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Book online «The Runaway Lover by Kyzyl Mhy (rocket ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Kyzyl Mhy

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Author’s note: Before anything else, first I would like to thank every one of you for supporting Tina and Felix’s story (this book) and as well as the first two books of the series and my other works. I feel overwhelmed by your support. I hope you continue to be with me in my future works. Second, I would like to apologize for the grammatical and typographical errors.

As much as I want to continue and add more chapters to this book, I can’t do that because the outline that I wrote is only good for 29 chapters, plus the synopsis and epilogue. Hehe. I can’t promise you anything for my schedule is a little busy because of school, but I’ll try to make special chapters. And besides, you can still hear about Tina and Felix in the future books for the series.

And without further ado, I give you the Epilogue.




Five years later…


Tina could not do anything but smile as she stared at the beautiful, framed family portrait that was displayed on the wall right across their home’s grand staircase. She felt very proud and happy, seeing how well the picture turned out – it gave off a simple yet fun vibe. It perfectly captured the personality of each family member.

In the picture, Felix and Tina were both sitting on a white and gold-accented cabriole sofa. Felix’s arm was holding her tiny waist with a hint of a smile on his face as his eyes were focused on her while she was holding their four-year-old daughter, Sofia Annalise, who was sitting on her lap with her little arms crossed in front of her chest while she glared at the camera. She obviously wasn’t in the mood for picture day. Clint Ashton, Sofia’s twin, can then be seen standing on the side of the sofa while showing off his toy car to the camera. Yohann on the other hand, who was now eleven years old, was standing behind the sofa, leaning towards his brother with a bright and happy smile plastered on his lips.


“There you are. . .” Felix lovingly embraced his wife from behind before planting a kiss on her shoulder.

“Where else would I be?” Tina chuckled in reply before she slowly turned around to face her husband. “Are the twins already dressed?” she asked as she fixed her husband’s slightly crooked tie.

“I love it when you fix my tie,” Felix smiled and kissed after swiftly stealing a kiss from her lips, “. . . and even if you don’t, I love you. Every bit of you, Schatz,” He added.

“Ich liebe Sie auch,” Tina replied with a smile.

“D*mn . . .” Felix cussed and chuckled, “. . . having you speak German while telling me you love me too hits hard,” He added.

Tina just rolled her eyes and let out a small chuckle, “We should get going now or else we’ll be late.”

“I suddenly just want to ditch the party and make love to you,” Felix replied, making Tina’s eyes widen in surprise and her cheeks heat up.

“Ya! I told you don’t say things like those!” She glared at him. “What if the children hear you?!”

“Don’t worry, Schatz. . .” Felix spoke in a playful tone, “. . . they’re busy watching cartoons, so they probably won’t notice that we’re not with them,” He winked making her cheeks blush harder, then he burst into a laugh causing him to earn a pinch from Tina.

“Ouch! My abs!” He groaned.

“That’s what you get for teasing me!” Tina said before she turned her back on him and walked her way to where their children were at.




“Let me watch! Let me watch!” Sofia squealed as she tried her best to squeeze herself beside her twin brother.

“Sofia, you should say ‘please’ . . .” Yohann lectured her sister. “. . .  and shouting is bad. So, don’t shout, okay?” He added.

Time sure flies fast. Witnessing how Yohann taught and corrected his sibling’s actions. Made me feel mix of feelings of being proud, happy, and a little bit of sadness. Watching him looking after the twins, made me feel so proud and proud. He’s just eleven, but he already developed a good sense of responsibility and a mature mindset – and knowing that made me feel sad because it just means that he won’t be needing me that much anymore. My baby boy was slowly turning into a man.

“Clint, let me watch please. . .” Sofia politely approached her twin brother. “I want to watch Princess Barbie,” she added.

Five years ago, Felix and I got married. I could still clearly recall that day because it was one of the happiest days in my life. Felix’s mom was the one who planned it all. I really did not expect much, since I told her that a simple wedding was enough. Little did I know that she the word ‘simple’ and ‘grand’ was synonymous in her vocabulary. I was honestly stunned. The whole place was well planned and decorated. It almost felt like it was a scene that was taken out from the movies. Every one of my friends was there to witness as my dream of walking down the aisle as a bride finally came true. I remember crying while I recited my vows. I was three months pregnant with the twins by that time, so I got a little too emotional.

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