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Book online «The Runaway Lover by Kyzyl Mhy (rocket ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Kyzyl Mhy

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Chapter Twenty Eight

Chapter Twenty-Eight


"A-I think... I'm getting there." Tina whispered.

Felix's heart started to pound fast. It still is not clear as to what Tina was talking about, but a part of him felt joyous and excited. He did not want to assume things, but he can't deny that his hopes were starting to go up. He then took a deep breath to calm and compose himself. 

"Getting where?" He calmly asked while he slowly loosened his hold of her so she could turn and look at him.

Both of them were feeling a little nervous - Tina bowed her head down as she slightly bit her lower lip, while Felix was trying his best to stay calm and not raise his expectation. 

You got to calm down man. He said to himself. 

I know you love her, but you should still try to not get your heart broken. His inner self spoke. Then he sighed.

"It's fine..." He half-heartedly smiled. "You don't have to say it now, I can wait..."

And just when he was about to shift his focus on the big screen, Tina called his name and spoke.

"I'm getting there," she said as she raised her head to meet with his gaze.

"I think I'm falling for you..."

Felix's heart jumped in glee. If their son was not sitting close to them, he would have already rewarded her with a passionate kiss. He pretty much wanted to jump in glee, but he tried his best to not cause any unwanted attention. She still hasn't said the three words yet but hearing her say that she was getting there somehow made him feel like the happiest man in the universe.

"If our son was not watching, I would have already pulled you into a kiss," He whispered in her ear as he leaned his forehead to her after planting a kiss on her cheek. 

Tina immediately looked in their son's direction and saw that he was innocently watching them. She then felt her cheeks heat up. Being carried away by her feelings somehow made her forgot about the fact that it wasn't just the two of them.

"What is mommy and daddy talking about?" Yohann asked. "Can I join too?" He added as he scooted closer to his mom. 

"Mommy was just telling Daddy how much he loves him," Felix chuckled in reply. 

Excitement grew in the little boy's eyes. "Really Daddy?!" He chirped. "Does that mean we can finally stay in one house?" He asked with pure excitement and enthusiasm.

The thought of living in one house and being close to them every day also fired up Felix's excitement, but then Tina spoke.

"Maybe not yet love..." Tina spoke and caressed her son's hair. 



I hate myself for breaking my son's happy bubble. I did not mean to do that. Living with Felix? We'll eventually get to that point, but just not yet now. I still must talk to my brother about things - about Felix.

I sighed. 

The movie had ended and we were now on our way to the parking lot. Felix was carrying our sleepy son with one hand, while he used the other to hold mine. My eyes then drifted down to our intertwined fingers. It seems to perfectly fit with each other, and I love the warm feeling of having his palm touching mine. I suddenly found myself looking forward to the day when I will no longer have to let go of his hand.

I felt a little disheartened when Felix had to let go of my hand to reach for the car keys which were in his pocket. He should have just asked me to get it for him so he wouldn’t have to let go of my hand. I then blushed when I realized that I was starting to sound clingy.

I slightly bit my lower lip as I mentally slapped myself. Gosh, Tina! Get a hold of yourself!

Little by little, I was starting to space out, but I was immediately pulled back to reality when Felix spoke.

“Schatz, would you please open the back door for me?” He politely asked.

I nodded and granted his request. Then he carefully laid our son down on the back seat. I watched how he tried his best to make sure that our son was comfortable– he even took his coat off and used it to act as a blanket for Yohann. I smiled. He may have not been with us during our son’s firsts, but I can see that how he’s trying his best to make up for all the time that was lost, and just by watching how he does that, I can say that he’s a good dad.

“You’re staring again, Schatz,” He chuckled after glancing in my direction.

“Is it bad?” I asked and raised my brow.

After making sure that Yohann was all cozy, he closed the back door before opening the door to the front seat and gestured for me to go in.

“Of course not,” He smiled. “I doubt that you know but before I met you, one thing that I hated the most was being stared at,” he chuckled.

“I don’t like having people’s attention at me, and then I met you – the only woman whose center of attention is I only want to be me,” he said as he slowly leaned close to me, trapping me between his arms, leaning me against the side of the car.

“How do you do that, Schatz?” He asked almost like a whisper as he slowly shooed the distance between our faces. I could feel my heart beating fast. “I’m so smitten with you…”

Oh my gosh! We’re about to make out in a public place! He’s going to kiss me!

I just found myself closing my eyes while anticipating for his lips to touch mine but to my dismay, instead of kissing me in the lips, he chose to kiss my forehead. I then opened my eyes and looked at him. He chuckled.

“What’s wrong, Schatz?” He asked. “Why are you glaring at me?”

Instead of answering him, I just rolled my eyes and made my way inside the car.

Why am I feeling so pissed?

Oh, dear! What’s wrong with me? Why do I feel like I’m getting a little moody?


Tina was silent for the whole ride. Aside from she was pissed because of what happened earlier, she was trying to figure out what was wrong with her. From time to time Felix would glance at her with hopes that she would look at him too, but it did not happen.

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