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Thriller is a genre in literature. Thriller completely independent genre. Books of this genre are available now for your attention. We add new Thriller books to our e-library every day every day. Always interesting and instructive to read using our elibrary.
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“Thriller” is a modern term.
This genre is classified by causing a sudden outburst of emotion in the reader.
Thriller elements are present in many works of different genres. Thriller mix of fantasy and detective. Of course, reading thriller novels of high quality in terms of content and form of presentation is a very useful, informative and even, in some cases, instructive activity. However, the reader must understand in advance that sometimes a detailed description of many bloody fights, shootings and martial arts, the suffering of numerous victims, all kinds of confrontations can cause him a kind of rejection from further reading works of this genre of literature.

Genre Thriller online and without registration

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

Reading thrillers facilitates to the formation of a person's sense of danger and makes him avoid such situations in every possible way in real life. At the same time, the reader can use the example of books to form his own line of behavior in real situations. Thrillers contribute to the development of the sixth sense - intuition. The reader will definitely remember the heroes of thrillers, because they operate in extreme circumstances and must include all means for survival. Filmmakers are always on the lookout for new releases in thriller. Scripts are created every day, that are even more sophisticated and dynamic. Based on these scenarios, new films will be screened, that attract tens of thousands of fans thriller genre. Therefore, each reader will be interested in how it was possible to embody the complexity of the plot on the screen, which is described in the original book. The great success of thrillers on the screen, the basis will still be a book.

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Read books online » Thriller » Obsessed by Alicyn Night (fiction book recommendations .txt) 📖

Book online «Obsessed by Alicyn Night (fiction book recommendations .txt) đŸ“–Â». Author Alicyn Night

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He pointed to his hot-pink rimmed glasses that had been broken.
She nodded her head in understanding.
‘I see, well I don’t think you look like a freak’ She said, he had scoffed at her gentleness, but tears, by themselves gathered in his eyes.
” Evelyn said in her sleep, bringing him out of his daydream, she was on her tummy, drooling, her arms spread of her head as if she was going to take flight. He smiled as her strange form, happy to know that she was here.


The darkness of the clouds scared her, her body trembled to the cold weather that was freezing her from, the inside out, and she was only wrapped in a sheet stained with blood. Damien appeared a knife in his hand, a sad smile on his wicked lips.
‘It will only hurt for a moment.’ He said, the knife now suddenly dropping blossoms of the red life. He shifted then, his golden locks became fiery as the sun and his eyes became lighter a hazel green.
’ Caden whispered to her, as blood began to drip from his lips and his body became nothing but sand.
“Caden!’ Evelyn screamed, tears blotting her vision.
’ Caden voice repeated in her head.
‘Evelyn!’ it yelled.

Evelyn looked to Caden standing over her bedside, she embraced him, sobbing.
“It’s okay Eve, it was only a nightmare.” She shook her head.
“It didn’t feel like one it felt real.” She shivered, afraid of what Damien could do, if he wanted to.
Caden’s arm wrapped around her waist, not remembering about the name in her back. She flinched.
“Sorry.” He said, he really was too. To him it was his fault he couldn’t protect her, couldn’t save her from what had happened. Tears came to his eyes; he was completely engulfed by his anger.
‘Why?! Why couldn’t I protect you?!

’ he thought holding her tighter.
“Caden?” she asked, wondering why he was crying.
I feel so useless, Evelyn, I couldn’t protect you, like you have protected me, I couldn’t do anything for you!” he sobbed in her ear. Evelyn could say nothing to this. She only sobbed with him.
“It’s not your fault Caden, it’s not, really! I just couldn’t protect myself.” She sobbed. They stayed like that, until the sun went down.
“Caden.” Evelyn’s mother walked in, her tresses of newly blond hair, up in a bun.
He looked up, his eyes tried from crying, Evelyn in the nook of his chest.
“Yes Mrs. Heeren?” his voice laced with sleep.
“Are your parents going to be worried if you don’t go home?” she asked, crossing her arms, swaying side to side. He scoffed, his parents were never home and rarely paid any kind of heed to him, and right now they were at a party, already drunk off of beer and wine.
He shook his head. She smiled and looked at them, the way he held her, and how her daughter was sleeping peacefully in his arms, after what she had been through, it amazed her.
“I am really glad you’re here Caden.” She said, a pained expression on her face, he just smiled at her.
“Whenever she needs me.” He answered, laying his head down on the pillow, falling fast asleep.
She smiled and shut the door.
“Yeah I know.”


Damien watched the two, hidden in each other’s arms, his breathtaking love in the arms of a killer! The blade he held in his hand started to bring blood out of his hand, the scarlet trail smeared against the branch of the tree. He snarled at the sight of them.
‘She will love me!

’ he roared in his head, a new scheme popped into his head. He chuckled at the idea and vanished into the darkness.
She awoke to the wind on the trees, it was raining again, it poured against the window, thundering light outside.
She rubbed her eyes, looking to Caden’s arms around her, he was fast asleep.
She quietly, not to disturb him, moved away and off the bed. She tried to switch on her light, but the power was off, she yawned and went out the door, she wanted to see, the dark was causing her to dream of Damien again.
“Evelyn.” His voice whispered in her ear, the feeling of his icy arms wrapping around her made her shiver.
“I am so sorry Evelyn, so sorry.” The wind made it hard to hear.
“No you’re not.” She said, her voice low, afraid.
“Yes I am Evelyn, I am so sorry, never meant to hurt you
look up.” It said, and she did, the front entrance was in front of her, the door looked huge and scary.
She put her hand on the doorknob, she wanted to go outside, but was afraid of what might be waiting.
“Stop it, stop talking to me.” She growled at the voice, it only laughed.
She opened the door; the wind slapped her face roughly as she walked out. Rain painted itself on her, becoming wet instantly. Lighting flashed and she saw Damien, he stood there, like he was the one that caused this weather.
“Evelyn.” He voice was nothing but a whisper, but she heard it loud and clear like he was behind her.
He held out his hand, dripping wet.
“Evelyn it hurts so much, Dad hit me again.” The rain looked like tears to her. He was baiting her, drawing her in to him.
She was in his trance, her eyes hurt.
“Why does your dad hit you?” she asked, real tears going down her face.
He smiled.
“Because he likes to hurt me Evelyn, please Evelyn come here I need a hug, your hugs make me feel so much better.” He kept his smile.
“But you’re dangerous.” She said looking down, it seemed like the wind and rain couldn’t touch them.
His smiled disappeared.
“No I’m not; I am not dangerous Evelyn just come here and hug me.” His voice became demanding, freighting. Evelyn shook.
“Please Evelyn?” he asked his voice calm again.
In the distance of the storm she heard people call her name, it wasn’t Damien’s voice but
her mother’s and Caden’s. Step by step she walked to Damien.
“Evelyn!” Caden called her, she was soaked in water, her body was trembling and in the distance he saw Damien, he had a sick, triumphing smile on his face, he was drenched as well, his lips were blue as he shook.
“Evelyn please!” he yelled as she got further and further away. Her mother was holding onto Caden’s arm, pulling him in from the rain.
“It’s no use Caden. She’s gone.” Evelyn’s mother had tears in her eyes.
“No I am not going to stand by and watch her get hurt again!” he yelled, he pulled his arm gently away from her grip and ran to Evelyn, she was only a few feet away from Damien, that wicked man that he hated.
Caden grabbed Evelyn’s arm, trying to get her from getting closer. She turned back to Caden, her eyes dazed and unfocused.
“Damien he needs me, his dad hit him again.” She looked to him, a frown on her shivering lips.
“Evelyn wake up!” he yelled, shaking her. She stayed unfocused. He looked at her for a moment, then grabbed her.
“Sorry Eve.” His lips touched her, holding onto her tightly. Evelyn’s blinked, then looked into Caden’s hazel glaze. The moment was sweet, quiet, and short. Then Caden’s gentle lips were torn off of hers. Damien had him pinned to the ground, his hands around Caden’s neck, Caden clawed at Damien’s neck, crimson hue falling on his face. Growls erupted from both of them.
“Don’t you dare

touch her!” Damien snarled, shoving Caden into a tree, Evelyn heard something snap, as Caden howled in pain. Damien let him fall to the ground, Evelyn wanted to run over but she could, she was frozen watching her best friend fight for her, her mother had gone inside to call the police, her hand shaking as she listen to nothing.
‘She won’t get far

’ Damien’s head become raged with thumping and red.
Damien ran to Caden and kneed him in the gut, watching him as he fell, unable to fight much longer, Damien smiled as he realized this, then look to the woman who bore Evelyn.
A shot rang threw the air as silence took hold. Evelyn screamed, watching her mother fall to the kitchen floor, the smell of blood mixed with the rain, she collapsed, her knees buckling from underneath her. The scene in front of her spun, dark blotches covered her vision from the corpse. Damien caught Evelyn in her grasp, he picked her gently, her small body fitting perfectly in his arms, he nudged her cheek, loving her smooth skin.
Caden watched Damien sit on the grass, holding his Evelyn whispering songs in her ears. He knew she had fainted, for the site of seeing her mother fall to the death of a gun. Tears ran down his face as he mourned her mother and his friend’s sanity.
“Caden.” Evelyn whispered, her eyes fluttering open, she felt Caden’s hands touch her face, his voice like a lullaby. Then she remembered, Caden was hurt by Damien, tears gathered in her eyes, blurring her vision.
Damien watched her cry in his arms; his iced heart only melted so little.
“Call my name Evelyn.” He whispered, she froze, her eyes widening as her tears increased, but only angry tears fell from her cerulean eyes.
His arms around her tightened only slightly, she was afraid of him, and he knew it.
She kept quiet and tried to wiggle out of his arms, he sighed knowing that this would happen, but he wanted to hold her, where she could not escape his grasp.
She struggled against his firm grip.
“Let me go!” she screamed, anger flooding her.
“Never Evelyn, now be good and stay here.” He cooed in her ear, stroking her cheek, the tears soaking onto his skin. She screamed for help, knowing none will come.
“I hate you!” she seethed, rage filled Damien as he threw her on the ground.
“You little bitch!” he seethed; he wrapped his hands around her slim neck.“You will not talk to me in that manner!” Evelyn wished for air, her willowy hands gripping at his, her nails digging into his skin as she drew blood.
He watched life slowly fade from her eyes, her slender fingers losing their vigor. Her chest barley moving. He grinned at the sight of a doll in his hands. Then he thought of her lips, her voice, her smiles. She wouldn’t do that anymore if she died. He started to panic.
Caden opened his eyes, only one word forming on his lips.
“Evelyn.” He whispered, tears coming to his eyes. Damien was hunched over a corpse-like body. He was crying, his large hands wrapped around her neck.
“God Evelyn.” Caden staggered to his feet, as the rain, as to welcome an angel to heaven, stopped. He watched Damien look at him, now holding Evelyn to his chest, glaring at Caden, but then sunlight flooded the yard, under the light Damien got blinded from its shining light, not use to the bright sun.
killed her!” Caden screamed, as he attacked Damien, both of them flying to the ground, the body of Evelyn laying on the grass, as if she was resting peacefully.
Damien couldn’t resist Caden’s blows; Caden was going too fast for Damien to stop him.
Tears blinded Caden, his hits growing weaker and weaker with every sobs that escaped his lips.
“Why?!” Caden cried. “Why?!” Damien’s eyes blank, tears sliding down his face silently. He all was but a void, nothing more than an empty shell, his mind couldn’t function.
“I don’t know
” Damien whispered, confused. He had blanked out, not remembering.
“What the hell do you mean, you don’t know

?!” Caden yelled.

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