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Book online «The Runaway Lover by Kyzyl Mhy (rocket ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Kyzyl Mhy

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Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine  


“Mommy!” Yohann greeted as he ran his way to her. 


Tina smiled and bent down to hug and carry her son. Yohann’s nose was a little reddish and there were hints of tears on his cheeks. 

“Why is my baby crying?” Tina asked while she wiped the traces of tears on his cheeks and rubbed his back to calm his sobs down.  

Yohann encircled his arms around her neck and rested his head on her shoulder, still slightly sobbing. Tina bit her lower lips as she felt a hint of guilt in her heart. She knows the reason why her son is crying – it's obviously because he woke up without her beside him.  

“Thank goodness!” Heart exclaimed. “If you arrived a minute late, I swear, I’ll probably be crying with him.” She added and chuckled.  

“How long has he been crying?” Tina replied.  

“After I brought him to drink a glass of water.” Heart answered. “He probably realized that I wasn’t his mommy.” She chuckled.  

Tina smiled and sighed. “Thanks for looking after him...”  

“I had to attend to some... errand.” She reasoned out.  




After taking a shower and dressing in my work clothes, I sat on my vanity chair and blow-dried my hair. Yohann on the other hand was just sitting on the bed while putting on a pair of socks on his own. I smiled. He was very focused on the task to sure that it was properly put on.  

“Do you need mommy’s help?” I sweetly asked after turning the blow dryer off and placing it back on its spot.  

He looked at me and shook his head. “No thanks, mommy! I’m already a big boy.” He proudly replied.  

I chuckled when I remembered how he cried a while ago.   

“Really?” I teasingly asked and he immediately nodded.  

“Then why did you cry a while ago?” I asked, and then he gave me a small pout.  

His chubby cheeks were somehow highlighted and I wanted to snap a photo of him. He looked cute in the white polo shirt with blue linings on the ends of the sleeves and the pair of blue checkered jumper shorts he was wearing.  

“... it was because I was scared.” He spoke in his little voice.  

Aww... my big baby boy. I took a deep breath and smiled before I stood up to go and pull him into an embrace. I then planted a kiss on his head. My baby boy smells like a sweet flower.  

“Why would you be scared?” I asked as I give his cheeks a slight pinch.  


“I was scared that mommy would leave just like daddy...” He replied.  


“Are you excited to go to your new school?” Tina asked Yohann who was sitting on his child seat. 

Yohann immediately nodded and raised both of his thumbs. “I am very excited, mommy!” He chirped. “I’m already a first grader!” He cheered. 

Tina smiled and chuckled. “That’s right! My baby boy is now a first grader!”  

“Can we buy a toy after school mommy?” Yohann asked.  

“Of course! Mommy will even take you to eat ice cream after!” Tina replied. 

Tina drove Yohann to his new school. The little boy was pretty excited so there wasn’t much crying. Coincidentally, she also happens to meet Kassie – because her sons also go to the same academy – so they went to grab a cup of coffee and have a small chat with each other. Most of their conversation was about what Yohann said this morning. 

“Well... that’s something that even I don’t expect to hear from a preschooler,” Kassie spoke. “Yohann sure is an intelligent boy.” She added.  

“I honestly feel bad, Kass.” Tina sighed.  

“I feel guilty...”  

“Don’t be... and it’s not too late to correct whatever was done wrong in the past,” Kassie replied and smiled. “His father offered you marriage, right?” She asked.  

Tina breathes out and nods. She was again reminded by the conversation she and Felix had two days ago.  

“Speaking of him... I was with him last night.” Tina confessed.  

Kassie’s eyes widened in surprise. She gasped and brought her hand to cover her mouth.   



“You slept with him again?!”   


“Y-Ya! It’s not like that!” Tina defended as she repeatedly shook her head and waved her hand to signal a ‘no’.  

“Oh? Then what did you mean to say?” Kassie asks after recovering from the surprise.  

Tina first took a sip from her coffee cup, and then took a deep breath. “You should have waited for me to explain first before you reacted.”   

Kassie smiled and raised her hand to show a peace sign. “Sorry... my imagination got ahead of me.”  

Then Tina went on to tell her friend what happened last night, including Felix’s childish antics. Kassie had a good amount of laughs while imagining how it went.  


“Really?” Kassie said in between her laughs. "Why does my husband not act like that?" She chuckled. 

"I don't think he's normal, Kass..." Tina replied. "He's so stubborn!" 

"Yeah... I can imagine how he blocked the door," Kassie chuckled. "... but something's a little off," Kassie added. 

Tina raised her brows as she gave her friend a puzzled look. "What?" 

"What's the name of this guy, again?" Kassie asked. 

"Felix Andrew Romanov," Tina answered. 

"Uhuh... how does this man look like again?" Kassie asked again. 

"Why?" Tina asked with curiosity. 

"Just answer the question," Kassie replied. 

Kassie looked intently into her friend's eyes. It was as if she was looking for something. Tina slightly looked away, she felt slight tension in Kassie's eyes. 

It took her quite some time to open her mouth and answer the question. She does not exactly understand what Kassie meant. Was she asking her to describe him? Or is there something else? 


“Is this Felix tall, and lean?” Kassie asked. 

“That’s right.” Tina nods. 

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