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Book online «The Runaway Lover by Kyzyl Mhy (rocket ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Kyzyl Mhy

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Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eleven 


Felix stayed inside Tina’s office for the whole day. He is supposed to meet clients and investors today but since her cannot – more like would not – go in person, he decided to meet them all virtually. Everything was going smooth, so a part of him wanted to make virtual meetings his ‘thing’, but some things are better talked about in person. 

The schedule was pretty hectic so, like usual, he missed his lunch. If it wasn’t for Tina’s entrance he would still probably go on and take more meetings without eating lunch. 



I looked at my wristwatch and saw that it was past three in the afternoon. I felt a little hungry since I barely finished my lunch because I was called to assist an emergency surgery – a cholecystectomy to be exact.  

I still have time to eat before I fetch Yohann from school, but assisting a surgery – making incisions and removing the gallbladder – somehow made me lose my appetite. 

I took a deep breath and looked at my reflection on the glass window. It was only then when I noticed that I was still wearing my surgical cap, so I carefully removed it. I smiled. This was a present that Yohann had given me during my birthday last year – he saved the little changes I gave him and my brother, Jasper, also helped and chipped it.  

I then walked into the locker room and placed the cap inside my locker along with the extra clothes that I prepared in case I had to stay in.  

“Are you off now, Doc?” Tiffany asked the moment I stepped inside of the room. She happens to be one of the nurses that were also part of the surgery. 

“Yes...” I nodded. “... I still have personal errands to attend to,” I said as I took my blouse off and changed into a fresh pair of white button-down shirt which I styled along with my black skinny jeans and white sneakers. 

“Oh! That explains the handsome hunk in your office then!” She chirped. “I have not personally seen him. I have only heard from the other nurses.” 

“I hope you enjoy your date night, doc!” She giggled. 

A handsome hunk?
Date night? 

I paused for a moment and glanced at her, and then I realized that she must be talking about Felix. I sighed. 

After the locker room, I walked my way to my office. As expected, I saw Felix sitting on my chair, it seemed like he was resting his eyes for a moment. He did look a little stressed out – the sleeves of his white dress shirt were rolled up to his elbow, his tie was a little loose, and his black business jacket was now resting on the wooden rack along with my bag and blazer. 

The whole office looked the same – neat and organized – except that he and his computer were there. Did he even eat lunch? I asked in my thoughts when I noticed that there was no single trace of food anywhere. 

He must have noticed my presence because he slowly opened his eyes and straightened his posture before turning to meet my gaze.  

“How long have you been there?” He asked in a calm voice. 

“Just a few seconds,” I replied as I walked my way to the rack to hang my doctor’s coat and take my blazer and bag. 

“Are we going to leave now?” He asked. 

“I am... but I don’t know about you,” I responded after I wore my blazer on and fix the strands of my hair while looking at the small mirror that was on the side of my desk. 

From my peripheral view, I could see that he was looking at me, watching my every move. It somehow made me feel a little cautious and conscious about my actions.  

“I’m going with you.” He spoke as he stood up and closed his laptop.  

“What if I tell you that you can’t?” I asked as I turned to look at him. 

He was standing a few feet away from me but I still felt intimidated as he towered over me. I am taller compared to the average woman – 5'7 to be exact – and if I were to stand beside him, I’d say I’ll still need a 3-inches high heel for the tip of my head to reach the level of his ear.  

Will Yohann grow up to be as tall as him too?  

“I’m still going...” He answered and yawned. 

“You should probably just go home and take some rest,” I replied before turning my back on him and attempting to walk to the door. 

“No.” He said as he held my arm to stop me and pull me close to him. 

I felt my back bump with his muscular chest as his arms encircled around me and his chin rested on my shoulder. I could hear his breath and somehow, I could feel my heart beginning to race again. 

Lub dub lub dub lub dub... 

“Stop... trying to push me away so that you can run.” He whispered into my ear. 

“Goodbye Teacher!” The students said in unison before they stood up from their seats and formed a line to exit the classroom in an orderly manner. 

Everyone was very excited to show their parents the stars that they have received in exchange for actively participating in class. 

“Yohann, will you be going to my house on Sunday?” Asked Ravi, Kassie’s son. 

“I’ll ask mommy if I can!” Yohann smiled and replied.  

“If you can’t then I’ll be the one to go your house!” Ravi proposed. 

“Then we’ll play with my bears!” Yohann nodded. 


Tina was biting her lower lip the whole time as she walked her way inside the school premises to fetch Yohann; meanwhile, Felix stayed inside the car and waited for her to come back. 

“Mommy!” Yohann chirped as he ran his way to her. 

“Aww... my baby,” Tina replied as she slightly bent down to hug and give the boy a kiss on the cheek. 

“I got five stars because I answered the teacher’s questions!” Yohann proudly announced as he showed her the stars that were pinned on his shirt jack. 

For a moment, the worries that she was feeling a while ago disappeared when she saw her son. 

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