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Book online «Bad Boy Fell Hard by Mushabe Melisa (all ebook reader txt) 📖». Author Mushabe Melisa

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Chapter 22

Emotional blackmail. The use of guilt, fear and obligation to control and manipulate another person, which in this case is happening to me.

When I arrived at school with Ryder, he walked me to my locker and the entire school was shocked to see us together, trust me and so was I. I don't get why he is suddenly interested in spending time with me, it's weird.

After he was gone, someone #my blackmailer sent me a text;

Unknown: Stay away from Ryder or else......

Me; Or else what!!

Unknown; I have some information about you that will be sent to the entire school.

Which information could this asshole be talking about? There is nothing big to know about me. I'm just plain old me.

Me; Send it, I don't really care!!

I picked my books from the locker and tossed them in my bag, then the blackmailer sent another text.

Unknown; So I should tell the school about Seth and what you did to Allison?

When I got this text, I froze and tossed my phone in my back pocket and walked to class quickly. I didn't know exactly how to respond to that. How did this black mailer know this, this is something that I left in Seattle

This is where I am now. My heart is beating against my chest rapidly, my hands are shaking, and my blood has turned cold. I'm thinking about the blackmail. I don't really know what I should do, but one thing for sure is that I am not sharing this burden with anyone.

"Nora." Melisa snaps her fingers in front of my face trying to get my attention.

"Yes." I respond while turning and giving her my full attention.

"The hell? I was trying to get your attention for the last ten minutes." She scowls.

"I'm sorry, I was just thinking about....." I look for what to say, "ummm...... the party this weekend." I say nervously. Someone who knows me very well knows that I don't get nervous so they won't believe me.

Melisa looks at me like she doesn't believe me but just lets it go for now, "What's wrong with it?" She asks, still looking suspicious.

"Umm... it's just that I don't like parties." I say.

"We shall be with you throughout the party." She assures me and I smile at her, though it's forced. 

Second period was fine, I just tried my best to avoid Ryder and gave him the cold shoulder. He wasn't buying it though, he could tell there was something up. Another weird thing was that Dannon was giving me the cold shoulder for a reason unknown to me. I turned and asked him for a calculator during calculus, since I forgot mine in my locker and he just ignored me and refused to help.

It's now lunch time and I am heading towards the cafeteria. A hand grabs my wrist and another covers my mouth from behind, I already know this is Ryder because of his cologne, I have actually grown fond of it, mainly because of the time he spends around me.

He pulls me into the chemistry lab which is vacant at the moment, then removes his hand from my mouth, then pulls me close to his chest, like really close that I can hear him breathe.

"What do you want?" I ask while staring in his eyes. His eyes were the ocean, so full of life yet so uncertain. The blue-green hue carried his emotional currents, and before I could breathe I was drown. I was drowning in his eyes and I couldn't come out. Somehow, looking into his eyes comforted me and assured me that all was going to be fine, but I knew otherwise.

"Why are you avoiding me and giving me the cold shoulder?" He asks with his deep handsome voice.

"Why do you care? I mean, we are not even friends." I say while looking away from his eyes. Why does he care so much about what happens to me, isn't he supposed to throw a party because of my misery?

"Yeah, but you're my acquaintance." He says while shrugging as if what he just said makes sense.

"So?" I ask with a raised brow.

"Okay, look I care and I can tell you're hurting inside and I wanna help." Mr. Bad boy says.

"Why?" I ask while staring into his captivating eyes. He sighs, "I'm just drawn to you, I want you and I want to more about you. You are like this sealed box that I want to open and discover more." Ryder admits and I am completely taken aback by his response. I open my mouth to let out some words but nothing comes out, my brain has completely frozen and is trying to buy a dictionary in one of the shops in my brain.

Does this mean he likes me?

"I - I'm sorry but I can't" I say while freeing myself from his grasp and running out of the room. I head to the cafeteria running very quickly, buy an apple and a bottle of water and approach the table where the girls are.

I sit and take out my bottle of water, take a sip and drown myself in thoughts. Was Ryder being honest? I mean, he is a player and all, but i saw an emotion in his eyes that showed a lot of care and sincerity. But why does he care all of a sudden? I don't know if I share the same emotions as him or not, I'm just consumed right now but this blackmailer. I mean he or she just told me to stay away from Ryder so I gotta keep to that.

I am not supposed to be affected by this blackmail or any for that matter, but this one is private information that I don't want the entire school to know about.

"Nora!" Amelia shakes me, snapping me out of my trance. I almost forgot there is reality, aside from my thoughts. I just wish our thoughts would come to reality.

"Yes." I turn to my friends giving them all my attention, they all have worried expressions on their faces.

"You've been zoning out a lot lately." Melisa says while taking a sip from her water bottle.

"Yeah, and you look worried, scared and confused" Pat says.

"Did Ryder do this to you?" Carol asks.

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