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Book online «Bad Boy Fell Hard by Mushabe Melisa (all ebook reader txt) 📖». Author Mushabe Melisa

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Chapter 25

What a morning! It's now lunch time and i have just told the girls what happened with Ryder, Dannon and Mariella. I am just confused, out of all people, Why Dannon? I didn't even think he would do such a thing.

That explains why he was giving me the cold shoulder but was it necessary? Why would he do all this? I was at first affected by all this blackmail but the fact that they had wrong information about me just made me not to care at all. As in, why be bothered by something not true about you?

"Ryder really cares about you, you know?" Carol says.

"And i still don't understand why he is doing all of this. Yesterday he mentioned how he is drawn to me which confused me even more." I say while taking a bite of my sandwich. Drawn to me, I'm not that foolish. I understand what it means but I don't want to understand.

Melisa and Pat gasp and look at each other as if they have found out an answer to an equation. Please don't say it, please don't say it.

"He likes you dummy." Melisa says while slapping me on top of my head.

"Oww." I say as I hit her back. "Oww." She says back which gives me the satisfaction that she has felt the pain.

Ha! There she said it. I wish to believe this is not true but a lot has happened right in front of my eyes and I don't know if I can deny it.

"How and why?" I ask them but the question looks like it's directed to me. Like seriously, is it his way of pranking me? I'm so confused and of course I can't just go up to him and ask him. It would be so awkward.

Hey Ryder, so do you like me? I've seen so many signs from you and I just want to clarify.

Okay, that would be so weird considering he might start laughing at me for falling for the prank like last time.

Pat sighs, "He helped you to report the blackmail issue, he always wants to be around you, he sang for you the song, 'One thing', he drove you to Amelia's place and came to pick you up even though he was the one that pranked you, he hasn't been seen with any girl ever since you came, he is quite protective over you, he looks at you like a lovesick puppy and he is even looking at you now." Pat says while looking behind me.

I turn around and Ryder quickly looks back at his table, of course he had been looking this way. Were Pat and Melisa right? I mean does he like me? But even though he likes me, why? Why does he like me? I don't even think I like him that way or even like him at all. He has helped me a lot but that doesn't mean I like him. I appreciate it all but I don't share that emotion.

"Guys, all this has happened too quickly and I don't want another heart break, been there and I don't want to go back. Especially from a player like him." I say with a deep sigh.

"We understand, don't worry. We shall not force you into anything and we shall always respect your decisions as a friend. But not all decisions, I mean the naughty ones." Amelia says with a playful wink which makes all of us to laugh.

"Don't wink again, we all know you are not good at it." Carol says while laughing as Amelia scowls at her.

"Mean!" Amelia drawls out which makes us all to burst out laughing again.

The party is in three hours, we all had to meet up at Melisa's house to prepare. This is how it all happened;

"Guys, I am not going to that party," Amelia said as she walked away from us.

"Neither am I, I bought myself my own skittles so I am good." I said as I followed her. Out of nowhere, a muscular hand came from behind me and put a cloth on my nose. That was not Ryder's scent so probably a kidnapper. I breathed in the scent and after that, darkness covered all the place. I passed out.

And now I am at Melisa's place. She had hired two men to do all that. Amelia and I were very angry when we found out what happened. Amelia even gave them a lecture about, 'Kidnapping.' They apologized and promised to make it up to us with a weekend at a Melisa's family beach house.

We are now getting ready for the party. Melisa chose the theme as 'black' for all of us, whatever we were dressed in had to be black. Pat did my makeup which I didn't want to put on my face. She actually applied it very well, I looked good. A smoky eye shadow with a bit eyeliner and some nude lip gloss which looked very nice. My outfit was a short lace black dress

My outfit was a short lace black dress

Melisa's outfit.

Melisa's outfit        

Carol's outfit

Carol's outfit

Pat's outfit.

Amelia's outfit

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