, and there will be no creature on the earth that will not bow down under this work that works out from the heaven upon Romania; and there will be no nation which will not sing your glory, which is from Me, for you will be a holy king, and who can stand against My plan?

Excerpt from the Word of God to King Michael, from 13-11-1992  (On Slideshare; on Issuu; from Google Drive)




There is a commandment among My commandments which says: «You shall not worship other gods besides Me»; it is, but this fulfillment is not understood, for here there is another significance through this work, that is, you shall not make any opportunity of anything or anyone to hide under this work with another work which comes from its outside; with deeds that come from its outside; with things foreign to the spirit of this work, so that you may not be blamed before the Lord of worshipping other gods, for this is what the evil spirit is trying to do, that is to blame you after the law, and the word that has come to Me today carries a heavy weight into it with Me.


I have set a heavenly law to the foundation from here, because I cannot stay otherwise among the people, but those that entered this garden cannot learn not to worship other gods. Oh, if you, Christian, gave birth to a child, and if you gave birth to him without law, if your child, you kindred and your house does not have Me, and if you came and touched this bath of resurrection and then go again and touch blood, that is not fulfillment, this means that you go out from Me again and worship something else, and you touch even with your heart the dead, and death which the dead stay in, and then you wish to come back and touch with God and with God’s place.

Oh, My loved shepherd, what are you looking for, son, into the world? Oh, how shall not have sheep without a shepherd? And what else should the sheep do if the shepherd seeks into the world? I look at you and see that you want to be with two flocks; that you are both with Christ’s flock and also with Caiaphas’s flock, and I said this: «Get out of the world, My people!». At least you should get out now because you can, My loved people, My loved shepherd. Get out, son, because I do not want to find you into the world and into its work. Get out from the world and do no longer eat with Annas and Caiaphas as well, for they are My crucifiers from that time and until now. I put you aside by this work from heaven. Get out child, at least now get out, and be good to God and to the law of the holiness. Oh, I also entered the temple but I did not stay stuck to Caiaphas. I entered to fulfill those that are written, but I did not get into their Synedrium. What are you looking for among those from the world? And why do you mix death over the life that you take from Me and after a clean order? Caiaphas will never change his robe, for here is what he does: he goes and gives the Christian over to the Praetorium, and look that Pilate and Herod are on friendly terms with each other as then. (It is about the rulers of the church and the political governors, r.n.). Be wise and see what you give to your right and to your left, for you need to have this work and its anointed ones on your right, and you have to understand this distinction. Behold, your children are not with Me. Do you believe that it is so? Those that are in the monasticism cannot be monks in this way, (monasticism in the church of world, r.n.) and you do not want, son, to listen to Me so that you may no longer work with them from the sides and to make plans with them without Me. They are not your God. I am your God and it is right to love Me with all your soul, with all your virtue and deed. Be faithful as it is not in this way that you should be a monk. St. Serafim of Sarov came of a wealthy family and was a noble in that time, and if he left for monasticism out of his love, he forsook greatness, relatives, city and kindred, for you are not a monk if you are still in the world, if you are still among your relatives. What did I tell you before? I spoke to you that I have hope in nothing but in monachism because it is clean and it is not from the world. It is so, My loved ones, and that is why I said: „I would like you have a life of a monk, so that I may have this kind of life before Me and that the Lord may have hope and work”. If the monasticism from before was so holy, so detached from the world and from the kinship, it was required even more from you, and behold, I have no hope left. I put this order here, and those from here left the body, the world and their relatives and they also left their will, so that I may have a hope left. Oh, it is a great thing that the Lord may have something like this in this time so dark, and look into all sides and understand to see the heaven and the earth at twilight and in torpidity. But look from the

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