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“Thriller” is a modern term.
This genre is classified by causing a sudden outburst of emotion in the reader.
Thriller elements are present in many works of different genres. Thriller mix of fantasy and detective. Of course, reading thriller novels of high quality in terms of content and form of presentation is a very useful, informative and even, in some cases, instructive activity. However, the reader must understand in advance that sometimes a detailed description of many bloody fights, shootings and martial arts, the suffering of numerous victims, all kinds of confrontations can cause him a kind of rejection from further reading works of this genre of literature.

Genre Thriller online and without registration

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

Reading thrillers facilitates to the formation of a person's sense of danger and makes him avoid such situations in every possible way in real life. At the same time, the reader can use the example of books to form his own line of behavior in real situations. Thrillers contribute to the development of the sixth sense - intuition. The reader will definitely remember the heroes of thrillers, because they operate in extreme circumstances and must include all means for survival. Filmmakers are always on the lookout for new releases in thriller. Scripts are created every day, that are even more sophisticated and dynamic. Based on these scenarios, new films will be screened, that attract tens of thousands of fans thriller genre. Therefore, each reader will be interested in how it was possible to embody the complexity of the plot on the screen, which is described in the original book. The great success of thrillers on the screen, the basis will still be a book.

You may also be interested in books of the MYSTERY & CRIME or HORROR genre

Read books online » Thriller » Violet Scarlett by Beky Cybille (fiction book recommendations TXT) 📖

Book online «Violet Scarlett by Beky Cybille (fiction book recommendations TXT) 📖». Author Beky Cybille

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Chapter 1 Part 2



I thought it would be the best ever eighteen birthday since I would not only be taking over the pack but as well as finding my mate. It’s disappointing to find my mate is- was Violet. The freak, the omega, our slave.


She was always different from her family-not just in looks- and everyone else. For one she never shifted like we all did at seven or eight.


Not only that, but who would have thought she was also a whore. Only a few hours after I rejected her I felt pain like when I first shifted but worse- the pain of betrayal. I felt her having sex with another guy, and not just one- three.


My father was right, she deserves nothing she’s just an ungrateful brat and deserves everything that's happened to her. However we can't kill her since she's my mate- it will send me into depression- but doesn’t mean she can’t be tortured for what she's done. To think I was thinking of taking back my rejection and accepting her.


My Beta Luke and best friend along with his sister, Paige and I are heading towards the basement since the pain lessened.


Violet was their sister until her family disowned her but, you would never know from how different she looks, especially the way they treated her.


Maybe Paige can be my alpha female. Sure she sleeps around but who am I to judge? I sleep around just as much like her. Besides, she's a better choice than Violet.


"Hey come out here, whore!" Luke growled from outside her room. Wow I never realized she lived in one of the dungeons. My wolf growled in anger.


"I said come out!" Luke used his beta voice.


"Ugh, didn't you hear him? He said to some out!" Paige yelled, slamming the door open.


Except for the 'bed' and other some other things, the cell was empty. Too empty


A piece of paper on the bed caught my eye which Luke picked up reading it.


"What does it say?" I asked, not liking this at all. When I went closer I saw that the bed had blood on it- her blood. My wolf howled in anger trying to gain control.


"It says 'Goodbye.' That's it." He showed me the piece of paper, and sure enough it said just that in neat writing blurred by tear marks.


My wolf really went into a frenzy then. "Find her! Get our trackers to follow her scent!" I used my alpha voice making them both submit before running out of the cell to do as ordered.


I growled and punched a wall nearby. How could she have slept with three guys after I rejected her and just leave? I bet she did all of that on purpose as a plot of hers to cause me pain for payback.


I walked past the other cells going upstairs.


Come to think of it dad said that three rogues have joined the pack, I don’t really trust rogues but my father wouldn't do anything rash, especially if it affected the pack so I trusted his judgment.


‘Like to rejecting your mate?’ my wolf spat.


‘It was for the best. I mean she could never be Luna -she can’t even shift. Besides look what she did after I rejecter her, she had no right.’ I retorted.


‘Mate’ he whimpered before Becoming silence.


I walked into the living room to see everyone was gathered.


"What is the meaning of this, son?" my father asked before the crowd became silent waiting for my answer.

"As you know, I rejected my mate Violet earlier-" I started.


"-and the whore had sex with other guys," Luke growled. My wolf growled at the comment and the thought of any male touching her.


That reminds me; who in their right mind would actually have sex with her? Especially right after I rejected her. Whoever I was must have been desperate, but it doesn't change what she actually did it with them.


She must have begged for someone in my pack to actually sleep with her. My wolf whimpered hurt at my thoughts.


"What does this have to do with anything?" One of the junior Warriors asked.


"After the incident we went down to give her punishment, but she was gone, leaving this behind." I held up the note. And when I do find her not only will I punish her but the three pack members who actually touched my mate and caused me pain.


"What does it say?"


"Goodbye" Paige snorted rolling her eyes while playing with her hair. “Just proves how stupid she is.”

"Now I want every tracker to set out and find her! She will not be getting away with this." I growled. My wolf growled at the thought of her getting hurt.


‘Oh shut up, will you? At least you'll have her here so you won't have to worry about her dying out there is a win win’ I growled to him. I snapped back to the present as Violet's Parents the current beta stood in front of me with expressions of shame and embarrassment.


"We apologize for Violet's actions, Alpha. She has brought even more shame to both our family and the pack once again" her mother stated with disappointment spitting out her daughter's name like it was a curse.


"Whatever punishment you wish to bestow on her is approved and appreciated" her father finished for her. I nodded in acknowledgement and turned to the pack.


"Find her and bring her back. As long as she is alive and not too much near death, I don't care. Now go!" I commanded.


My trackers all shifted and ran towards the forest to find her. I was now alpha of this pack and Violet has disrespected me in many ways. With that in mind I shifted and bounded into the forest sniffing her out.




As I was running I caught the sweet scent of honey flowers and coconut making me stop to pin point it before running full speed ahead following the trail. Soon enough I came to the edge of the border where Chris one of the youngest and best trackers stood.


I shifted, not caring if I was naked. "Have you found her yet?" I asked him.


"No, Alpha. I'm afraid she's gone" Chris stated.


"What do you mean 'she's gone'?" I growled stalking towards him as my wolf broke through the surface.


"Her scent passed the border into no man's land, Alpha. She's gone." He bowed his head from the power my aura held.


"Like hell she is. I want trackers sent out to find her!” I snarled.


"But Alpha it's very dangerous to go into no man's land -” he began protesting, before I cut him off.


"Are you going against your alpha?" I growled, my wolf’s anger showing.


"No, Alpha. I'll get on it right away." He ran off while I tried to calm down as I stared at the border.


My wolf is on the edge knowing his mate is in no man's land whilst I still can't forgive her for what she's done.


I know full well how dangerous no man lands are. Rogues, hunters and other dangerous beings roam there. If Violet really did go in there, she's in danger, I can't afford to fall into depression if she dies. They will find her because if anyone kills her it will be me because there is no way she is going to get away with having sex with those guys right after I rejected her. She caused both my wolf and I pain and so she'll pay.


My wolf was too busy worrying about Violet to even retaliate against my thoughts.


When she's found she will pay and my wolf will be under my control again.


Chapter 2 Part 1



I woke up a sore and tried standing up, only to fall back down and sighed hearing a weird noise. Looking for the source, my eyes landed upon a bloody body.


I tried to scream but it somehow came out as a weird cross between a yelp and a howl. Finally, I noticed my surroundings: a forest. What am I doing in a forest?


It was then that I remembered recent events; me getting rejected and raped, both at the hands of alphas. Like father, like son.


But the last thing I remembered was the rogue launching at me to kill while I was- shifting! I looked down to see black paws. I had finally shifted after all this time?


Fate must be playing an evil joke.


‘What happened after that?’ I wondered staring at the bloody dead body. ‘I couldn’t have done that could I?’ if I did I wasn't freaked at all.


"I see you're finally awake." The voice startled me making me yelp in surprise. I turned towards the shadowed edge of the forest growling in a defensive position. Don't ask me how I knew he was there. I just knew.


A figure emerged from the shadows, chuckling. Making me growl again as he kept approaching. He stopped a few feet from me, raising his hands in a motion of surrender. "Calm down, would you?"


I relaxed a little until I smelt the air. Rogue. I tensed once again.


He stared at me before sighing. "Relax, okay? I'm not going to hurt you especially after I saved you." He spoke sincerely. So he was the one who killed the rogue. Why?


He must have seen the question in my eyes because he responded. "Why wouldn't I help a damsel in distress?" He smirked. Jeez such a great reason.


"So... are you going to shift back or what?" He was still smirking but, his question registered- I didn't know how to shift back. At that, I whimpered and laid on the ground my head on my two front paws.


"Oh." His smirk dropped. It was an awkward silent for a while before he sighed and cautiously approached me. I didn't even bother to growl or try anything to warn him or defend myself. What's the point? I may as well lay here and wait for my death; I've got nothing to live for anyway. They destroyed everything.


He moved closer until he stood in front of me, kneeled down, and passed his hands over my fur making me flinch before I relaxed after a while. I just watched him whilst he watched me before he suddenly stood up straight making me flinch once again.


Expecting a hit or a kick I whimper burying my fury head deeper into my paws… waiting. "Come on try standing up, I'm going to teach you how to shift back." I snapped my head up in surprise. Why is he helping me? Why isn’t he doing anything like attacking me or spitting insults at me?


"Come on now." He gave me a smirk as I wobbled waiting for me to find balance. It felt foreign being on four legs and not to mention the tail and the enhanced senses.


"Alright to turn back concentrate on turning human, you can picture it in you mind if it helps” he explained.


I concentrated

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