author - "Serena Axel"

Can windows reveal secrets? They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. Could windows hold mysteries from time past? Sarah daydreamed and liked to think so. If she wished hard enough, would they reveal what was ahead of her, if she looked through them with her wanting heart and eyes? When she found Michael, was she ready to let go of the memory of Marty? Her life had changed, but was it temporary? Could Michael take on an instant family? And why was she dreaming about those windows? No matter how she tried she couldn’t stop the dreams.

Can windows reveal secrets? They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. Could windows hold mysteries from time past? Sarah daydreamed and liked to think so. If she wished hard enough, would they reveal what was ahead of her, if she looked through them with her wanting heart and eyes? When she found Michael, was she ready to let go of the memory of Marty? Her life had changed, but was it temporary? Could Michael take on an instant family? And why was she dreaming about those windows? No matter how she tried she couldn’t stop the dreams.