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“Thriller” is a modern term.
This genre is classified by causing a sudden outburst of emotion in the reader.
Thriller elements are present in many works of different genres. Thriller mix of fantasy and detective. Of course, reading thriller novels of high quality in terms of content and form of presentation is a very useful, informative and even, in some cases, instructive activity. However, the reader must understand in advance that sometimes a detailed description of many bloody fights, shootings and martial arts, the suffering of numerous victims, all kinds of confrontations can cause him a kind of rejection from further reading works of this genre of literature.

Genre Thriller online and without registration

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

Reading thrillers facilitates to the formation of a person's sense of danger and makes him avoid such situations in every possible way in real life. At the same time, the reader can use the example of books to form his own line of behavior in real situations. Thrillers contribute to the development of the sixth sense - intuition. The reader will definitely remember the heroes of thrillers, because they operate in extreme circumstances and must include all means for survival. Filmmakers are always on the lookout for new releases in thriller. Scripts are created every day, that are even more sophisticated and dynamic. Based on these scenarios, new films will be screened, that attract tens of thousands of fans thriller genre. Therefore, each reader will be interested in how it was possible to embody the complexity of the plot on the screen, which is described in the original book. The great success of thrillers on the screen, the basis will still be a book.

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Read books online » Thriller » Obsessed by Alicyn Night (fiction book recommendations .txt) 📖

Book online «Obsessed by Alicyn Night (fiction book recommendations .txt) đŸ“–Â». Author Alicyn Night

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before, we all homeless or gypsies, and a few run always I might add. We like it out here; just moving to another place is exciting.” Gabby smiled.
“Okay then, what about Damien why isn’t he allowed on this land?” Evelyn asked, confused.
“This land belongs to my grandparents, who are still living, but gave me the freedom to do what I want, they said the day I left is that if I have to use their bought land then so be it. Damien’s family history is entwined with mine, so I was surprised to see him. You see the Rose family as always held a spiteful hate towards us, the Notes. I guess it’s because they have this way of getting things they want, when we use gentler ways to do things, thus getting more praise from others, they wanted that power, the power to be trusted and loved by people that they grew madly envious.” Gabby took a drink of water.
“But Damien’s family is a little different. His mother was a whore, and the father a drunken idiot, that was part of the Rose family. I remember seeing Damien when he was younger at a business party my father had taken me too. His best clothes were dingy, rank clothes that smelled of a cat box. I knew he was embarrassed. Because he had tears in his eyes. I felt really bad for him, and everyone looked down at him with shame! Even his own father! It was horrible.” Gabby looked to the fire again.
“I was surprised to see that Damien was following you though. He must some kind of interest for you.”
Evelyn nodded.
“Yes, I believe it was because I was the only one that ever showed a caring touch to him.” Evelyn watched Gabby as she threw another log in.
“I don’t know what’s going on between you two, nor do I want to, but forgive and forget. When you go back out there, call him down from the tree and tell him something that you can only tell him. I know he will get angry very fast, but keep in mind of his past.” Gabby out up, and stretched.
“It’s about time us folk got to go to bed. If you come back tomorrow we won’t be here. But I am glad I got to talk to you.” Gabby smiled and headed off to a sleeping bag. Evelyn stood as well, smiling that she made a new friend.
“Night Gabby!” Evelyn called. Gabby just smiled.
Evelyn watched from afar when they put out their fire, and shook her head, still hearing the squeals of the children running about not wanting to go to bed. She got back onto the trail, as she heard an intake of breath. She looked up to Damien wryly.
“Damien.” She stated quietly. She looked at him; his hair was messy from leaning against the tree, his eyes shocked and wide.
“Could you please get down here?” she asked, taking a breath. She wanted to yell at him, hurt him; so that he would tell her where Caden was, but knew asking nicely was probably the way to go.
She heard a drop and a soft landed, as Damien walked out.
“Evelyn.” He came to her slowly, not wanting to scare her, like before in the classroom.
“Damien, why did you take Caden from me?” she asked him, her heart pounding in her chest from just his name. Damien stopped in his tracks. His face full of disbelief.
“Why is it always about him?!” Damien yelled, fuming.
“I just want to know Damien please calm down.” She looked at him with a pitiful gaze.
Damien had always been alone, always been afraid, why did they only good thing in his life have to love someone else.
“I don’t want it to be about him! I want it to be about me! He doesn’t deserve it, your love. It’s not fair Evelyn! Why always him, he gets everything!” Damien had tears coming down his face as he fell to the ground, sadness of being abandoned over taking him.
“Evelyn why
” Damien sobbed. Evelyn ran to him, as he clutched onto her, crying into her jacket. He looked so wrecked, so broken. Damien had a mask that Evelyn broke, and she knew that.
“Damien hush, it’s okay, shh it’s all right I’m here.” Evelyn soothed him, smoothing his hair down.
“I don’t want you to leave me, I don’t want to be alone.” She felt him shaking under her arms, she rubbed his lean back.
“It’s ok Damien, I’m here, I’m here.” She cooed to him, he hated showing his weakness to her, but he couldn’t fight it anymore.
“Evelyn why can’t you see I love you so much, yet your with him?!” Damien looked up to Evelyn, their eyes meeting. It was silent then, as Evelyn was being held by Damien’s eyes.
” Damien placed his hands on both of her sides, pinning her down, his face coming closer. “I love you so much so why do you does this, why do you love him and not me?” his voice was nothing but a whisper, Evelyn felt her face warm to a ruby red, as Damien caressed her cheek.
” Evelyn was taken by his warm hands on her face, his forehead touching hers. It was a soft gester that made her heart go into a frenzy.
Damien closed his eyes, gently pressing his lips to hers. Her lips were like soft velvet against his rough lips, she smelled of sweet spring. He wrapped his arms around her, his kisses becoming more urgent, fiercer even.
He broke away to a crying Evelyn. He caressed her face in his hands again.
“Why are you crying love?” he asked, afraid he did something wrong.
“It’s not fair, your lips are sweet, and your face is kind, but your hands are rough and your eyes are cold.” Evelyn sobbed, her lips trembling. She left her head fall into her hands. She loved Caden, but at the same time she could feel herself all into the temptation of Damien’s love. She couldn’t understand why this happened to her.
Damien watched his angel fall into sadness, not knowing what to do.
‘Why did she have to be so sweet, so kind!? Then maybe I wouldn’t be hurting her.

’ He wrapped his arms around her.
‘No not even then would I let her go.

’ He picked her up, cradling her in his arms. She fit just right.
Walking back to Evelyn’s house was very easy, but also very sad. Damien wanted to take her away, to his home. So he wouldn’t have to be alone anymore. So she wouldn’t have to be alone anymore. He knew her very well. He knew even with Caden at her side, she was alone at home. Her mother was always working, always gone. Her father was always on trips to promote his work. And Evelyn would be alone at home, waiting for them, she would play her cello often, or clean humming tunes from her IPod. She was never happy until she talked to Caden or go online were she was adored by her fans. Her cello playing gotten her very far online. But mostly it was older people who were in elderly homes, asking her to play for them. Many men often took her song from online and played it for their wife’s, and Evelyn was happy she was able to make others happy with her songs. Then when she started singing online, many boys became her fans. But she didn’t like this and stuck to her cello.
Damien looked to the sleeping girl in his arms. Her crying made her tried and soon she was asleep.
“Evelyn.” Damien smiled softly, kissing her forehead. He couldn’t help be in love with her, he just couldn’t. She was perfect in every way. Every time she smiled, he wanted to smile. When she laughed he wanted to know why so he could laugh with her, even if it didn’t make any sense. He wanted to be by her side until they very end.
He reached Evelyn’s house in no time, climbing up her tree, with Evelyn on his back, Damien opened her window to find it empty; laying her on the bed he took one finial glance at his love. He bent down to her forehead and kissed it.
“Evelyn sweet dreams.” He whispered, then dropped from the window into the trees once more.


Evelyn opened her eyes groggily to the sun streaming in threw her window.
‘Sunlight that’s rare.

’ She thought rubbing her eyes. Just as she sat up her father busted in.
“Gezz Evelyn give me a fright! I went looking for you after you left the therapist pissed off and I walk back in and run up here and there you are sound asleep!” her father was sick from the rain, she could see it in his face. He grabbed her and pulled her into a hug, crying on her shoulder.
“Don’t you ever do that again? You understand me?!” he yelled half sobbed. She nodded and hugged him again, smiling.
‘So he is worried about me.

’ She felt her own tears coming as she hugged him.
“Love you dad.” She sobbed.
“Love you too Eve.” They sat there like that for a moment, her father trying to calm down his tears.
“All right I’m hungry.” Her father stated, she smiled and nodded her head in agreement.
“Me too.” Her father stood up and stretched.
“Okay let us go to Benny’s cafĂ©. They got the best damned burger that I have ever tasted.” Her father rubbed his tummy, looking like a drooling dog.
She nodded. “mkays.” He left her to get changed and shower. Evelyn arched her back, the hot water felt nice after that cold night she had spent with Damien. She ran her fingers threw her hair, looking up at the ceiling.
‘Damien brought me home after everything, he just brought me home instead of taking me to his home. That was

’ She thought, a blush rising onto her cheeks. A small smile reaching her lips.
“Evelyn come on hurry up!” her father yelled form down stairs. She laughed and got out of the shower, dressing in a daze. Her father stood at the end of the stairs, smiling.
“Hey dad.” She laughed at his get up, a piano tie with a green dress shirt and jeans. She rolled her eyes, as he opened the door.
“love you Eve.” He smiled, grabbing his keys. She laughed and smiled.
“Love you dad.”
Chapter 6
Evelyn watched the rain fall from the sky, her teacher writing on the board.
‘I hate math, I hate math, I hate math

’ Evelyn sighed, resting her head on her fist. She turned to the clock, its hands ticking and tocking. She listened to Kamelot, she hummed with the song, tapping her fingers. She looked back out the window, seeing a blond head she knew every well.

’ she thought, he looked up to her and smiled. She looked away, her face turning a scarlet color. She sighed as the bell rung, saving her from the evil question on board. She walked threw the walls, feeling alone.
“Hey look it’s the freak
“Yeah did you hear that she is being stalked
“Totally I mean sure he was cute but he is a killer
“Right I know what a freak
“Did you know she got Chris killed?”
Evelyn grimaced at this, she hated what they said. She turned to glare at the two cheerleaders in the corner. They flinched and scoffed.
“You’re not scary.”
“Yeah ghost girl. You’re not at all scary.” They looked at each other laughing like desperate idiots.
“Yeah maybe not but I know that your pregnant and your breasts are fake.” Evelyn said nonchantly. The

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