author - "XS"

In our online library you can read for free books of the author author - "XS". All books are presented in full version without abbreviations. You can also read the abstract or a comment about the book.

In life's most difficult times we rely on the reality that "this too shall pass." In those moments we can close our eyes and go back to a voice of innocence to rejuvenate our energies.

We live in a world that doesn't care about the world we live in. This poem is dedicated to Mother Earth as a call to action to remedy all the damage done.

Not many will take on the responsibility of caring for an elder loved one. In that missed opportunity they will deny themselves the beauty of a lesson in compassion.

This poem is dedicated to my Mom, an amazing woman who taught me so many of my Life lessons. It is dedicated to her memory and to the knowledge that she lives on within me every day.

For anyone who has ever lost a loved one, we know the journey to healing is a long and complicated one. This poem is an acknowledgement to every small step necessary to finding peace.

We all have moments of darkness, when our energies are low and the enemy gets a grasp of our strength. This poem is dedicated to those of us who weather the storms that Life sometimes brings...

We get so caught up in the day-to-day business of survival that we strip ourselves of the miraculous happenings all around us. This poem is dedicated to those moments waiting to be noticed.

There comes a point in each life when we are reminded of the importance peace has to offer. Often times the non-stop chatter of the mind robs us of truly appreciating the moment we are in. This poem is dedicated to finding that peace within you.

There are moments of weakness when we allow others to steal our joy. This poem is dedicated to holding on to your blessings despite the ill wills you might see in the world.

There are lessons in this world that are so profound only the most sacred teachers can provide their instruction. This poem is dedicated to my teacher.

In life's most difficult times we rely on the reality that "this too shall pass." In those moments we can close our eyes and go back to a voice of innocence to rejuvenate our energies.

We live in a world that doesn't care about the world we live in. This poem is dedicated to Mother Earth as a call to action to remedy all the damage done.

Not many will take on the responsibility of caring for an elder loved one. In that missed opportunity they will deny themselves the beauty of a lesson in compassion.

This poem is dedicated to my Mom, an amazing woman who taught me so many of my Life lessons. It is dedicated to her memory and to the knowledge that she lives on within me every day.

For anyone who has ever lost a loved one, we know the journey to healing is a long and complicated one. This poem is an acknowledgement to every small step necessary to finding peace.

We all have moments of darkness, when our energies are low and the enemy gets a grasp of our strength. This poem is dedicated to those of us who weather the storms that Life sometimes brings...

We get so caught up in the day-to-day business of survival that we strip ourselves of the miraculous happenings all around us. This poem is dedicated to those moments waiting to be noticed.

There comes a point in each life when we are reminded of the importance peace has to offer. Often times the non-stop chatter of the mind robs us of truly appreciating the moment we are in. This poem is dedicated to finding that peace within you.

There are moments of weakness when we allow others to steal our joy. This poem is dedicated to holding on to your blessings despite the ill wills you might see in the world.

There are lessons in this world that are so profound only the most sacred teachers can provide their instruction. This poem is dedicated to my teacher.

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