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Book online «Bad Boy Fell Hard by Mushabe Melisa (all ebook reader txt) 📖». Author Mushabe Melisa

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Chapter 23

Ryder grabs a hold of my hand and leads me out of the cafeteria, I free myself from his grasp and he grabs both my hands, now it looks like I am under arrest. If the blackmailer saw this, I don't think he or she is that happy to see us together.

"Why the hell wouldn't you tell me this?" Ryder asks immediately he approaches the classroom. Jason stays behind the door to warn us in case anyone comes.

"As I said before, we are not even friends." I say while shrugging. Why does he care so much?

"Let me see the texts he sent you." He asks completely ignoring what I had said before.

"NO! And why do you care so much?" I ask, voicing my thoughts and he completely ignores me. He grabs a hold of my waist with his strong grip and pulls me towards him, closing the gap. He buries his head in the side of my neck and breathes in, his warm breath tickling my skin making me grow weak. I grab a hold of his shoulders for support, feeling myself turn into goo. He reaches for my back pocket and takes out my phone.

Oh! He is good!

He opens my phone and removes the password, how does he know my password? I always knew he is my obsessed stalker.

"Wait, how do you know my password?" I ask with curiosity.

"I'm a bad boy." He says like that's supposed to explain anything, what a doofus!

"Fine, give me back my phone." I say while raising my hand up to get it. He raises his hands high making it even harder for me to get it.

"Done." Ryder says then hands me my phone after doing God knows what.

"What did you do?" I ask while seeing through my phone, everything is perfectly fine. There is no change, he cleared everything he had done, what the hell did he do?

"I sent the blackmail to my phone and reported it to the police using both phones." He says while keeping his phone that he had taken out and walking towards me holding onto my waist, "Don't you even think about staying away from me." He whispers into my ear, giving me the chills. He kisses the soft spot on my ear causing me to quiver and take a deep breath. He smirks against my skin, knowing his effect and walks away.

"By the way, you and I are meeting after school to see the police station." Ryder says with a serious look and heads out of the room.

What the hell just happened? Why does he care so much and why do I get these weird feelings when he comes close or touches me?

Unknown; i see you've been with Ryder.

I receive a text from the blackmailer after the last period of the day, but this time, it's a different number.

Me; Yeah. Soo??

I text back quickly and head outside of the school building with Pat.

"Any plans for the rest of today?" Pat asks.

"Yeah, Ryder and I have to go to the police station." I say and quickly cover my mouth with wide eyes realizing what I had done. The girls have no idea I am meeting Ryder after school, well except Pat.

"Awwww..." Pat coos earning an eye roll from me.

"It's not a big deal, we just have to go to the police station and report the black mail." I say as we walk down the stairs.

"Wait, but why with him?" Pat asks

I sigh, "He offered to do so after the cafeteria scene and he said he wouldn't allow me to stay away from him." I say with an eye roll expecting a dramatic moment from Pat.

"Awwww... You two are so cute. As I said before, you will have beautiful babies." Pat says and I roll my eyes at her again.

"And as I also said before, there will be no babies." I say.

"Anyway, talk to you later, gotta get home." Pat hugs me which I return, and she heads to her car.

"Ready to go." Ryder says from behind me startling me and causing me to jump holding my heart in a dramatic way.

"Don't do that! You scared the hell out of me." I say while looking at him wide eyed realizing something.

"We shouldn't be together like this. What if the blackmailer sees us together?" I say while trying to keep a distance between us.

"I don't care about what that motherf*****. That will be handled after we meet at the police station." Ryder says while putting his arm around my shoulder. I smack it away quickly.

"Personal space, 'friend'." I say while air quoting the 'friend' part.

"I'm sorry but I don't know what that means." He says while walking to the other side of the car without opening the door for me. What a gentleman!

Please note the sarcasm.

"Only you can tell." I scoff while opening the car door myself and taking a seat.

"Hey, can I ask a question?" I ask him as he starts the car and drives out of the parking lot. "You already did." He shrugs with a playful smirk.

"Ha ha ha, very funny." I say. "Anyway, why do you care so much about all that's happening to me?" I ask.

Before he replies which I doubt he was going to do, my text ringtone goes off. I open my phone and it's a text from the blackmailer.

Unknown; You leave me no choice.

The blackmailer also sends a picture of a newspaper with information on Allison's death with all the blame on me. It also has information of Seth's death with the blame again on me. This is so stupid, why would you send all this information to the school, I mean it's not even true? What will he or she benefit from all of this?

Ryder notices my damp mood and asks, "What's wrong?"

"It's just a threat text from the blackmailer." I say and his grip on the wheel tightens, making his knuckles go white.

"Do you have like any crazy exs or obsessed fans?" I ask and the first thing that comes to my head is Mariella. Could she have done this? I mean she doesn't even know any of this but she could have searched it.

"I think so." Ryder shrugs and glances at me from the side for a brief second, "Same question goes to you?"

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