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Thriller is a genre in literature. Thriller completely independent genre. Books of this genre are available now for your attention. We add new Thriller books to our e-library every day every day. Always interesting and instructive to read using our elibrary.
Only occasionally does a rather skillfully tailored product come off this “conveyor line” that really has any merit in order to stand out from the basically homogeneous literary mass. Our electronic library is full of thriller highlights.
“Thriller” is a modern term.
This genre is classified by causing a sudden outburst of emotion in the reader.
Thriller elements are present in many works of different genres. Thriller mix of fantasy and detective. Of course, reading thriller novels of high quality in terms of content and form of presentation is a very useful, informative and even, in some cases, instructive activity. However, the reader must understand in advance that sometimes a detailed description of many bloody fights, shootings and martial arts, the suffering of numerous victims, all kinds of confrontations can cause him a kind of rejection from further reading works of this genre of literature.

Genre Thriller online and without registration

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

Reading thrillers facilitates to the formation of a person's sense of danger and makes him avoid such situations in every possible way in real life. At the same time, the reader can use the example of books to form his own line of behavior in real situations. Thrillers contribute to the development of the sixth sense - intuition. The reader will definitely remember the heroes of thrillers, because they operate in extreme circumstances and must include all means for survival. Filmmakers are always on the lookout for new releases in thriller. Scripts are created every day, that are even more sophisticated and dynamic. Based on these scenarios, new films will be screened, that attract tens of thousands of fans thriller genre. Therefore, each reader will be interested in how it was possible to embody the complexity of the plot on the screen, which is described in the original book. The great success of thrillers on the screen, the basis will still be a book.

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Read books online » Thriller » Obsessed by Alicyn Night (fiction book recommendations .txt) 📖

Book online «Obsessed by Alicyn Night (fiction book recommendations .txt) 📖». Author Alicyn Night

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into the room. “Some for police men are here to…” she cut her father off.
“To question me?” she asked. “When I don’t even know where Caden is, where Damien is hiding him!” she screamed, now facing her father, standing in front of him, her eyes wild, her teeth clenched.
Her father just looked at her and sighed, nodding his head, and went back down stairs. She grabbed her blanket and followed him.
“All right so you have no idea where Damien Rose and Caden Mathews is at?” Officer Michael asked, looking very confused.
“Yes.” Evelyn said in anger, she knew he was a new officer but did he have to be this stupid?!
“so you do know?”
“No I do not know where Damien and Caden are, I have no damned clue!” she seethed, the woman officer, put her hand on Evelyn’s shoulder.
“Officer Michael that’s enough, this girl is going through something hard, leave her be.” the black woman said, officer M just rolled his eyes acting like a child.
“Thank you for letting us question you, we’ll be on our way now.” She said with a smile, she grabbed officer M by the hair.
“Ow! That hurts Shelly! Why are you being so mean?!” and they left.
“Hey blossom are you hungry?” her father asked, sitting at her side.
Evelyn sighed and looked up with a weak smile.
“Nah, I’m just gunna head up to bed.” She stood up and walked to the stairs, turning to her dad, who now had his head hung and despair.
“Maybe in the morning when am feeling better.” She smiled again as his head shot up and watched her hurry up the stairs.
Evelyn laid back in her bed, her body feeling sore from moving. She let the tears fall that she hadn’t let down before. She hugged her bear close to her and cried into its neck.
“Caden…” she sobbed, she left a gentle hand on her head. She shot up.
“Ca…” she looked at the man in front of her, he smiled softly.
“Evelyn.” Damien said in a soft sad voice. “How are you?” she became angry, her body burning with Adrenaline.
“Go away…” she turned away from him, so the only thing he saw was her back.
“Eve…” she turned to him
“Leave me alone!” she screamed, he backed up, hearing her father run up the steps to them.
He looked at her.
“I hate you Damien, Leave me alone now! You’re a monster!” she screamed, tears running from her closed eyes.
“Evelyn honey what’s wrong?” her father busted in. Evelyn looked up to her window open and the storm thundering against the clouds, rain pouring heavily into her room.
And Damien no where to be seen.

Chapter 5

Evelyn watched the flame of her candle, dancing. She looked at the roses on her desk, she didn’t touch any of them and just watched them wilt away. She knew that Damien sent them, so that he could be forgiven, but there was no forgiving him now.
“Evelyn!” her father yelled from down stairs, he had stopped entering her room and just sat on the chair helpless and growing more sad then he ever was.
She looked to her window, it was a shining gold from the sun, but she saw the clouds coming in.
And looking at the sun she thought of Caden.
His voice, his touch, his kisses. They made her want to melt and dance in happiness. But of course not all dreams could come true. She closed her eyes letting a few tears fall from her face. Then she felt his eyes on her again.
Damien was watching her again from the woods, or the tree in front of her window. She knew he was there, seeing if she would touch the roses.
She looked up to a pair of chocolate brown eyes, deep and angry.
“Damien.” She greeted, her eyes narrowing at the site. His blond hair was cleaned of blood, his face a pale color of ivory. He wore black again, a turtle neck and jeans. He tapped his fingers against the window, a small sad smile on his lips. She turned away, looking to her picture on her bed for her and Caden.
“I want him back.” She growled, looking back at him. He looked away and jumped down from the tree once again angry at her.
She sighed and went to her bed, wanting to sleep, but she knew she couldn’t. The memories from the graveyard haunted her. The look that Caden gave her that he had failed her, just killed her.
“Caden…” she whispered, closing her eyes, thinking of her happy Caden. “I love you.”


Caden looked to the brighten light, knowing who was coming.
“Damien…” he growled, Damien smiled at him.
“hello.” He said cheerfully, bringing the rusty knife to his chin. Then suddenly his mood went black.
“I hope you’re fucking happy you little shit!” Damien seethed, stabbing the knife into Caden’s back.
Caden screamed, panting, his back was numb before now it was in pain again, worse then the last time.
“She won’t forgive me, sometimes she didn’t even look at me, she hates me all because of you! She only wants you; she just stares at the flame of that damned candle! That white candle that I am envious of! I want to be stared at by her, only if she looked at me with such heat…” Damien’s vigor went lame, and he broke down crying. In a way Caden felt for the boy, he just wanted to be loved by someone; Evelyn had told him what happened to Damien. How every day he came and went to school being made fun of and his father beating. He learned of why Damien held onto Evelyn’s gentle embrace, because no one held onto him that way, except for her. Even Caden’s parents didn’t give a damn about him, they just let him be, always busy with parties and work. It angered him as a child that he wasn’t loved like all the other boys and girls at school, so he got into fights and cursed and hated everyone, until Evelyn came to his school. She was a hidden angel. He would watch her from the corners, as she gave out snoopy band-aids to kids that have fallen or gotten hurt. She would carry kids to the nurses office if they couldn’t walk. He wanted to be her friend, but he knew he couldn’t because she was too kind and gentle, he was too rough and angry, until she approached him…
“Thinking of my love

?” he asked, Caden refused to look at him in the eye, knowing he was guilty of thinking of her.
Damien stood up, his tears now gone they only thing left on his face was anger.
“too bad she’s mine.” Damien mused, beginning the torment all over again.
“Stop it!” Caden screamed, his body feeling the knife again, then going numb. Damien laughed at Caden’s pain. He smiled a gentle smile and touches the scars, the blood stained his hands.
“I wonder what Evelyn looks like in all white…” he mused; he sighed and looked to Caden.
“Hm, you’re not going to last longer if you stay this way…” Damien went back out to the light, to the place Caden wanted to be.
“Evelyn…” Caden whispered her name, becoming tired; he closed his eyes, dreaming of the rain.
Evelyn watched the sun rise again; she sat in the middle of her bed, her head full of thoughts of Caden.
“Evelyn please talk to me.” Her therapist said, sitting on a chair in front of her. The therapist sighed. “Evelyn if you don’t talk to me, then am going to force you to and I want us to be friends.” He looked at the paper.
“Mr. Jones will you please shut the fuck up?” she asked in mortone, her icy eyes sliding to him. He looked taken back for a moment as she sighed.
“Please leave.” She waved her hand at him.
“Am sorry Evelyn but I can’t do that.” Evelyn sighed again and got up, grabbing her coat.
“Then I am.” She said, opening the door, running out before Mr. Jones could stop her.


Evelyn walked the trail; her ballet flats were muddy from the rain. She looked up to the clouded skies and felt a few tears come down her face; she wanted to be home with her mother and father, and Caden right at her side. But she knew that would never happen again. She looked back to where she was walking, hearing people in the tall bushes, smoking something nasty.
“Hey sexy.” A man with sandy hair and a goatee came out, he had a blunt in his hand with a few of his friends laughing and following his.

’ She thought as the man came closer.
“What are you doing out here all alone?” he asked, looking her up and down.
“None of your fucking business ass-wipe.” She growled. The man’s eyes narrowed.
“Watch your little slutty mouth bitch.”
“Hey Joe what are you doing to that girl?” a female voice rang out. A girl came out with cherry red hair, her eyes a greenish blue. She put her hand on her hip, raising an eyebrow.
“Nothing Gabby.” Joe said. Evelyn looked to her, wary of people.
“Hey Darling, don’t mind Joe he likes getting some, he’s an idiot.” The red hair girl smiled.
“What’s your name?” the girl looked closely at Evelyn, curious.
“Nothing of your interest.” Evelyn seethed; she looked back to the trail, the rain pouring.
Gabby got close to her and grabbed her arm.
“He can’t get you here.” She whispered into Evelyn’s ear, pulling her toward the bushes. Evelyn watched Gabby look up, and growled, like an animal.
“Oh Damien dear love, you know you can’t be on this part of land, so get.” Gabby’s southern drawl made Evelyn think of an old Wild West movie. Evelyn looked up to Damien, his eyes pained; of course he had followed her, anywhere at any time.
“Go away Damien.” Evelyn said, she looked angry with him. Gabby nodded.
“No use in following her here you idiot.” Gabby sighed at looked to Evelyn. “come on Darlin’ let’s get you inside.” Gabby pushed Evelyn more into the grassy part behind the bushes, as Damien watched her go.
“Damn it I forgot that I had promised them to stay off, now I’m going to hear it.” Damien sighed, and looked back to where Evelyn was.
‘But I can’t let them take her; they would keep her there forever, so I couldn’t get her.

’ Damien sighed again, and sat in the tree, getting comfortable, waiting until Evelyn came back out.


Evelyn looked to the fire in the middle of the field; tent like fabric hanging over most of the field from the tree to make one giant looking tent. All kinds of people were there. Old, young. An old man was telling tales of when he was in World War 2 and another older woman was watching the children play.
“This is our Coven I guess you can say, mostly filled with homeless people and gypsies.” Gabby stated proudly. She grabbed Evelyn a plate of food and sat down. Evelyn stood not knowing what to do.
“Come sit, its warm by the fire, and this is for you.” Gabby handed Evelyn the food. It was filled with a brownie, two pieces of fried chicken and green beans.
“How did you get this?” Evelyn asked, taking a bite of the brownie.
“Well we all do odd jobs, and all. So this week we all together made about five hundred dollars.” Evelyn coughed, choking on her fried chicken.
“Then why don’t you buy a house or something like that?” Evelyn felt a conundrum in her brain.
“Didn’t I tell you

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